32,246 research outputs found

    Perturbative renormalization of the electric field correlator

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    The momentum diffusion coefficient of a heavy quark in a hot QCD plasma can be extracted as a transport coefficient related to the correlator of two colour-electric fields dressing a Polyakov loop. We determine the perturbative renormalization factor for a particular lattice discretization of this correlator within Wilson's SU(3) gauge theory, finding a ~12% NLO correction for values of the bare coupling used in the current generation of simulations. The impact of this result on existing lattice determinations is commented upon, and a possibility for non-perturbative renormalization through the gradient flow is pointed out.Comment: 15 pages. v2: published versio

    On the choice of parameters in solar structure inversion

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    The observed solar p-mode frequencies provide a powerful diagnostic of the internal structure of the Sun and permit us to test in considerable detail the physics used in the theory of stellar structure. Amongst the most commonly used techniques for inverting such helioseismic data are two implementations of the optimally localized averages (OLA) method, namely the Subtractive Optimally Localized Averages (SOLA) and Multiplicative Optimally Localized Averages (MOLA). Both are controlled by a number of parameters, the proper choice of which is very important for a reliable inference of the solar internal structure. Here we make a detailed analysis of the influence of each parameter on the solution and indicate how to arrive at an optimal set of parameters for a given data set.Comment: 14 pages, 15 figures. Accepted for publication on MNRA

    Influence of Potato Leafhopper on Alfalfa Yield and Quality

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    The potato leafhopper has the distinction of being one of the native insects that can have a very major impact on the production characteristics of alfalfa. This insect is very definitely the second most important pest of this crop, with the alfalfa weevil, an imported insect, holding the distinction of being the most damaging. These tiny insects (full grown potato leafhoppers are 1/8 inch long) have a very definite impact on alfalfa but their damage is very insidious and hard to recognize

    ADIPLS -- the Aarhus adiabatic oscillation package

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    Development of the Aarhus adiabatic pulsation code started around 1978. Although the main features have been stable for more than a decade, development of the code is continuing, concerning numerical properties and output. The code has been provided as a generally available package and has seen substantial use at a number of installations. Further development of the package, including bringing the documentation closer to being up to date, is planned as part of the HELAS Coordination Action.Comment: Astrophys. Space Sci., in the pres

    Peaks and Troughs in Helioseismology: The Power Spectrum of Solar Oscillations

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    I present a matched-wave asymptotic analysis of the driving of solar oscillations by a general localised source. The analysis provides a simple mathematical description of the asymmetric peaks in the power spectrum in terms of the relative locations of eigenmodes and troughs in the spectral response. It is suggested that the difference in measured phase function between the modes and the troughs in the spectrum will provide a key diagnostic of the source of the oscillations. I also suggest a form for the asymmetric line profiles to be used in the fitting of solar power spectra. Finally I present a comparison between the numerical and asymptotic descriptions of the oscillations. The numerical results bear out the qualitative features suggested by the asymptotic analysis but suggest that numerical calculations of the locations of the troughs will be necessary for a quantitative comparison with the observations.Comment: 18 pages + 8 separate figures. To appear in Ap

    Hawking Radiation in the Dilaton Gravity with a Non-Minimally Coupled Scalar Field

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    We discuss the two-dimensional dilaton gravity with a scalar field as the source matter where the coupling with the gravity is given, besides the minimal one, through an external field. This coupling generalizes the conformal anomaly in the same way as those found in recent literature, but with a diferent motivation. The modification to the Hawking radiation is calculated explicity and shows an additional term that introduces a dependence on the (effective) mass of the black-hole.Comment: 13 pages, latex file, no figures, to be published in IJM

    77Se NMR Investigation of the K(x)Fe(2-y)Se(2) High Tc Superconductor (Tc=33K)

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    We report a comprehensive 77Se NMR study of the structural, magnetic, and superconducting properties of a single crystalline sample of the newly discovered FeSe-based high temperature superconductor K(x)Fe(2-y)Se(2) (Tc=33K) in a broad temperature range up to 290 K. We will compare our results with those reported for FeSe (Tc=9K) and FeAs-based high Tc systems.Comment: Final versio
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