704 research outputs found

    Yanchep national park

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    YANCHEP National Park lies just over 30 miles north of Perth, and was gazetted as an A Class Reserve in 1905. It covers more than 6,000 acres

    Flora and fauna conservation : a plea to landholders

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    MUCH of the recent discussion on conservation has centred around the importance of wild flower reserves and the necessity for protecting one of the State\u27s most important tourist attractions. Although less important to visitors than the flowers, many of our wild animals hold equal interest for nature lovers and scientists, and they also need protection

    The Argentine ant in Western Australia

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    IN November, 1954, was commenced one of the most ambitious insect control schemes ever launched in Australia. The pest concerned was the Argentine ant (Iridomvrmex humilis) and the authorised expenditure was at the rate of £105,000 per annum for five years

    Ant pests in Western Australia

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    THERE are many different species of native ants in Western Australia, but few of these are of major economic importance. Several introduced species however, have spread extensively and have proved troublesome both as agricultural and household pests

    Insect pests and their control

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    METHODS of insect control are sometimes classified under the following four headings— Quarantine, Cultural Methods, Biological Control and Chemical Treatments. Each method has its own particular part to play in preventing the spread and multiplication of insect pests and it is essential for maximum results that everyone— whether he be a commercial grower or a backyard gardener—has a general understanding of the principles involved

    Insect pests : snails and slugs

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    WHILE snails and slugs are not insects, they have been included in this series of articles, because the damage they cause is very similar to that caused by insect pests—and furthermore, the task of testing and recommending control measures is usually left to the entomologists

    Termites or white ants

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    TERMITES are commonly but erroneously called white ants. Actually they are more nearly related to cockroaches than to ants, but their general appearance and subterranean habits have given strong support to the popular designation. They may be divided into two major groups from an economic point of view, viz., wood-dwelling and earth-dwelling termites

    Insects and mites found attacking cereal crops in Western Australia

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    ONE of the most important factors influencing Western Australian agriculture in the last 20 years has been the development of permanent pastures together with the associated practice of ley farming. Although the increased use of pasture plants, and particularly subterranean clover, has increased the general fertility of many areas it has also accentuated various problems, including those relating to insect control. Summer fallow was a strong deterrent to such pests as the red-legged earth mite, the lucerne flea, and webworm and these and several other creatures have shown a tendency to increase under new farming methods

    The house fly

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    MANY insects are so commonly associated with man and his dwellings that they may almost be called domesticated. In olden days the presence of these insects was accepted as a matter of course, but present knowledge shows that many of them can be important disease carriers while others may cause damage to food and clothing
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