596 research outputs found

    A review of species of the genus Mocyta (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) in Ukraine

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    A review of the genus Mocyta Mulsant & Rey, 1874, which is represented in Ukraine; a description of the main morphological features and diagnostic features is made, data on ecological features, seasonal activity of adults, the distribution of representatives of the genus in Ukraine and the world and the keys to identify the species are presented. The information on the distribution of species of the genus Mocyta in the territory of Ukraine has been clarified and significantly supplemented by new findings. The results can be used to address a number of theoretical issues of faunistics, zoogeography, and ecology, as well as in compiling the inventory of the fauna of the Ukrainian Carpathians, for comparative faunal research, in the analysis of species distribution, in biogeographic constructions, studies of faunogenesis, ecological monitoring and prediction of consequences of the influence of human activities on natural ecosystems of the region. The genus Mocyta is a widespread genus, which in terms of the combination of morphological and biological features belongs to the tribe Athetini Casey, 1910 of the subfamily Aleocharinae Fleming, 1821 of the family Staphylinidae Latreille, 1802. There are 26 known species in the fauna of Palearctic, 5 of which (Mocyta clientula, M. fungi fungi, M. fussi, M. orbata, M. orphana) are represented in the fauna of Ukraine. However, it is likely that there are two more species (M. amplicollis and M. negligens), identified for the surrounding areas, for which characteristics and comparative diagnoses have also been provided. This paper is a continuation of the initiated series of reviews of genera and species of the tribe Athetini of the fauna of Ukraine. Taking into account the wide geographical distribution and significant individual variability in size, colour and shape of the spermatheca of representatives of the genus, the identification of the latter presents some significant difficulties

    Administrative and Legal Framework of Anti-Terrorist Police Units of the Baltic States (on the Case of Estonia and Latvia)

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    Chumak, V. Administrative and Legal Framework of Anti-Terrorist Police Units of the Baltic States (on the Case of Estonia and Latvia) [Електронний ресурс] / Vladimir Chumak // Журнал східноєвропейського права: електронне науково-практичне фахове видання. – 2016. – № 25. – С. 71-73. – Режим доступу: http://easternlaw.com.ua/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/chumak_25.pdfУ статті досліджено особливості діяльності антитерористичних поліцейських підрозділів Естонії та Латвії. Проаналізовано функції та завдання антитерористичних поліцейських підрозділів Естонії та Латвії. Обґрунтовано доцільність використання досвіду антитерористичних поліцейських підрозділів Естонії та Латвії в Україні.The article deals with the features of the activities of counterterrorist police units in Estonia and Latvia. Functions and tasks of counterterrorist police units of Estonia and Latvia are analyzed. It is marked that the fight against terrorism is one of the priorities of international cooperation of the states and caused by the necessity of interaction of different countries on this important issue. It is indicated that according to difficult situation and ongoing anti-terror operation in Ukraine the positive experience of anti-terrorist police units in Estonia (KCOMMANDO) and Latvia (OMEGA) has to be studied and implemented in the activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and the National Police to improve the activities and further development of the system of internal affairs bodies of Ukraine. Necessity to use the experience of counterterrorist police units in Estonia and Latvia in Ukraine is proved.В статье исследованы особенности деятельности антитеррористических полицейских подразделений Эстонии и Латвии. Проанализированы функции и задачи антитеррористических полицейских подразделений Эстонии и Латвии. Обоснована целесообразность использования опыта антитеррористических полицейских подразделений Эстонии и Латвии в Украине

    Generation of pulse trains by current-controlled magnetic mirrors

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    The evolution of a spin-wave packet trapped between two direct current-carrying wires placed on the surface of a ferrite film is observed by Brillouin light scattering. The wires act as semi-transparent mirrors confining the packet. Because the spin-wave energy partially passes through these mirrors, trains of spin-wave packets are generated outside the trap. A numerical model of this process is presented and applied to the case when the current in the wires is dynamically controlled. This dynamical control of the mirror reflectivity provides new functionalities interesting for the field of spin-wave logic like that of a spin-wave memory cell.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Scattering of backward spin waves in a one-dimensional magnonic crystal

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    Scattering of backward volume magnetostatic spin waves from a one-dimensional magnonic crystal, realized by a grating of shallow grooves etched into the surface of an yttrium-iron garnet film, was experimentally studied. Rejection frequency bands were clearly observed. The rejection efficiency and the frequency width of the rejection bands increase with increasing groove depth. A theoretical model based on the analogy of a spin-wave film-waveguide with a microwave transmission line was used to interpret the obtained experimental results.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure