727 research outputs found

    Transforming legal documents for visualization and analysis

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    Regulations, laws, norms, and other documents of legal nature are a relevant part of any governmental organisation. During digitisation and transformation stages towards a digital government model, information and communication technologies are explored to improve internal processes and working practices of government infrastructures. This paper introduces preliminary results on a research line devoted to developing visualisation techniques for enhancing the readability and comprehension of legal texts. The content of documents is conveyed to a welldefined model, which is enriched with semantic information extracted automatically. Then, a set of digital views are created for document exploration from both a structural and semantic point of view. Effective and easier to use digital interfaces can enable and promote citizens engagement in decision-making processes, provide information for the public, and also enhance the study and analysis of legal texts by lawmakers, legal practitioners, and assorted scholars.“SmartEGOV: Harnessing EGOV for Smart Governance (Foundations, methods, Tools) / NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000037”, supported by Norte Portugal Regional Operational Programme (NORTE 2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (EFDR

    Unitary designs and codes

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    A unitary design is a collection of unitary matrices that approximate the entire unitary group, much like a spherical design approximates the entire unit sphere. In this paper, we use irreducible representations of the unitary group to find a general lower bound on the size of a unitary t-design in U(d), for any d and t. We also introduce the notion of a unitary code - a subset of U(d) in which the trace inner product of any pair of matrices is restricted to only a small number of distinct values - and give an upper bound for the size of a code of degree s in U(d) for any d and s. These bounds can be strengthened when the particular inner product values that occur in the code or design are known. Finally, we describe some constructions of designs: we give an upper bound on the size of the smallest weighted unitary t-design in U(d), and we catalogue some t-designs that arise from finite groups.Comment: 25 pages, no figure

    Restoration of kTk_T factorization for low pTp_T hadron hadroproduction

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    We discuss the applicability of the kTk_T factorization theorem to low-pTp_T hadron production in hadron-hadron collision in a simple toy model, which involves only scalar particles and gluons. It has been shown that the kTk_T factorization for high-pTp_T hadron hadroproduction is broken by soft gluons in the Glauber region, which are exchanged among a transverse-momentum-dependent (TMD) parton density and other subprocesses of the collision. We explain that the contour of a loop momentum can be deformed away from the Glauber region at low pTp_T, so the above residual infrared divergence is factorized by means of the standard eikonal approximation. The kTk_T factorization is then restored in the sense that a TMD parton density maintains its universality. Because the resultant Glauber factor is independent of hadron flavors, experimental constraints on its behavior are possible. The kTk_T factorization can also be restored for the transverse single-spin asymmetry in hadron-hadron collision at low pTp_T in a similar way, with the residual infrared divergence being factorized into the same Glauber factor.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, version to appear in EPJ

    Nutrient (C, N and P) enrichment induces significant changes in the soil metabolite profile and microbial carbon partitioning

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    The cycling of soil organic matter (SOM) and carbon (C) within the soil is governed by the presence of key macronutrients, particularly nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P). The relative ratio of these nutrients has a direct effect on the potential rates of microbial growth and nutrient processing in soil and thus is fundamental to ecosystem functioning. However, the effect of changing soil nutrient stoichiometry on the small organic molecule (i.e., metabolite) composition and cycling by the microbial community remains poorly understood. Here, we aimed to disentangle the effect of stoichiometrically balanced nutrient addition on the soil metabolomic profile and apparent microbial carbon use efficiency (CUE) by adding a labile C source (glucose) in combination with N and/or P. After incorporation of the added glucose into the microbial biomass (48 h), metabolite profiling was undertaken by ultra-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS). 494 metabolites were identified across all treatments mainly consisting of lipids (n = 199), amino acids (n = 118) and carbohydrates (n = 43), >97% of which showed significant changes in concentration between at least one treatment. Overall, glucose-C addition generally increased the synthesis of other carbohydrates in soil, while addition of C and N together increased peptide synthesis, indicative of protein formation and turnover. The combination of C and P significantly increased the number of fatty acids synthesised. There was no significant change in the PLFA-derived microbial community structure or microbial biomass following C, N and P addition. Further, N addition led to an increase in glucose-C partitioning into anabolic processes (i.e., increased CUE), suggesting the microbial community was N, but not P limited. Based on the metabolomic profiles observed here, we conclude that inorganic nutrient enrichment causes substantial shifts in both primary and secondary metabolism within the microbial community, leading to changes in resource flow and thus soil functioning, however, the microbial community illustrated significant metabolic flexibility

    kTk_T factorization of exclusive processes

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    We prove kTk_T factorization theorem in perturbative QCD (PQCD) for exclusive processes by considering Ï€Îłâˆ—â†’Îł(π)\pi\gamma^*\to \gamma(\pi) and B→γ(π)lΜˉB\to\gamma(\pi) l\bar\nu. The relevant form factors are expressed as the convolution of hard amplitudes with two-parton meson wave functions in the impact parameter bb space, bb being conjugate to the parton transverse momenta kTk_T. The point is that on-shell valence partons carry longitudinal momenta initially, and acquire kTk_T through collinear gluon exchanges. The bb-dependent two-parton wave functions with an appropriate path for the Wilson links are gauge-invariant. The hard amplitudes, defined as the difference between the parton-level diagrams of on-shell external particles and their collinear approximation, are also gauge-invariant. We compare the predictions for two-body nonleptonic BB meson decays derived from kTk_T factorization (the PQCD approach) and from collinear factorization (the QCD factorization approach).Comment: 11 pages, REVTEX, 5 figure

    Extragenic suppressor mutations in ΔripA disrupt stability and function of LpxA

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    Background: Francisella tularensis is a Gram-negative bacterium that infects hundreds of species including humans, and has evolved to grow efficiently within a plethora of cell types. RipA is a conserved membrane protein of F. tularensis, which is required for growth inside host cells. As a means to determine RipA function we isolated and mapped independent extragenic suppressor mutants in ΔripA that restored growth in host cells. Each suppressor mutation mapped to one of two essential genes, lpxA or glmU, which are involved in lipid A synthesis. We repaired the suppressor mutation in lpxA (S102, LpxA T36N) and the mutation in glmU (S103, GlmU E57D), and demonstrated that each mutation was responsible for the suppressor phenotype in their respective strains. We hypothesize that the mutation in S102 altered the stability of LpxA, which can provide a clue to RipA function. LpxA is an UDP-N-acetylglucosamine acyltransferase that catalyzes the transfer of an acyl chain from acyl carrier protein (ACP) to UDP-N-acetylglucosamine (UDP-GlcNAc) to begin lipid A synthesis. Results: LpxA was more abundant in the presence of RipA. Induced expression of lpxA in the ΔripA strain stopped bacterial division. The LpxA T36N S102 protein was less stable and therefore less abundant than wild type LpxA protein. Conclusion: These data suggest RipA functions to modulate lipid A synthesis in F. tularensis as a way to adapt to the host cell environment by interacting with LpxA

    Validating a UK geomagnetically induced current model using differential magnetometer measurements

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    Extreme space weather can damage ground-based infrastructure such as power lines, railways and gas pipelines through geomagnetically induced currents (GICs). Modeling GICs requires knowledge about the source magnetic field and the electrical conductivity structure of the Earth to calculate ground electric fields during enhanced geomagnetic activity. The electric field, in combination with detailed information about the power grid topology, enable the modeling of GICs in high-voltage (HV) power lines. Directly monitoring GICs in substations is possible with a Hall probe, but scarcely realized in the UK. Therefore we deployed the differential magnetometer method (DMM) to measure GICs at 12 sites in the UK power grid. The DMM includes the installation of two fluxgate magnetometers, one directly under a power line affected by GICs, and one as a remote site. The difference in recordings of the magnetic field at each instrument yields an estimate of the GICs in the respective power line segment via the Biot-Savart law. We collected data across the UK in 2018–2022, monitoring HV line segments where previous research indicated high GIC risk. We recorded magnetometer data during several smaller storms that allow detailed analysis of our GIC model. For the ground electric field computations we used recent magnetotelluric (MT) measurements recorded close to the DMM sites. Our results show that there is strong agreement in both amplitude and signal shape between measured and modeled line and substation GICs when using our HV model and the realistic electric field estimates derived from MT data

    Bosonic Operator Methods for the Quark Model

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    Quark model matrix elements can be computed using bosonic operators and the holomorphic representation for the harmonic oscillator. The technique is illustrated for normal and exotic baryons for an arbitrary number of colors. The computations are much simpler than those using conventional quark model wavefunctions
