29 research outputs found

    Supervivencia e infectividad de formas metacíclicas de Trypanosoma cruzi en alimentos experimentalmente contaminados

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    Se registra el tiempo de supervivencia de formas metacíclicas de Trypanosoma cruzi, obtenidas del tracto digestivo de Rhodnius prolixus, sobre alimentos contaminados experimentalmente. Observaciones entre 1h y 18h post-contaminación revelaron la presencia de abundantes y activos metacíclicos en los alimentos contaminados durante las primeras 6 horas, declinando la población de los mismos sobre la décima hora. La actividad de las formas metacíclicas no mostró diferencias en alimentos contaminados en fase sólida o líquida. Asimismo, se demuestra la alta infectividad de metacíclicos de T. cruzi que sobreviven en alimento contaminado luego de ser ingeridos por un hospedador [email protected]@hotmail.co

    Supervivencia e infectividad de formas metacíclicas de Trypanosoma cruzi en alimentos experimentalmente contaminados

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    Publicado en el Boletín de Malariología y Salud Ambiental Vol. XLIX, Nº 1, Enero-Julio, 2009Se registra el tiempo de supervivencia de formas metacíclicas de Trypanosoma cruzi, obtenidas del tracto digestivo de Rhodnius prolixus, sobre alimentos contaminados experimentalmente. Observaciones entre 1h y 18h post-contaminación revelaron la presencia de abundantes y activos metacíclicos en los alimentos contaminados durante las primeras 6 horas, declinando la población de los mismos sobre la décima hora. La actividad de las formas metacíclicas no mostró diferencias en alimentos contaminados en fase sólida o líquida. Asimismo, se demuestra la alta infectividad de metacíclicos de T. cruzi que sobreviven en alimento contaminado luego de ser ingeridos por un hospedador [email protected]

    Nuevos casos agudos de enfermedad de Chagas en el Occidente de Venezuela

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    Chagas en pacientes procedentes de regiones endémicas de los estados Barinas (7) y Trujillo (2) al occidente de Venezuela, 2 de los cuales (22%) fueron fatales. Se dan detalles clínicos, seroparasitológicos y moleculares en cada caso, y se discuten aspectos ecoepidemiológicos. Se concluye sobre la transmisión activa de Trypanosoma cruzi en estas regiones y se clama por el establecimiento de una política de estado para el control de la enfermedad de Chagas en [email protected]@hotmail.comNine new cases of acute Chagas disease in patients from Barinas and Trujillo states in Western Venezuela are presented. Two out of the 9 studied cases (22%) were fatal. Clinical, sero-parasitologic, molecular and eco-epidemiologic details are discussed. The present report allowed us to conclude about the active Trypanosoma cruzi transmission in Venezuela. Recommendation to establish control of Chagas disease as a policy of state is given

    Trypanosoma cruzi congenital transmission in wild bats

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    Trypanosoma cruzi congenital transmission in wild bats (Molossus molossus), associated with infected Rhodnius prolixus in a natural habitat from a rural locality in western Venezuela, is reported. T. cruzi blood circulating trypomastigotes in a pregnant batwere detected by parasitologicalmethods. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays carried out in samples from the heart and the fetus of the same infected female, revealed the presence of T. cruzi-specific DNA in both of the tissues, demonstrating transmission of the infection from the mother to the offspring. Eighty percent of the captured bats and 100% of the examined fetuses frompregnant specimenswere shownto be infected by T. cruzi, indicating that M. molossus is a very susceptible species for this parasite, and that T. cruzi congenital transmission is a common phenomenon in nature. To our knowledge, this seems to be the first report on congenital T. cruzi transmission in wild bats in Venezuela. The circulation of T. cruzi lineage I in the study areawas demonstrated by typing the isolates from bats and triatomine bugs captured in the same habitat. The potential epidemiological implication of these findings in areas where Chagas disease is endemic is discussed.78–[email protected]@[email protected]

    Update on Chagas disease in Venezuela - A review

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    The present article reviews the status of Chagas disease in Venezuela based on the detection of Trypanosoma cruzi infections both in referred patients with clinical presumptive diagnosis (1988-2002) and in individuals sampled from rural localities representative of the different geographical regions of the country (1995-2002). In the former group from 306 individuals examined, 174 (56.8%) were seropositive to T. cruzi; 73 (42%) in the acute phase with 52 (71%) showing blood circulating parasites, and from these 38% were children under 10 years old. The other 101 (58%) showed chronic infection at different degrees of cardiac complication. In addition, serologic examination of 3835 individuals from rural areas revealed 11.7% seroprevalence. From these, 8.5% (38/448) were children aged from 0 to 10 years old. These figures suggest that Chagas disease may be re-emerging in Venezuela judging for the active transmission detected during the last decade. The success of the Venezuelan anti-chagasic campaign during the last 40 years is evaluated in the frame of the present results. The epidemiological situation is discussed and recommendation to consider Chagas disease as a national priority is [email protected]@[email protected]

    Evaluation of conventional serological tests for the diagnosis of American cutaneous Leishmaniasis

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    Three serological tests (ELISA, IFAT, DAT) were evaluated using sera from selected individuals with different American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) clinical conditions. Reactivity in at least 2 of the 3 named tests was established as a criterion for declaring a patient as sero-positive. Prior to serological testing, people were diagnosed by clinical (presence of lesion = pl or scar=Sc), parasitological (presence of parasites =pp), immunological (LST) and molecular (PCR) methods. For a statistical comparison of the evaluated tests 4 groups of people were made up: 1) patients with active leishmanial lesion (n=44; pl, pp, +LST, +PCR); 2) patients who had recovered from leishmanial infection (n=43; Sc, +LST, +PCR); 3) asymptomatic individuals from endemic areas showing evidence of having contacted Leishmania-parasites (n=40; +LST, +PCR) and 4) Leishmania-negative people from the above localities where leishmaniasis is endemic and living under the same risk conditions, considered as healthy controls (n=104; -LST, -PCR). Considering the above-established criteria for sero-positives, the analysis of the results obtained with the 3 tests employed revealed very low sensitivity values. Seropositive figures of 50% were recorded for the first group, 9% for the second group, and 12.5% for the third group. Statistical analysis also revealed a low positive predictive value (PPV=0.73), a low negative predictive value (NPV=0.49), and a low kappa coefficient value (k=0.114). The present results raise questions about the use of the 3 conventional serological tests compared here to detect ACL at any clinical [email protected]@[email protected]

    Primoinfección por Trypanosoma cruzi previene re-infecciones severas en ratones

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    Publicado en el Boletín de Malariología y Salud Ambiental Vol. LI, Nº 2, Agosto-Diciembre, 2011Se evalúa el efecto de reinoculaciones por Trypanosoma cruzi en ratones experimentalmente infectados. De un total de 200 ratones que fueron infectados por vía intradérmica con un inóculo de 5x103 tripomastigotes metacíclicos provenientes de especimenes de Rhodnius prolixus, 52 sobrevivieron a la primo-infección luego de 23 semanas. De estos 45 fueron re-inoculados en la misma forma como en la infección primaria y siete fueron utilizados como controles infectados no re-inoculados. Observaciones sistemáticas llevadas a cabo en muestras de los ratones re-inoculados revelaron parasitemias significativamente menores que las detectadas durante la primo-infección. La evaluación serológica no mostró diferencias en los niveles de IgM e IgG entre ratones primo-infectados y los re-inoculados. Observaciones histopatológicas no mostraron cambios atribuibles al efecto de las re-inoculaciones en muestras de corazón y músculo esquelético. Una tasa similar de mortalidad fue observada en ratones primo-infectados, re-inoculados y controles infectados. Se concluye que re-inoculaciones con T. cruzi en ratones previamente infectados con el mismo parásito no producen reactivación de la infección similar al típico cuadro agudo. Asimismo, se sugiere que la primo-infección por T. cruzi previene una reinfección severa estableciendo un estado de protección y resistencia a subsecuentes infecciones. Se discuten las implicaciones epidemiológicas de los presentes [email protected] effect of Trypanosoma cruzi re-inoculations on experimentally infected mice was evaluated. Mice received a primary infection by intradermal inoculation of 5x103 T. cruzi metacyclic infective forms from laboratory infected Rhodnius prolixus. From 200 mice initially infected, 52 survived the course of the infection during 23 weeks. From these, 45 mice were re-inoculated and seven used as infected control. Two re-inoculations were performed using the same conditions as in the prime-infection. Observations on re-inoculated mice revealed a parasitemia level lower than that detected during the primary-infection. Serologic evaluation showed no variation in the immunoglobulin profile, maintaining similar IgM and IgG levels after re-inoculations. Similar mortality rates were observed in primary-infected, re-inoculated and infected control mice. No remarkable histopathological changes attributable to re-inoculation were detected. These results lead us to conclude that T. cruzi re-inoculation in mice previously infected with the same parasite does not produce a reactivation of infection similar to the typical acute clinical or immunological profiles. This also suggests that T. cruzi primary infection may prevent severe re-infection, establishing a protective stage making infected mice resistant to a second infection. Epidemiological implications of the present findings are discussed

    Infected dogs as a risk factor in the transmission of human Trypanosoma cruzi infection in western Venezuela

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    A total of 565 mongrel dogs from rural localities of Venezuela were examined by serological (DAT, IFAT and ELISA) and parasitological tests to address the status of Trypanosoma cruzi infection and to evaluate their role in the transmission of the infection to human population. The overall percentage of sero-positive infected dogs shown to be 67.6% (382/565):253 (61.7%) from 47 villages belonging to 8 states located at 4 different geographical regions of western Venezuela and 129 (33.5%) dogs from 48 households located in areas where Chagas disease is endemic. From 101 sampled dogs living in close proximity to 30 acute chagasic patients, 84% expressed specific anti-T. cruzi antibodies (Ab) with 12 of them (14%) showing blood circulating parasites (BCP). In these houses a high proportion of sero-positive people (20%) and frequent indoor infestation by triatomine-bugs (70%) was also recorded. The analysis revealed that from the 47 rural villages sampled during the study, 91.5% had the presence of T. cruzi sero-positive dogs, ranging from 62% positive localities at the states of Falcon and Cojedes to 100% in the other six studied Venezuelan states. This demonstrates that T. cruzi-infected dogs are found throughout all the geographical regions of western Venezuela irrespective of their ecological differences. Molecular typing of T. cruzi isolates from infected dogs using ribosomal and mini-exon gene markers, revealed the presence of both T. cruzi I and T. cruzi II lineages. The coincidence in the circulation of T. cruzi II in dog and human populations at the same locality and at the same time is reported and its significance is discussed. The combined serological, parasitological, epidemiological and molecular data is gathered here to call the attention on the presence of infected dogs as a risk factor in the maintenance of T. cruzi as a source for infection to humans.274 - [email protected]@[email protected]

    Trypanosoma cruzi persistence at oral inflammatory foci in chronic chagasic patients

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    Publicado en la Revista Acta Tropical Vol. 117 (2011)The persistence of Trypanosoma cruzi in seropositive individuals, previously diagnosed as chronic chagasic patients (CCP), was detected for the first time in biopsies taken from gingival inflammatory foci processed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Seven out of 31 (22.5%) gum samples from selected unquestionably CCP showing different degrees of gingival inflammation revealed T. cruzi-DNA using 3 specific PCR assays. All the included CCP had been diagnosed in previous studies carried out over the last 19 years. Samples of inflamed gums were recently taken from the indicated patients at: an outpatient hospital cardiac unit; a village where Chagas disease is endemic; and a specialized diagnostic research center, showing molecular evidence of parasite persistence in 17.6%, 42.8% and 14.3% of them, respectively. The relatively frequent parasite persistence, demonstrated here in oral inflammatory processes of treated and/or untreated patients bearing long term T. cruzi-infection, suggests the establishment of secondary small foci for the maintenance of hidden or inapparent chagasic infection. The easy and low-risk, non-invasive method to get the sample may add the use of gingival biopsy as a potential alternative diagnostic tool to confirm T. cruzi-infection in CCP. The significance of T. cruzi persistence as a primary cause of chronic Chagas disease and the proposal of this mechanism to explain the pathogenesis in CCP are considered.207–[email protected]