11 research outputs found

    Streaming algorithms for evaluating noisy judges on unlabeled data -- binary classification

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    The evaluation of noisy binary classifiers on unlabeled data is treated as a streaming task: given a data sketch of the decisions by an ensemble, estimate the true prevalence of the labels as well as each classifier's accuracy on them. Two fully algebraic evaluators are constructed to do this. Both are based on the assumption that the classifiers make independent errors. The first is based on majority voting. The second, the main contribution of the paper, is guaranteed to be correct. But how do we know the classifiers are independent on any given test? This principal/agent monitoring paradox is ameliorated by exploiting the failures of the independent evaluator to return sensible estimates. A search for nearly error independent trios is empirically carried out on the \texttt{adult}, \texttt{mushroom}, and \texttt{two-norm} datasets by using the algebraic failure modes to reject evaluation ensembles as too correlated. The searches are refined by constructing a surface in evaluation space that contains the true value point. The algebra of arbitrarily correlated classifiers permits the selection of a polynomial subset free of any correlation variables. Candidate evaluation ensembles are rejected if their data sketches produce independent estimates too far from the constructed surface. The results produced by the surviving ensembles can sometimes be as good as 1\%. But handling even small amounts of correlation remains a challenge. A Taylor expansion of the estimates produced when independence is assumed but the classifiers are, in fact, slightly correlated helps clarify how the independent evaluator has algebraic `blind spots'.Comment: 23 pages, 5 figure

    Topic and Role Discovery in Social Networks

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    Previous work in social network analysis (SNA) has modeled the existence of links from one entity to another, but not the language content or topics on those links. We present the Author- Recipient-Topic (ART) model for social network analysis, which learns topic distributions based on the direction-sensitive messages sent between entities. The model builds on Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) and the Author-Topic (AT) model, adding the key attribute that distribution over topics is conditioned distinctly on both the sender and recipient—steering the discovery of topics according to the relationships between people. We give results on both the Enron email corpus and a researcher’s email archive, providing evidence not only that clearly relevant topics are discovered, but that the ART model better predicts people’s roles

    Autonomous geometric precision error estimation in low-level computer vision tasks

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    Errors in map-making tasks using computer vision are sparse. We demonstrate this by considering the construction of digital elevation models that employ stereo matching algorithms to triangulate real-world points. This sparsity, coupled with a geometric theory of errors recently developed by the authors, allows for autonomous agents to calculate their own precision independently of ground truth. We connect these developments with recent advances in the mathematics of sparse signal reconstruction or compressed sensing. The theory presented here extends the autonomy of 3-D model reconstructions discovered in the 1990s to their errors

    The Author-Recipient-Topic Model for Topic and Role Discovery in Social Networks: Experiments with Enron and Academic Email

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    Previous work in social network analysis (SNA) has modeled the existence of links from one entity to another, but not the language content or topics on those links. We present the Author-Recipient-Topic (ART) model for social network analysis, which learns topic distributions based on the the directionsensitive messages sent between entities. The model builds on Latent Dirichlet Allocation and the Author-Topic (AT) model, adding the key attribute that distribution over topics is conditioned distinctly on both the sender and recipient—steering the discovery of topics according to the relationships between people. We give results on both the Enron email corpus and a researcher’s email archive, providing evidence not only that clearly relevant topics are discovered, but that the ART model better predicts people’s roles