6 research outputs found

    Spontaneous decompactification

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    Positive vacuum energy together with extra dimensions of space imply that our four-dimensional Universe is unstable, generically to decompactification of the extra dimensions. Either quantum tunneling or thermal fluctuations carry one past a barrier into the decompactifying regime. We give an overview of this process, and examine the subsequent expansion into the higher- dimensional geometry. This is governed by certain fixed-point solutions of the evolution equations, which are studied for both positive and negative spatial curvature. In the case where there is a higher-dimensional cosmological constant, we also outline a possible mechanism for compactification to a four-dimensional de Sitter cosmology.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, harvmac. v2: refs added, minor notation change

    Dark matter production from cosmic necklaces

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    Cosmic strings have gained a great interest, since they are formed in a large class of brane inflationary models. The most interesting story is that cosmic strings in brane models are distinguished in future cosmological observations. If the strings in brane models are branes or superstrings that can move along compactified space, and also if there are degenerated vacua along the compactified space, kinks interpolate between degenerated vacua become ``beads'' on the strings. In this case, strings turn into necklaces. In the case that the compact manifold in not simply connected, a string loop that winds around a nontrivial circle is stable due to the topological reason. Since the existence of the (quasi-)degenerated vacua and the nontrivial circle is a common feature of the brane models, it is important to study cosmological constraints on the cosmic necklaces and the stable winding states. In this paper, we consider dark matter production from loops of the cosmic necklaces. Our result suggests that necklaces can put stringent bound on certain kinds of brane models.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures, added many comments and 3 figures, accepted for publication in JCA

    Observational constraints on cosmic strings: Bayesian analysis in a three dimensional parameter space

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    Current data exclude cosmic strings as the primary source of primordial density fluctuations. However, in a wide class of inflationary models, strings can form at later stages of inflation and have potentially detectable observational signatures. We study the constraints from WMAP and SDSS data on the fraction of primordial fluctuations sourced by local cosmic strings. The Bayesian analysis presented in this brief report is restricted to the minimal number of parameters. Yet it is useful for two reasons. It confirms the results of Pogosian et al (2003) using an alternative statistical method. Secondly, it justifies the more costly multi-parameter analysis. Already, varying only three parameters -- the spectral index and the amplitudes of the adiabatic and string contributions -- we find that the upper bound on the cosmic string contribution is of order 10%. We expect that the full multi-parameter study, currently underway, will likely loosen this bound.Comment: v3: 4 pages, 5 figures, slight modifications to match published versio

    Cosmology of the Tachyon in Brane Inflation

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    In certain implementations of the brane inflationary paradigm, the exit from inflation occurs when the branes annihilate through tachyon condensation. We investigate various cosmological effects produced by this tachyonic era. We find that only a very small region of the parameter space (corresponding to slow-roll with tiny inflaton mass) allows for the tachyon to contribute some e-folds to inflation. In addition, non-adiabatic density perturbations are generated at the end of inflation. When the brane is moving relativistically this contribution can be of the same order as fluctuations produced 55 e-folds before the end of inflation. The additional contribution is very nearly scale-invariant and enhances the tensor/scalar ratio. Additional non-gaussianities will also be generated, sharpening current constraints on DBI-type models which already predict a significantly non-gaussian signal.Comment: 30 pages, 2 figures; v3, minor revision, JCAP versio

    New solutions with accelerated expansion in string theory

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    We present concrete solutions with accelerated expansion in string theory, requiring a small, tractable list of stress energy sources. We explain how this construction (and others in progress) evades previous no go theorems for simple accelerating solutions. Our solutions respect an approximate scaling symmetry and realize discrete sequences of values for the equation of state, including one with an accumulation point at w=-1 and another accumulating near w=-1/3 from below. In another class of models, a density of defects generates scaling solutions with accelerated expansion. We briefly discuss potential applications to dark energy phenomenology, and to holography for cosmology.Comment: 37 pages, 1 figure. v2: comments and references adde