37 research outputs found

    Study for self-efficacy of intensive care unit nursing

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    ICU看護婦の看護ケアの自信(以下ICU看護ケアの自己効力とする)の程度を知り,ICU看護ケアの自己効力に影響する要因を明らかにすると同時に,ICU経験3年以上の15名の看護婦についてはICU看護ケアの自己効力とリーダーとしての自信(以後リーダーシップの自己効力とする)との関係を明らかにすることを目的する。ICU看護ケアの自己効力とリーダーシップの自己効力について尺度を作成し,ICU勤務の看護婦48名を対象として調査を行った。有効回答数は45で,平均年齢は27.8±5.0歳であった。その結果,以下の3点が明らかとなった。1.年齢,看護婦経験年数,ICUでの経験年数が増すごとにICU看護ケアの自己効力も上昇していた(年齢:r(s)=0.35,pく0.05,看護婦経験年数:r(s)=0.35,pく0.05,ICUでの経験年数:r(s)=0.56,P<0.01)。2.配属の希望の有無,職場に満足しているか否か,看護ケアが患者の回復に影響すると考えているか否かについては,ICU看護ケアの自己効力への影響を認めなかった。3.リーダー役割をとっている看護婦のICU看護ケアの自己効力とリーダーシップの自己効力の間には,有意な相関はみられなかった。The purposes of this study were; (1) to examine the self-efficacy of ICU nursing, and (2) to clear the factors related to the self-efficacy of ICU nursing, (3) to investigate between the self-efficacy of ICU nursing and the self-efficacy of leadership for 15 nurses who had experience more than 3 years in the ICU section. Subjects were 45 ICU working nurses whose average age was 27.8±5.0. Using originally designed scales of self-efficacy of ICU nursing and the self-efficacy of leadership, we found following results; (1) the self-efficacy of ICU nursing was significantly related to age (r(s)=0.35, p<0.05), duration of experience as a nurse (r(s)=0.35, p<0.05) and that of ICU (r(s)=0.56, p<0.01). (2) there were no significant relation between the self-efficacy of ICU nursing and desire to be ICU nurse, job satisfaction and belief in positive effect of her nursing care for patient's recovery. (3) the self-efficacy of ICU nursing didn't have significant relationship to the self-efficacy of leadership


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    川崎医科大学は,中核市の倉敷市内と政令指定都市の岡山市内に二つの附属病院を有している。両病院の卒後臨床研修プログラムは独立しているが,研修は両方の病院の診療科から選択することが可能である。平成27年7月,初めて川崎医科大学生を対象にした大学附属病院診療科の説明会をブース形式で学内開催した。研修プログラム説明会とは趣を異にし,各診療科の特徴や業務内容を広報することを目的とした。1年生から6年生までの学生が参加し,アンケート調査に回答した52名全員が将来の研修病院の選択に役に立ったと答え,うち27%は非常に役立ったと高い満足度を示した。また,研修医だけで計画した学生向けのミニシンポジウムも同時に開催し,来場した約70%の学生が参加し貴重な情報収集の場となった。次年度以降も改善を加えながら,学生が身近に附属病院スタッフや先輩研修医と交流できるイベントとして育てていきたい。Kawasaki Medical School has one hospital in Kurashiki City, a core city, and another in Okayama City, an ordinance-designated city. These hospitals have independent postgraduate clinical training programs. However, departments of both hospitals can be selected for training. In July 2015, a boothtype meeting regarding Kawasaki Medical School Hospital departments was held for Kawasaki Medical School students for the first time. The intent of the meeting differed from that of other training program meetings, and its goal was to provide information on the characteristics and tasks of each department. First- to sixth-year students participated in the meeting. All 52 students who responded to a questionnaire survey answered that the meeting was useful in helping them select a hospital for their future training, and 27% of them reported that the meeting was very useful and showed high levels of satisfaction. A mini symposium for students planned only by residents was also held at the same time. About 70% of visiting students participated in the symposium and were given a valuable opportunity to gather information. By making improvements, we will cultivate the meeting as an event in which students can have contact with hospital staff and junior residents from the next year