5 research outputs found

    Embryo Transfer

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    Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) have made tremendous advances, in last years. Artificial insemination is a method for achieving slow genetic progress in populations of animals. Many large and small ruminants are bred by AI, and more than a half million embryos are transferred every year around the world. Most of the ruminants sires used for artificial insemination were derived from embryo transfer. Improvements of reproductive biotechnologies of controlling the estrous cycle and ovulation have resulted in more effective programs for AI, superovulation of donor, and the management of ET. In the ruminants, ET procedure is a timely alternative that can allow good conception rates to be obtained constant in a year. There have been great advances of this biotechnique with on aimed to intensify the genetic progress between generations of farm. The gains is possible with the development of advanced reproductive biotechnique. The best current strategy in applying biotechnology to farmers is to use AI with sexed semen, so farmers will enjoy and benefit. The use of ET together with cryopreserved sexed embryos has a very specific potential for donor replacement and genetic improvement of the herd. In this chapter, procedures of the MOET protocol were described step by step

    Upgrading the fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocol in Romanian buffaloes

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    The present study describes the challenges of assisted reproduction in Romanian buffaloes while increasing the efficacy of artificial insemination by choosing the most suitable method. The modified fixed-time artificial insemination (FTAI) protocol with sexed semen was used to increase the conception rate. This study included a total of 80 buffalo heifers that received ovarian stimulation using the OvSynch protocol. Two groups (n = 40), namely, a control group, in which the classic FTAI method was performed, and an experimental group, in which deep intrauterine AI was performed in cows that had developed a dominant follicle (US+UcFTAI), were randomly selected. The conception rate (CR) was 63.6% in the experimental group, which was statistically higher (P < 0.05) than the control group (30%). The ultrasound examination indicated that, using the OvSynch protocol, 82.5% (33 out of 40) of buffaloes developed a dominant follicle (DF) while the distribution between the warm and cold seasons was 75 and 90%, respectively. The CR was 60% during the hot season and 66.6% during the cold season. At calving, 92.5% female fetuses were born. The improved FTAI method in this study enhanced the results by reducing the waste of sexed semen and maximizing the response to OvSynch, making it a recommendation for practitioners. This study presents preliminary results and highlights that genetic progress is difficult to achieve. A systematic approach is needed in order to choose the most suitable biotechnological method for each farm

    Response to poliovulatory (POV) treatment, by ultrasound in Suffolk breed

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    This study was done on a batch of Suffolk beef sheep, acclimatized in Romania.. The success of an ET protocol in sheep depends on many factors, but in the end, what matters is the number of embryos obtained. Embryo recovery (recovery rate), after poliovulation (POV), is an essential step in ET. The aim of our experiment was to observe the ovarian reaction (follicles –F, and corpora lutea-CL) to the treatment of Suffolk sheep polyovulation, The aim of our experiment was to observe the ovarian reaction to the treatment of Suffolk sheep POV. A number of 3 Suffolk sheep were poliovulated at the reproductive season, using P4-FSH-PGF protocol. The POV method was based on the administration of sponges with intravaginal progesterone 12 days, followed by 500 IU FSH: LHp in decreasing doses in the last 4 days, and a PGF on day 11. The poliovulatory ovarian response was monitored by transectal ultrasound, before estrus was detected, and on the day 7. The ovulatory response following POV treatment was assessed by CL counting. In two out of three sheep, CL was identified, despite the fact that they all had follicular growth, in sheep no. 2, no dehiscence occurred. The total number of formations observed was 26 CL. The distribution of CL between the two right and left ovaries, in the three cases examined was thus 8 CL on the right ovary and 7 CL on the left (in sheep 1), no CL in sheep 2 and 6/5 in sheep no. 3. The POV response to FSH in the Suffolk breed was an average of 8.6 F/sheep of the developed follicles. Our goal was in fact to follow the ovarian dynamics in these meat breeds, in order to apply the best treatment schemes, for successfully apply embryo transfer

    Bilateral uterine prolapse in queen: case study

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    An 10-month-old primiparus queen was sent to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology within the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine from Iași, with a prominence of a mass through the vulva immediately after calving. Following the clinical examination, the diagnosis of bilateral uterine prolapse was established. Uterine prolapse in cats is rare and is a relatively uncommon complication of parturition. This pathology is an obstetrical emergency and requires immediate intervention. The treatment of uterine prolapse consisted in restoring the uterus to its normal position and preventing or eliminating uterine infection. In the present case the manual reduction of the prolabated portion was not possible and a two-step ovariohysterectomy was performed: ovariectomy and amputation of the uterine body. After ovariohysterectomy cat fully recovered

    Study on the correlations between the number of somatic cells and some milk constituents resulted from cows with clinical mammitis

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    The investigations conducted on three groups of dairy cows with mammites, found at different stages of lactation, pointed out the correlations between the number of somatic cells from milk and some of its constituents, represented by the content in total dry matter, total proteins, lipids, lactose, casein and chlorides. Analysing the number of somatic cells and the milk constituents, we found the presence of the positive ( + 0.91 ; + 0.96 ) and significant correlations ( p≤ 0.05 ) between the number of somatic cells and the evolution of the content in chlorides from milk in all the three groups of cows, which indicates that once with the increase in the number of somatic cells, the number of chlorides has proportionally increased, and the negative (-0.89; -0.96) and significant correlations (p≤0.05) between the number of somatic cells and the milk production, the content in lactose (-0.91; -0.96 and p≤ 0.05), casein (-0.87; -0.97 and p≤ 0.05), total proteins (-0.82; -0.93 and p≤ 0.05) and the fat content(-0.65; -0.91 and p≤ 0.05)