24 research outputs found

    Power and satisfaction in the retailer-producer relationship

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    The conversion of production-provider markets in customer-demand markets brings a change of power and influence in the distribution channel from producers to retailers as the direct contact to the final consumer. In this article there will be analyzed the influence of power and satisfaction on the success and the behavior of the members of the distribution channel. The first analyzed problem is whether a shift of power from producers to retailer has taken place. The second important thing is the satisfaction of the retailers with their producers, factors which influence this satisfaction and the impact of the retailer’s satisfaction on the success of producers. As a conclusion it will be analyzed, if there is connection between power and satisfaction and if there are any effects on the members of the distribution channel and their success.Relationship marketing, satisfaction, power, retailers.

    Mobile Marketing – the marketing for the next generation

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    The developments in the field of technology changed the way in which consumers behave, inform themselves and communicate with each other. This change in behavior influences the way in which companies have to transmit the marketing message to the consumer. Besides the internet, which is nowadays one of the most used communication channels, in the past years the mobile phone gained more and more importance in the everyday life of consumers. Therefore, the easiest way for a company to communicate with its consumers is through the mobile phone. Therefore a new type of marketing was developed: the mobile marketing. This article presents the definition of mobile marketing with its advantages and disadvantages, as well as the ways in which a company can make mobile marketing.communication mix, interactivity, mobile marketing, mobile phone.


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    In the past years the intensification of competition has changed the way in which companies communicate with their customers. The main challenge doesnâ€(tm)t represent anymore to create good products but also to be able to sell them. The best marketing strategy of a company can be best developed if the needs and the behavior of the consumer are known. In this paper there are analyzed the results of a research about the behavior of consumer towards fruits and vegetables. The research was done in the period December 2010 â€" February 2011 on 146 respondents regarding the buying behavior of consumers at retailers. The focus in the research is put on the cognitive and emotional reactions consumers have when they make the buying decision and consisted out of an observation and a survey. In this article there are presented both aspects regarding the observed behavior towards fruits and vegetables and the motives which led to this behavior. Depending on these results, there are presented the implications of this behavior on the marketing strategy of a company.consumer behavior, emotional and cognitive reactions, fruits and vegetables market

    Organizational Structures of the Enterprise for Implementing Marketing-Controlling

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    In a permanent changing environment, characterized by intensification of competition and fast developing technologies, only those companies can survive which have the ability to adapt to these conditions. Controlling is a „helping hand“ of the management, which sets the informational basis for the management decisions and alarms the management in case of negative developments of the company. This article concentrates on different ways of integration of controlling, especially marketing-controlling in the company organization, so that the best decision should be taken. On one hand it is the objectivity, on the other hand the access to information, which are the key factors to a successful controlling activity. There are presented several solutions of integration of marketing-controlling, depending on the structure and the processes of the company.controlling, marketing-controlling, organizational structures.


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    The development of the environment of a company has a direct influence on its performance and its success. For this reason a company should not only analyze its internal performance, but also the external performance of the business environment and the superformance measurement, sustainable development, indicators, economic development

    Consumers’ perception on human-like artificial intelligence devices

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    The presence of Artificial Intelligence in our everyday life has become one of the most debated topics nowadays. In opposition to the past, nowadays, in the age of broadband connectivity, it is difficult for individuals to imagine their everyday life, at work or in their spare time, without computers, internet, mobile applications or other devices. Most of these devices have had a contribution to the improvement of our everyday life by being more efficient and having a higher convenience. Few people are aware of the fact that, by continuously developing and improving these technologies, they might become more intelligent than we are and that they will have the potential to control us. In the attempt to make these devices friendlier to consumers, they have started to take human-like aspect and even having own identities. We have nowadays call center answering machines with names or robots with names and citizenship. The objective of this article is to determine the acceptance and preference of consumers for personalized or human-like robots or devices. For four different cases, the respondents had to choose between a classic device and a human-like robot. The results of the research show, with a high significance, that consumers still prefer the classic devices over anthropomorphic robots

    Challenges regarding the internationalisation of universities from Scotland, within the Brexit landscape

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    The international labour market of 2018 can be characterized as very competition driven and for anyone who aspires at a professional evolution, international knowledge and skills have become required and indispensable for success. Universities emerged as the essential centre of the internationalisation strategies of governments in many countries of the world because they represent key providers of the afore-mentioned knowledge and skills. The process of internationalisation of higher education clearly has certain advantages for the students and academic staff of the undergraduate and graduate schools, but also for the national economy, and the international community. Yet in each country there is a different degree of importance given to each of these multiple benefits. The objectives of this research had two principal focuses: 1) to identify the benefits of the internationalisation process of higher education in Scotland and 2) to investigate which measures are most effective for accomplishing these benefits given the background of an uncertain climate influenced by Brexit. A questionnaire was used to obtain the views of representatives of all 19 Scottish universities of Scotland, as to the current situation in their country. The results reveal the range of approaches taken by these universities when advocating the process of establishing an international basis to higher education, but, also in their respective internationalisation strategies. Securing the respondents was possible within the Erasmus+ project developed in 2017, titled “University Study Visit: Youth and Community Work in Scotland”. During this project academics and experts were consulted regarding their views on ways to improve the cooperation between Scottish universities and those of the European Union having as a background an economic, social and political context permeated with Brexit concerns. Their suggestions were included in the study as recommendations for strengthening the ties between the EU and Scottish universitie

    Factors Predicting Consumer-AI Interactions

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    The involvement of Artificial intelligence (AI) in the everyday life of consumers has important implications on the way consumer and AI interact. AI and robots can have different roles in the interaction with consumers, from simple transactional exchange relationships to more complex empathetic ones. The present research focuses in finding the constructs that affect these consumer-AI relationships, by analyzing acceptance, trust, interaction quality, empathy, attachment, anthropomorphism, self-disclosing behavior, loyalty. Based on literature review, we focused on pointing out the factors that predict and affect consumerAI interactions. In the first part of the paper the role of trust was analyzed, while in the last part we focused in defining the way in which attachment and gender characteristics affect the relationship between consumer and AI. Our research shows that there are different types of relationships depending on the context, depending on trust, attachment, empathy, loyalty and gender characteristics. These results have important implications in the way robots and AI will be integrated in the shopping experience of consumer. Depending on the closeness of the relationship between consumer-AI, there will be different activities and roles that the AI will take over. For this reason, it is important to understand all facets of this relationship in order to implement it in an optimal way

    The Breaking News Effect and Its Impact on the Credibility and Trust in Information Posted on Social Media

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    The development of social media has triggered important changes in our society and in the way consumers read and trust online information. The presence of consumers in the online environment exposes them to a greater extent to various instances of fake news, which are spread more or less intentionally. Sensational and breaking-news-style information are one of the ways in which consumers’ attention is attracted, by posting exaggerated or distorted information. The objective of our research is to determine the impact of sensational and breaking news headlines on content credibility. In a mediation model, we show that the perception of sensationalism mediates the relation between the presence of breaking news headlines and trust in the content of the information. Based on our proposed model, the existence of breaking news headlines increases the consumers’ perception of sensationalism and reduces trust in news content. These results have important implications for patterns of news consumption. If a piece of information is presented in a sensational way, it might attract more consumers’ attention in the short term, but in the long run it will reduce the credibility of its content. Based on our research, we recommend using sensational headlines with caution to maintain credibility