2 research outputs found

    Tax Interdependence in the U.S. States

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    State governments finance their expenditures with multiple tax instruments, so when collections from one source decline, they are typically compensated by greater revenues from other sources. This paper addresses the important question of the extent to which personal and corporate income taxes are used to compensate for sales tax fluctuations within the U.S. states. The results show that a one percent decrease in the sales tax revenue per capita is associated with a 3 percent or a 0.9 percent increase in the corporate and personal income tax revenue per capita respectively. On average then, an exogenous reduction of 4.5inthesalestaxrevenuepercapitaiscompensated,ceterisparibus,withanincreaseofeither4.5 in the sales tax revenue per capita is compensated, ceteris paribus, with an increase of either 3.4 in the collections per capita from corporate taxes or $3.6 in the ones from personal income taxes.Tax Mix, State Taxes,Instrumental Variables.

    The Impact of State Corporate Taxes on FDI Location

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    This paper examines the effects of state corporate income taxes on the location of foreign direct investment in the U.S., taking into account the endogeneity of taxes and the outside options of investors. States have a set of characteristics that influence investors' decisions, some of them are not observable by a researcher but states take them into account when they set taxes. States can also act strategically with respect to other states when setting taxes. The former behavior bias the estimated tax effects because it creates correlation between the error term and the tax rate. The latter behavior directly implies an endogenous tax rate. I adapt a discrete choice model of differentiated products to estimate the tax effects. This approach allows me at the same time to control for the outside options of investors and to use instrumental variables to solve the problem of tax endogeneity. I find the tax elasticity to be consistently around -1.Foreign Direct Investment, State Corporate Income Taxes, Tax Endogeneity.