2,632 research outputs found

    Programming DNA Tube Circumferences

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    Synthesizing molecular tubes with monodisperse, programmable circumferences is an important goal shared by nanotechnology, materials science, and supermolecular chemistry. We program molecular tube circumferences by specifying the complementarity relationships between modular domains in a 42-base single-stranded DNA motif. Single-step annealing results in the self-assembly of long tubes displaying monodisperse circumferences of 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, or 20 DNA helices

    Moving Beyond Integrating Ubiquitous Undergraduate Research Skills

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    Information systems professionals must be able to recognize and adapt to changing technologies to support evolving business needs. While it is impossible to accurately envision tomorrow’s technologies and business needs, it is possible to develop students’ ability to constantly survey the changing business and technology landscapes and apply critical thinking skills to draw appropriate conclusions regarding which potential trends are worth following and which are less viable. This paper makes the case for preparing undergraduate students with problem-solving and research skills and describes a successful methodology for developing these skills in an undergraduate information systems course

    Electronic modulation of infrared emissivity in graphene plasmonic resonators

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    Electronic control of blackbody emission from graphene plasmonic resonators on a silicon nitride substrate is demonstrated at temperatures up to 250 C. It is shown that the graphene resonators produce antenna-coupled blackbody radiation, manifest as narrow spectral emission peaks in the mid-IR. By continuously varying the nanoresonators carrier density, the frequency and intensity of these spectral features can be modulated via an electrostatic gate. We describe these phenomena as plasmonically enhanced radiative emission originating both from loss channels associated with plasmon decay in the graphene sheet and from vibrational modes in the SiNx.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    Probing many-body dynamics on a 51-atom quantum simulator

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    Controllable, coherent many-body systems can provide insights into the fundamental properties of quantum matter, enable the realization of new quantum phases and could ultimately lead to computational systems that outperform existing computers based on classical approaches. Here we demonstrate a method for creating controlled many-body quantum matter that combines deterministically prepared, reconfigurable arrays of individually trapped cold atoms with strong, coherent interactions enabled by excitation to Rydberg states. We realize a programmable Ising-type quantum spin model with tunable interactions and system sizes of up to 51 qubits. Within this model, we observe phase transitions into spatially ordered states that break various discrete symmetries, verify the high-fidelity preparation of these states and investigate the dynamics across the phase transition in large arrays of atoms. In particular, we observe robust manybody dynamics corresponding to persistent oscillations of the order after a rapid quantum quench that results from a sudden transition across the phase boundary. Our method provides a way of exploring many-body phenomena on a programmable quantum simulator and could enable realizations of new quantum algorithms.Comment: 17 pages, 13 figure

    Myeloid conditioning with c-kit-targeted CAR-T cells enables donor stem cell engraftment

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    We report a novel approach to bone marrow (BM) conditioning using c-kit-targeted chimeric antigen receptor T (c-kit CAR-T) cells in mice. Previous reports using anti-c-kit or anti-CD45 antibody linked to a toxin such as saporin have been promising. We developed a distinctly different approach using c-kit CAR-T cells. Initial studies demonstrated in vitro killing of hematopoietic stem cells by c-kit CAR-T cells but poor expansion in vivo and poor migration of CAR-T cells into BM. Pre-treatment of recipient mice with low-dose cyclophosphamide (125 mg/kg) together with CXCR4 transduction in the CAR-T cells enhanced trafficking to and expansion in BM (\u3c1%-13.1%). This resulted in significant depletion of the BM c-ki

    Quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism and critical dynamics on a programmable Rydberg simulator

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    Quantum phase transitions (QPTs) involve transformations between different states of matter that are driven by quantum fluctuations. These fluctuations play a dominant role in the quantum critical region surrounding the transition point, where the dynamics are governed by the universal properties associated with the QPT. While time-dependent phenomena associated with classical, thermally driven phase transitions have been extensively studied in systems ranging from the early universe to Bose Einstein Condensates, understanding critical real-time dynamics in isolated, non-equilibrium quantum systems is an outstanding challenge. Here, we use a Rydberg atom quantum simulator with programmable interactions to study the quantum critical dynamics associated with several distinct QPTs. By studying the growth of spatial correlations while crossing the QPT, we experimentally verify the quantum Kibble-Zurek mechanism (QKZM) for an Ising-type QPT, explore scaling universality, and observe corrections beyond QKZM predictions. This approach is subsequently used to measure the critical exponents associated with chiral clock models, providing new insights into exotic systems that have not been understood previously, and opening the door for precision studies of critical phenomena, simulations of lattice gauge theories and applications to quantum optimization

    Combinatorial Analysis of mRNA Expression Patterns in Mouse Embryos Using Hybridization Chain Reaction

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    Multiplexed fluorescent hybridization chain reaction (HCR) and advanced imaging techniques can be used to evaluate combinatorial gene expression patterns in whole mouse embryos with unprecedented spatial resolution. Using HCR, DNA probes complementary to mRNA targets trigger chain reactions in which metastable fluorophore-labeled DNA HCR hairpins self-assemble into tethered fluorescent amplification polymers. Each target mRNA is detected by a probe set containing one or more DNA probes, with each probe carrying two HCR initiators. For multiplexed experiments, probe sets for different target mRNAs carry orthogonal initiators that trigger orthogonal DNA HCR amplification cascades labeled by spectrally distinct fluorophores. As a result, in situ amplification is performed for all targets simultaneously, and the duration of the experiment is independent of the number of target mRNAs. We have used multiplexed fluorescent in situ HCR and advanced imaging technologies to address questions of cell heterogeneity and tissue complexity in craniofacial patterning and anterior neural development. In the sample protocol presented here, we detect three different mRNA targets: Tg(egfp), encoding the enhanced green fluorescent protein (GFP) transgene (typically used as a control); Twist1, encoding a transcription factor involved in cell lineage determination and differentiation; and Pax2, encoding a transcription factor expressed in the mid-hindbrain region of the mouse embryo

    High-intensity Focused Ultrasound Ablation of Soft-tissue Tumors and Assessment of Treatment Response with Multiparametric Magnetic Resonance Imaging: Preliminary Study Using Rabbit VX2 Tumor Model

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    BackgroundHigh-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) is an emerging technique for noninvasive ablative treatment. However, HIFU has rarely been performed for the treatment of soft-tissue tumors. Thus, we aimed to assess the feasibility and safety of performing extracorporeal HIFU for the treatment of soft-tissue tumor. The treatment response was assessed using functional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques.Materials and methodsIn the rabbit VX2 intramuscular tumor model, HIFU was performed using an extracorporeal HIFU device (YDME FEP-BY02) by varying the electric power from 50 to 400 W, with the other parameters being fixed. The HIFU beam was insonated to one layer of focal spots having a depth of 8 mm. The degree of ablation was evaluated by histological examination and functional MRI techniques including dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) and apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) map. The presence of skin burn was also evaluated.ResultsApplying HIFU with an electric power of 200 W discretely produced the ablation zone without skin burn as planned before treatment (maximal depth: 8–9 mm), which shows the suitability of using HIFU (with 200 W electric power) for the treatment of soft-tissue tumors. By contrast, HIFU with an electric power of 100 W produced an ill-marginated ablation zone with internal residual tumor foci, and HIFU with 300–400 W produced ablation zones with a maximum depth of 13–24 mm, which far exceeded the planned depth and caused skin burn. Perfusion maps of DCE-MRI demonstrated the devascularized ablation zone more conspicuously than conventional contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images, and ADC map demonstrated the surrounding edema or granulation tissue better than conventional T2-weighted images.ConclusionExtracorporeal HIFU treatment for soft-tissue tumor may be a feasible approach with adjustment of input energy level. For post-treatment assessment, functional MRI techniques including DCE-MRI and ADC map may be useful and complementary to conventional MRI

    Controlling and creating plasmonic absorption processes in graphene nanostructures

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    In this presentation, it will be shown that the plasmonic absorption of a graphene sheet can be enhanced and perturbed in controllable ways by controlling the thickness and permittivity of the supporting substrate. We will show the results of recent experiments where 25% absorption is achieved in the plasmonic modes of a graphene sheet by carefully selecting the properties of an underlying silicon nitride substrate. We also demonstrate how additional absorption pathways can be created by modifying the surrounding dielectric environment to have optical resonances that can couple to the graphene plasmons