1 research outputs found

    Interactive narrative in video games

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    A main characteristic of a part of the videogame industry is the search for realism inside the games. Through the years, graphics, animations and scenery have become more and more like the real world. And so has adapted the narrative to it, getting everchanging, adapting to the players interaction with its surroundings. But there is still a long way to go. In this thesis, we have analysed four videogames with a high narrative interactivity variance to see how games in different genres adapt. Then, with its main strong points, developing a way to generalize these methods of adaptation and putting them together to make the feel much more realistic and natural. By using a content analysis methodology, we try to break down those games in pieces so it’s easier to extract the data from them. As a result of the analysis and posterior work with the data, developed one method that joins them in one single interactive narrative methodology to implement in games. This has obviously to be adjusted to the videogame it’s being included in but it’s a good start to determine a direction for a first step towards that realism talked about earlie