29 research outputs found

    Keratin 1 as a Cell-Surface Receptor in Cancer

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    Keratins are fibrous proteins that take part in several important cellular functions, including the formation of intermediate filaments. In addition, keratins serve as epithelial cell markers, which has made their role in cancer progression, diagnosis, and treatment an important focus of research. Keratin 1 (K1) is a type II keratin whose structure is comprised of a coiled-coil central domain flanked by flexible, glycine-rich loops in the N- and C-termini. While the structure of cytoplasmic K1 is established, the structure of cell-surface K1 is not known. Several transformed cells, such as cancerous cells and cells that have undergone oxidative stress, display increased levels of overall and/or cell-surface K1 expression. Cell-surface keratins (CSKs) may be modified or truncated, and their role is yet to be fully elucidated. Current studies suggest that CSKs are involved in receptor-mediated endocytosis and immune evasion. In this Review, we discuss findings relating to K1 structure, overexpression, and cell-surface expression in the context of utilizing CSK1 as a receptor for targeted drug delivery to cancer cells, and other strategies to develop novel treatments for cancer

    Update of the keratin gene family: evolution, tissue-specific expression patterns, and relevance to clinical disorders.

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    Intermediate filament (IntFil) genes arose during early metazoan evolution, to provide mechanical support for plasma membranes contacting/interacting with other cells and the extracellular matrix. Keratin genes comprise the largest subset of IntFil genes. Whereas the first keratin gene appeared in sponge, and three genes in arthropods, more rapid increases in keratin genes occurred in lungfish and amphibian genomes, concomitant with land animal-sea animal divergence (~ 440 to 410 million years ago). Human, mouse and zebrafish genomes contain 18, 17 and 24 non-keratin IntFil genes, respectively. Human has 27 of 28 type I "acidic" keratin genes clustered at chromosome (Chr) 17q21.2, and all 26 type II "basic" keratin genes clustered at Chr 12q13.13. Mouse has 27 of 28 type I keratin genes clustered on Chr 11, and all 26 type II clustered on Chr 15. Zebrafish has 18 type I keratin genes scattered on five chromosomes, and 3 type II keratin genes on two chromosomes. Types I and II keratin clusters-reflecting evolutionary blooms of keratin genes along one chromosomal segment-are found in all land animal genomes examined, but not fishes; such rapid gene expansions likely reflect sudden requirements for many novel paralogous proteins having divergent functions to enhance species survival following sea-to-land transition. Using data from the Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) project, tissue-specific keratin expression throughout the human body was reconstructed. Clustering of gene expression patterns revealed similarities in tissue-specific expression patterns for previously described "keratin pairs" (i.e., KRT1/KRT10, KRT8/KRT18, KRT5/KRT14, KRT6/KRT16 and KRT6/KRT17 proteins). The ClinVar database currently lists 26 human disease-causing variants within the various domains of keratin proteins

    Hemorrhagic complications in dermatologic surgery

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    Sarecycline Demonstrates Clinical Effectiveness against Staphylococcal Infections and Inflammatory Dermatoses: Evidence for Improving Antibiotic Stewardship in Dermatology

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    Tetracycline class antibiotics are widely used for multiple skin diseases, including acne vulgaris, acne rosacea, cutaneous infections, inflammatory dermatoses, and autoimmune blistering disorders. Concerns about antibiotic resistance and protecting the human/host microbiome beg the question whether broad-spectrum tetracyclines such as doxycycline and minocycline should be prescribed at such a high rate by dermatologists when a narrow-spectrum tetracycline derivative, sarecycline, exists. We evaluated the clinical effectiveness of oral sarecycline against cutaneous staphylococcal infections, eyelid stye, and mucous membrane pemphigoid to determine whether sarecycline is a viable option for clinicians to practice improved antibiotic stewardship. We observed significant improvement in staphylococcal infections and inflammatory dermatoses with courses of oral sarecycline as short as 9 days, with no reported adverse events. These clinical findings are consistent with in vitro microbiological data and anti-inflammatory properties of sarecycline. Our data provides a strong rationale for clinicians to use narrow-spectrum sarecycline rather than broad-spectrum tetracyclines as a first-line agent in treating staphylococcal skin infections and inflammatory skin diseases for which tetracyclines are currently commonly employed. Such advancement in the practice paradigm in dermatology will enhance antibiotic stewardship, reduce risk of antibiotic resistance, protect the human microbiome, and provide patients with precision medicine care

    Rethinking Hidradenitis Suppurativa Management: Insights into Bacterial Interactions and Treatment Evolution

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    Hidradenitis suppurativa (HS), or acne inversa, is a chronic inflammatory dermatological condition characterized by painful and recurrent nodules and purulent abscesses. HS can have a devastating impact on the quality of life of patients. This condition is commonly localized to the axilla, groin, perineal, and inframammary regions, and can develop fistulas and sinus tracts over time. Its pathogenesis remains elusive and is best characterized at the moment as multi-factorial. Additionally, questions remain about the role of cutaneous dysbiosis as a primary HS trigger or as a secondary perturbation due to HS inflammation. This article features works in relation to HS and its interplay with bacterial microflora. We address current treatment approaches and their impact on HS-related bacteria, as well as areas of therapeutic innovation. In the future, disease-modifying or remittive therapy will likely combine an advanced/targeted anti-inflammatory approach with one that effectively modulates cutaneous and deep tissue dysbiosis

    Antibiotic Resistance Risk with Oral Tetracycline Treatment of Acne Vulgaris

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    Almost 1 billion people worldwide have acne, and oral tetracyclines, including doxycycline and minocycline, are effective and frequently prescribed treatments for acne. However, there is growing concern for the development of antibiotic resistance with such widespread utilization by dermatologists. Additionally, tetracyclines are known to have various potential side effects, including gut dysbiosis, gastrointestinal upset, photosensitivity, dizziness, and vertigo. However, in 2018 a novel narrow-spectrum tetracycline, sarecycline, was Food and Drug Administration-approved to treat moderate-to-severe acne vulgaris in patients 9-years-old and above. Sarecycline was designed to target Cutibacterium acnes, the pathogenic bacterium in acne vulgaris, which may reduce the risk of resistance. This paper examines the growing concerns of antibiotic resistance due to oral tetracycline usage in the treatment of acne vulgaris, with a focus on the promising third-generation, narrow-spectrum tetracycline, sarecycline

    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia, a Pathogen of Increasing Relevance to Dermatologists: A Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a Gram-negative bacillus that causes skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI), as well as bacteremia, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. S. maltophilia infections are typically nosocomial and are often transmitted through water sources. Although historically described in immunocompromised hosts, S. maltophilia prevalence is increasing in both immunocompromised and immunocompetent populations. In light of high morbidity and mortality, it is critical that dermatologists are aware of this organism because of the limited options for therapy. Here, we describe a case of a S. maltophilia abscess with bacteremia in a patient with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and aplastic anemia that was successfully treated with trimethoprim–sulfamethoxazole. We also review the current standard of care and propose an algorithm for the treatment of S. maltophilia infection

    Scientific Rationale and Clinical Basis for Clindamycin Use in the Treatment of Dermatologic Disease

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    Clindamycin is a highly effective antibiotic of the lincosamide class. It has been widely used for decades to treat a range of skin and soft tissue infections in dermatology and medicine. Clindamycin is commonly prescribed for acne vulgaris, with current practice standards utilizing fixed-combination topicals containing clindamycin that prevent Cutibacterium acnes growth and reduce inflammation associated with acne lesion formation. Certain clinical presentations of folliculitis, rosacea, staphylococcal infections, and hidradenitis suppurativa are also responsive to clindamycin, demonstrating its suitability and versatility as a treatment option. This review describes the use of clindamycin in dermatological practice, the mechanism of protein synthesis inhibition by clindamycin at the level of the bacterial ribosome, and clindamycin’s anti-inflammatory properties with a focus on its ability to ameliorate inflammation in acne. A comparison of the dermatologic indications for similarly utilized antibiotics, like the tetracycline class antibiotics, is also presented. Finally, this review addresses both the trends and mechanisms for clindamycin and antibiotic resistance, as well as the current clinical evidence in support of the continued, targeted use of clindamycin in dermatology