570 research outputs found

    Contact seaweeds II: type C

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    This paper is a continuation of earlier work on the construction of contact forms on seaweed algebras. In the prequel to this paper, we show that every index-one seaweed subalgebra of Anβˆ’1=sl(n)A_{n-1}=\mathfrak{sl}(n) is contact by identifying contact forms that arise from Dougherty's framework. We extend this result to include index-one seaweed subalgebras of Cn=sp(2n)C_{n}=\mathfrak{sp}(2n). Our methods are graph-theoretic and combinatorial

    Classification of contact seaweeds

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    A celebrated result of Gromov ensures the existence of a contact structure on any connected, non-compact, odd dimensional Lie group. In general, such structures are not invariant under left translation. The problem of finding which Lie groups admit a left-invariant contact structure resolves to the question of determining when a Lie algebra g\mathfrak{g} is contact; that is, admits a one-form Ο†βˆˆgβˆ—\varphi\in\mathfrak{g}^* such that Ο†βˆ§(dΟ†)kβ‰ 0.\varphi\wedge(d\varphi)^k\neq 0. In full generality, this remains an open question; however we settle it for the important category of the evocatively named seaweed algebras by showing that an index-one seaweed is contact precisely when it is quasi-reductive. Seaweeds were introduced by Dergachev and Kirillov who initiated the development of their index theory -- since completed by Joseph, Panyushev, Yakimova, and Coll, among others. Recall that a contact Lie algebra has index one -- but not characteristically so. Leveraging recent work of Panyushev, Baur, Moreau, Duflo, Khalgui, Torasso, Yakimova, and Ammari, who collectively classified quasi-reductive seaweeds, our equivalence yields a full classification of contact seaweeds. We remark that since type-A and type-C seaweeds are de facto quasi-reductive (by a result of Panyushev), in these types index one alone suffices to ensure the existence of a contact form
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