56 research outputs found

    Conceptual Study and Performance Analysis of Tandem Dual-Antenna Spaceborne SAR Interferometry

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    Multi-baseline synthetic aperture radar interferometry (MB-InSAR), capable of mapping 3D surface model with high precision, is able to overcome the ill-posed problem in the single-baseline InSAR by use of the baseline diversity. Single pass MB acquisition with the advantages of high coherence and simple phase components has a more practical capability in 3D reconstruction than conventional repeat-pass MB acquisition. Using an asymptotic 3D phase unwrapping (PU), it is possible to get a reliable 3D reconstruction using very sparse acquisitions but the interferograms should follow the optimal baseline design. However, current spaceborne SAR system doesn't satisfy this principle, inducing more difficulties in practical application. In this article, a new concept of Tandem Dual-Antenna SAR Interferometry (TDA-InSAR) system for single-pass reliable 3D surface mapping using the asymptotic 3D PU is proposed. Its optimal MB acquisition is analyzed to achieve both good relative height precision and flexible baseline design. Two indicators, i.e., expected relative height precision and successful phase unwrapping rate, are selected to optimize the system parameters and evaluate the performance of various baseline configurations. Additionally, simulation-based demonstrations are conducted to evaluate the performance in typical scenarios and investigate the impact of various error sources. The results indicate that the proposed TDA-InSAR is able to get the specified MB acquisition for the asymptotic 3D PU, which offers a feasible solution for single-pass 3D SAR imaging.Comment: 16 pages, 20 figure

    Concept, System, and Method of Holographic Synthetic Aperture Radar

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    Over time, Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging techniques have been developed from twodimensional SAR, two-and-a-half-dimensional SAR (InSAR), and three-dimensional SAR to multi-dimensional SAR. This has led to great technological achievements. This paper briefly summarizes the development of SAR and its imaging technology, presents the concept of holographic SAR and clearly defines it for the first time, and highlights the differences and connection between the holographic SAR definition and existing concepts such as holographic radar, circular tomographic SAR, and multi-dimensional SAR. On this basis, under the framework of the existing multi-dimensional SAR techniques, the imaging system and signal model of holographic SAR are established, and preliminary imaging ideas are proposed, which provides a preliminary theoretical and technical framework for the development of holographic SAR technology

    A Specific Emitter Identification Algorithm under Zero Sample Condition Based on Metric Learning

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    With the development of information technology in modern military confrontation, specific emitter identification has become a hot and difficult topic in the field of electronic warfare, especially in the field of electronic reconnaissance. Specific emitter identification requires a historical reconnaissance signal as the matching template. In order to avoid being intercepted by enemy electronic reconnaissance equipment, modern radar often has multiple sets of working parameters, such as pulse width and signal bandwidth, which change when performing different tasks and training. At this time, the collected fingerprint features cannot fully match the fingerprint template in the radar database, making the traditional specific emitter identification algorithm ineffective. Therefore, when the working parameters of enemy radar change, that is, when there is no such variable working parameter signal template in our radar database, it is a bottleneck problem in the current electronic reconnaissance field to realize the specific emitter identification. In order to solve this problem, this paper proposes a network model based on metric learning. By learning deep fingerprint features and learning a deep nonlinear metric between different sample signals, the same individual sample signals under different working parameters can be associated. Even if there are no samples under a certain kind of working parameter signal, it can still be associated with the original individual through this network model, so as to achieve the purpose of specific emitter identification. As opposed to the situation in which the traditional specific emitter identification algorithm cannot be associated with the original individual when the signal samples of changing working parameters are not collected, the algorithm proposed in this paper can better solve the problem of changing working parameters and zero samples

    Automatic Color Correction for Multisource Remote Sensing Images with Wasserstein CNN

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    In this paper a non-parametric model based on Wasserstein CNN is proposed for color correction. It is suitable for large-scale remote sensing image preprocessing from multiple sources under various viewing conditions, including illumination variances, atmosphere disturbances, and sensor and aspect angles. Color correction aims to alter the color palette of an input image to a standard reference which does not suffer from the mentioned disturbances. Most of current methods highly depend on the similarity between the inputs and the references, with respect to both the contents and the conditions, such as illumination and atmosphere condition. Segmentation is usually necessary to alleviate the color leakage effect on the edges. Different from the previous studies, the proposed method matches the color distribution of the input dataset with the references in a probabilistic optimal transportation framework. Multi-scale features are extracted from the intermediate layers of the lightweight CNN model and are utilized to infer the undisturbed distribution. The Wasserstein distance is utilized to calculate the cost function to measure the discrepancy between two color distributions. The advantage of the method is that no registration or segmentation processes are needed, benefiting from the local texture processing potential of the CNN models. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is effective when the input and reference images are of different sources, resolutions, and under different illumination and atmosphere conditions

    Error Analysis of Polarimetric Interferometric SAR under Different Processing Modes in Urban Areas

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    Polarimetric Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (PolInSAR) simultaneously has interferometric height measurement and full-polarized detection capabilities, which can better reflect the structural properties of feature targets. Therefore, its potential for application in complex scenarios, such as urban areas, has attracted increasing attention. In urban areas, the processing mainly includes three modes: using interferometry to extract height based on polarimetric optimal coherence, using interferometry based on polarized decomposition, and associating polarimetric interferometric observation equations to retrieve the heights of different scattering mechanisms. The analysis of error factors and effects on Interferometric SAR (InSAR) and polarized SAR is almost complete, but the analysis of error effects under different processing modes of PolInSAR is insufficient. Based on the PolInSAR error model, our paper proposes a method for solving the scattering mechanism under the simultaneous polarization observation equation. Moreover, we derive the model including each error under different processing modes in PolInSAR from the aspect of polarized errors, interferometric errors, and the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). Furthermore, the model is verified through simulations, and we provide height inversion results through three processing modes after compensating for polarized errors and interferometric errors. After the error compensation, we obtain a Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) in building areas of 2.77 m through polarimetric optimal coherence. Finally, the simulations provide the error impact curves under different processing modes of PolInSAR and compare the degree of different processing methods affected by errors, which provides a reasonable explanation for the design of the PolInSAR system, selection of processing methods, and data application

    Layover Detection Using Neural Network Based on Expert Knowledge

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    Layover detection is crucial in 3D array SAR topography reconstruction. However, existing algorithms are not automated and accurate enough in practice. To solve this problem, this paper proposes a novel layover detection method that combines the complex-valued (cv) neural network and expert knowledge to extract features in the amplitude and phase of multi-channel SAR. First, inspired by expert knowledge, a fast Fourier transform (FFT) residual convolutional neural network was developed to eliminate the training divergence of the cv network, deepen networks without extra parameters, and facilitate network learning. Then, another innovative component, phase convolution, was designed to extract phase features of the layover. Subsequently, various cv neural network components were integrated with FFT residual learning blocks and phase convolution on the skeleton of U-Net. Due to the difficulty of obtaining SAR images marked with layover truths, a simulation was performed to gather the required dataset for training. The experimental results indicated that our approach can efficiently determine the layover area with higher precision and fewer noises. The proposed method achieves an accuracy of 97% on the testing dataset, which surpasses previous methods

    Identification of Stable Backscattering Features, Suitable for Maintaining Absolute Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) Radiometric Calibration of Sentinel-1

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    Measuring the absolute calibration constant is crucial for the radiometric calibration of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. However, it is expensive to monitor the calibration constant continuously using manmade calibrators, and it is regionally restricted using the rainforest as the calibration field. In this study, the stability of SAR backscattering for common objects on the earth surface was analyzed, expecting to find the stable backscattering feature that could be used for maintaining absolute radiometric calibration. A database was established using Sentinel-1 dataset, and a classification model based on neural networks was proposed to extract the image slices of proper objects. Based on these, a temporal stable backscattering feature with a standard deviation of 0.19 dB was obtained from urban areas, and it was proved to be even more stable than the rainforest. Finally, the calibration scheme was given using this stable feature as a reference, which provided a new means of monitoring the SAR radiometric calibration constant

    Unambiguous Imaging of Static Scenes and Moving Targets with the First Chinese Dual-Channel Spaceborne SAR Sensor

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    Multichannel synthetic aperture radar (SAR) is a breakthrough given the inherent limitation between high-resolution and wide-swath (HRWS) faced with conventional SAR. This paper aims to obtain unambiguous imaging of static scenes and moving targets with the first Chinese dual-channel spaceborne SAR sensor. We propose an integrated imaging scheme with the dual-channel echoes. In the imaging scheme, the subspace-based error estimation algorithm is first applied to the spaceborne multichannel SAR system, followed by the reconstruction algorithm prior to imaging. The motion-adapted reconstruction algorithm for moving target imaging is initially achieved with the spaceborne multichannel SAR system. The results exhibit an effective suppression of azimuth ambiguities and false targets with the proposed process. This paper verifies the accuracy of the subspace-based channel error estimator and the feasibility of the motion-adapted reconstruction algorithm. The proposed imaging process has prospects for future HRWS SAR systems with more channels

    Three-Dimensional Imaging Method for Array ISAR Based on Sparse Bayesian Inference

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    The problem of synthesis scatterers in inverse synthetic aperture radar (ISAR) make it difficult to realize high-resolution three-dimensional (3D) imaging. Radar array provides an available solution to this problem, but the resolution is restricted by limited aperture size and number of antennas, leading to deterioration of the 3D imaging performance. To solve these problems, we propose a novel 3D imaging method with an array ISAR system based on sparse Bayesian inference. First, the 3D imaging model using a sparse linear array is introduced. Then the elastic net estimation and Bayesian information criterion are introduced to fulfill model order selection automatically. Finally, the sparse Bayesian inference is adopted to realize super-resolution imaging and to get the 3D image of target of interest. The proposed method is used to process real radar data of a Ku band array ISAR system. The results show that the proposed method can effectively solve the problem of synthesis scatterers and realize super-resolution 3D imaging, which verify the practicality of our proposed method
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