3 research outputs found

    Associations between problematic and non-problematic exercisers and ED symptoms, emotional profile and quality of life according to definition of problematic exercise.

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    <p>t: t values determined using the t-test for independent samples.</p><p>* p ≤ 0.05;</p><p>**p ≤ 0.01;</p><p><sup>†</sup>≤ 0.001.</p><p>BSQ: Body Shape Questionnaire score. BVAQ-B: Bermond—Vorst alexithymia questionnaire-form B. EAT-26 bulimia: 26-item Eating Attitudes Test bulimia and food preoccupation subscale score. EAT-26 dieting: 26-item Eating Attitudes Test dieting subscale score. EDQOL: Eating Disorders Quality of Life score. HAD anx.dep: Hospital anxiety and depression scale composite score. MOCI: Maudsley obsessive-compulsive inventory total score. NS: Not significant. RSES: Rosenberg self-esteem scale score.</p><p>Associations between problematic and non-problematic exercisers and ED symptoms, emotional profile and quality of life according to definition of problematic exercise.</p