2,840 research outputs found


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    This study was experimental in nature and conducted with the view to make comparison between two samples. The first sample consisted of concrete with rice husk ash mixed in it and the other sample was without such addition. The first test conducted to test the performance was simple measurements. The results show that for the sample without addition of rice husk ash, the density was 2355.97 and for included sample, the density was 2354.44 with insignificant differences (t-stat= 0.766, P>.05). For V-B test, the sample without addition of rice husk as was 8.34 and for include sample, it was 8.01. The differences for V-B for both samples were statistically insignificant (t-stat=1.431, P>.05). The slump test without for the sample without addition of rice husk was 12.75 and for included sample, it was 18.56. The difference was statistically significant (t-stat=2.455, P<.05). The compressive strength for excluded sample was 24.32 and for included sample was 20.01. The results were statistically insignificant (t-value= 1.13, P>.05). For flexural strength test, for excluded sample, the average score was 9.02 and for included sample, the average score was 9.19. The difference was statistically insignificant (t-stat=1.45, P>.05). Overall, the results lead to the conclusion that there are insignificant differences of addition of rice husk ash in concrete

    Revisiting small-world network models: Exploring technical realizations and the equivalence of the Newman-Watts and Harary models

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    We address the relatively less known facts on the equivalence and technical realizations surrounding two network models showing the "small-world" property, namely the Newman-Watts and the Harary models. We provide the most accurate (in terms of faithfulness to the original literature) versions of these models to clarify the deviation from them existing in their variants adopted in one of the most popular network analysis packages. The difference in technical realizations of those models could be conceived as minor details, but we discover significantly notable changes caused by the possibly inadvertent modification. For the Harary model, the stochasticity in the original formulation allows a much wider range of the clustering coefficient and the average shortest path length. For the Newman-Watts model, due to the drastically different degree distributions, the clustering coefficient can also be affected, which is verified by our higher-order analytic derivation. During the process, we discover the equivalence of the Newman-Watts (better known in the network science or physics community) and the Harary (better known in the graph theory or mathematics community) models under a specific condition of restricted parity in variables, which would bridge the two relatively independently developed models in different fields. Our result highlights the importance of each detailed step in constructing network models and the possibility of deeply related models, even if they might initially appear distinct in terms of the time period or the academic disciplines from which they emerged.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, 1 table, to appear in J. Korean Phys. So

    Multi-cultural, multi-course collaborative project: Learning outcomes and project impact

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    A multi-course collaborative project is an effective way to enhance student learning because it not only facilitates the development of social skills, but also provides students an opportunity to understand the importance of collaboration with people in diverse areas in the industry (Kim, LaFleur, & Schaeffer, 2008). A collaborative project in a multi-cultural setting enhances student learning by exposing students to other cultures and broadening their scope of knowledge and applications (Chen, Hsu, & Caropreso, 2006)

    Total Reflection and Negative Refraction of Dipole-Exchange Spin Waves at Magnetic Interfaces: Micromagnetic Modeling Study

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    We demonstrated that dipole-exchange spin waves traveling in geometrically restricted magnetic thin films satisfy the same laws of reflection and refraction as light waves. Moreover, we found for the first time novel wave behaviors of dipole-exchange spin waves such as total reflection and negative refraction. The total reflection in laterally inhomogeneous thin films composed of two different magnetic materials is associated with the forbidden modes of refracted dipole-exchange spin waves. The negative refraction occurs at a 90 degree domain-wall magnetic interface that is introduced by a cubic magnetic anisotropy in the media, through the anisotropic dispersion of dipole-exchange spin waves.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    The use of Facebook in a multi-course collaborative project within a cross-cultural context

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    Facebook is the most popular social network site worldwide with over one billion active users every month (Facebook, 2012) and most university students are already using it. Therefore, implementing it into the classroom provides a familiar environment for students. The benefits of Facebook use, such as interaction, communication, social relationship, and participation, have been found to affect student motivation in learning (Lam, 2012). However, the role of Facebook use in student attitude and intention toward the project has not been examined in a multi-course, multi-cultural context

    Oppositely rotating eigenmodes of spin-polarized current-driven vortex gyrotropic motions in elliptical nanodots

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    The authors found that there exist two different rotational eigenmodes of oppositely rotating sense in spin-polarized current-driven vortex gyrotropic motions in soft magnetic elliptical nanodots. Simple mathematical expressions were analytically calculated by adopting vortex-core (VC)-rotation-sense- dependent dynamic susceptibility tensors based on the linearized Thiele equation [Phys. Rev. Lett. 30, 230 (1973)]. The numerical calculations of those analytical expressions were confirmed by micromagnetic simulations, revealing that linear-regime steady-state VC motions driven by any polarized oscillating currents can be interpreted simply by the superposition of the clockwise and counterclockwise rotational eigenmodes. The shape of the orbital trajectories of the two eigenmodes is determined only by the lateral dimension of elliptical dots. Additionally, the orbital radii and phases of the two eigenmodes' VC motions were found to markedly vary with the frequency of applied currents, particularly across the vortex eigenfrequency and according to the vortex polarization, which results in overall VC motions driven by any polarized oscillating currents.open8

    Vertically integrated visible and near-infrared metasurfaces enabling an ultra-broadband and highly angle-resolved anomalous reflection

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    An optical device with minimized dimensions, which is capable of efficiently resolving an ultra-broad spectrum into a wide splitting angle but incurring no spectrum overlap, is of importance in advancing the development of spectroscopy. Unfortunately, this challenging task cannot be easily addressed through conventional geometrical or diffractive optical elements. Herein, we propose and demonstrate vertically integrated visible and near-infrared metasurfaces which render an ultra-broadband and highly angle-resolved anomalous reflection. The proposed metasurface capitalizes on a supercell that comprises two vertically concatenated trapezoid-shaped aluminum antennae, which are paired with a metallic ground plane via a dielectric layer. Under normal incidence, reflected light within a spectral bandwidth of 1000 nm ranging from = 456 nm to 1456 nm is efficiently angle-resolved to a single diffraction order with no spectrum overlap via the anomalous reflection, exhibiting an average reflection efficiency over 70% and a substantial angular splitting of 58 degrees. In light of a supercell pitch of 1500 nm, to the best of our knowledge, the micron-scale bandwidth is the largest ever reported. It is noted that the substantially wide bandwidth has been accomplished by taking advantage of spectral selective vertical coupling effects between antennae and ground plane. In the visible regime, the upper antenna primarily renders an anomalous reflection by cooperating with the lower antenna, which in turn cooperates with the ground plane and produces phase variations leading to an anomalous reflection in the near-infrared regime. Misalignments between the two antennae have been particularly inspected to not adversely affect the anomalous reflection, thus guaranteeing enhanced structural tolerance of the proposed metasurface.This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) grants funded by the Korean government (MSIP) (No. 2016R1A2B2010170 and 2011-0030079) and by a Research Grant of Kwangwoon University in 2018. The work was partly supported by the Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT110100853, Dr Duk-Yong Choi), and was performed in part at the ACT node of the Australian National Fabrication Facility. The authors thank Prof. L. Shi, Prof. J. Zi and Y. Zhang from Fudan University and Dr H. Yin from Ideaoptics Inc., for their help with the Fourier-transformbased angle-resolved spectroscopy (FT-ARS) measurements