43 research outputs found

    First successful production of adult corals derived from cryopreserved larvae

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    Coral reefs worldwide are declining due to increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases, which, combined with local anthropogenic pressure, are exacerbating unprecedented mass coral bleaching. For corals to survive, restoring coral reefs through cryopreservation is crucial. The aim of this study was to vitrify and laser-warm Stylophora pistillata planulae to allow for feasible settlement, post-settlement survival, and the production of adult corals. The no-observed-effect concentrations were used to determine the best cryoprotective agents for S. pistillata. The larvae were then subjected to cooling and nanolaser warming (300 V, 10 ms pulse width, 2 mm beam diameter) by using two vitrification solutions (VSs; VS1: 2 M dimethyl sulfoxide and 1 M ethylene glycol [EG]; VS2: 2 M propylene glycol and 1 M EG) and gold nanoparticles. The results revealed that VS1-treated larvae had a higher vitrification rate (65%), swimming rate (23.1%), settlement rate (11.54%), and post settlement survival rate (11.54%) than those treated with VS2. Seasonal variations also affected the cryopreservation of the planulae; VS1 was more favorable for the planulae in spring than in fall. Although laser-warmed larvae developed slower morphologically than their controlled counterparts, the production of cryopreserved adult S. pistillata corals was achieved. The proposed technique can improve the cryopreservation of corals and advance efforts to protect endangered coral species

    The 2nd International Symposium on New Frontiers in Reef Coral Biotechnology (12 May 2023, Taiwan)

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    For the second year in a row, the theme is “reef coral biotechnology”, specifically the interface between basic science and conservation. It has never been more important to attempt to leverage what we know about these beautiful, albeit highly imperiled and fragile, ecosystems towards conserving them. Our invited speakers’ areas of expertise span all levels of biological organization: from molecules within coral cells, to coral tissues, to entire coral colonies, and then up to reef-scale processes. Our goal is to promote communication not only among local Taiwanese marine biologists, but also those within Southeast Asia and farther afield; we especially encourage participation from early-career researchers, including Master’s students, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral researchers. It is our hope that the presentations (and the discussions that follow) will encourage collaboration. As importantly, we envision that the tools and approaches shared amongst us can be tapped into to expedite our collective efforts to better understand, manage, and conserve coral reefs

    International Symposium on New Frontiers in Reef Coral Biotechnology (5 May 2022, Taiwan)

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    Given the global threats towards coral reefs, this conference’s central theme, “Reef coral biotechnology”, is particularly timely. Our goal is to promote communication and dialogue in this field among marine researchers within and outside of Taiwan, and we have invited experts in the fields of coral reef ecology, physiology, conservation, and biotechnology to discuss their recent findings with a cadre of both local and foreign scientists, as well as students (undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. students). We envision that these presentations will segue into discussions and collaborations that stimulate innovation in reef coral biotechnology, and particularly in the development of tools and approaches that improve the odds of conserving coral reefs and biopreserving reef corals

    The effect of cryopreservation on DNA damage, gene expression and protein abundance in vertebrate

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    Cryopreservation techniques allow the long-term storage of a wide variety of biological material without significant deterioration in quality. Immediate post-thaw survival is most often used to assess the effect of the freeze-thaw process on cells. However, this parameter provides no information on possible subtle effects of cryopreservation, including DNA damage, alteration of mRNA levels and protein function that may not be evident immediately post thaw. These potential adverse effects don’t necessarily result in cell death. While there are many comprehensive reviews of gamete and embryo cryopreservation in vertebrate species, we review here the publications relating to cryopreservation impact on the genome of sperm, embryos and oocytes

    Field-Testing a Proteomics-Derived Machine-Learning Model for Predicting Coral Bleaching Susceptibility

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    Given the widespread decline of coral reefs, temperature-focused models have been generated to predict when and where bleaching events may occur (e.g., Coral Reef Watch). Although such algorithms are adept at forecasting the onset of bleaching in many areas, they suffer from poor predictive capacity in regions featuring corals that have adapted or acclimatized to life in marginal environments, such as reefs of the Florida Keys (USA). In these locales, it may instead be preferred to use physiological data from the corals themselves to make predictions about stress tolerance. Herein proteomic data from both laboratory and field samples were used to train neural networks and other machine-learning models to predict coral bleaching susceptibility in situ, and the models’ accuracies were field-tested with massive corals (Orbicella faveolata) sampled across a 2019 bleaching event. The resulting artificial intelligence was capable of accurately predicting whether or not a coral would bleach in response to high temperatures based on its protein signatures alone, meaning that this approach could consequently be of potential use in delineating O. faveolata climate resilience

    Cryopreservation and Cryobanking of Cells from 100 Coral Species

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    When coral species become extinct, their genetic resources cannot be recovered. Coral cryobanks can be employed to preserve coral samples and thereby maintain the availability of the samples and increase their potential to be restocked. In this study, we developed a procedure to determine coral species-specific requirements for cryobank freezing through determining suitable cryoprotective agents (CPAs), CPA concentrations, equilibration times, holding durations, viability rates, and cell amounts for banked coral cells, and we established the first ever coral cell cryobank. Coral cells, including supporting and gland cells, epidermal nematocysts, Symbiodiniaceae and symbiotic endoderm cells (SEC) were found from the extracted protocol. Approximately half of the corals from the experimental corals consisted of spindle and cluster cells. Gastrodermal nematocysts were the least common. The overall concentration of Symbiodiniaceae in the coral cells was 8.6%. Freezing using DMSO as a CPA was suitable for approximately half of the corals, and for the other half of species, successful cell cryopreservation was achieved using MeOH and EG. EG and DMSO had similar suitabilities for Acanthastrea, Euphyllia, Favites, Lobophyllia, Pavona, Seriatopora, and Turbinaria, as did EG and MeOH for Acropora, Echinopyllia, and Sinularia and MeOH and DMSO for Platygyra after freezing. At least 14 straws from each species of coral were cryobanked in this study, totaling more than 1884 straws (0.5 mL) with an average concentration of 6.4 × 106 per mL. The results of this study may serve as a framework for cryobanks worldwide and contribute to the long-term conservation of coral reefs

    Membrane lipid phase transition behavior of oocytes from three gorgonian corals in relation to chilling injury.

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    The lipid phase transition (LPT) from the fluid liquid crystalline phase to the more rigid gel structure phase that occurs upon exposure to low temperatures can affect physical structure and function of cellular membranes. This study set out to investigate the membrane phase behavior of oocytes of three gorgonian corals; Junceela fragilis, J. juncea and Ellisella robusta,at different developmental stages after exposure to reduced temperatures. Oocytes were chilled to 5°C for 48, 96 or 144 h, and the LPT temperature (LPTT) was determined with Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy. The J. fragilis oocytes had a higher LPTT (∌23.0-23.7°C) than those of J. juncea and E. robusta oocytes (approximately 18.3-20.3°C). Upon chilling for 96 h at 5°C, the LPTTs of J. juncea and E. robusta oocytes in the early (18.0±1.0 and 18.3±0.6°C, respectively) and late (17.3±0.6 and 17.7±1.2°C, respectively) stages were significantly lower than those of J. fragilis oocytes (20.3±2.1 and 19.3±1.5°C for the early and late stages, respectively). The LPTTs of early stage gorgonian oocytes was significantly lower than those of late stage oocytes. These results suggest that the LPT of three gorgonian oocytes at different developmental stages may have been influenced by the phospholipid composition of their plasma membranes, which could have implications for their low temperature resistance

    Effect of Cryopreservation on Proteins from the Ubiquitous Marine Dinoflagellate Breviolum sp. (Family Symbiodiniaceae)

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    Coral reefs around the world are exposed to thermal stress from climate change, disrupting the delicate symbiosis between the coral host and its symbionts. Cryopreservation is an indispensable tool for the preservation of species, as well as the establishment of a gene bank. However, the development of cryopreservation techniques for application to symbiotic algae is limited, in addition to the scarceness of related studies on the molecular level impacts post-thawing. Hence, it is essential to set up a suitable freezing protocol for coral symbionts, as well as to analyze its cryo-injury at the molecular level. The objective of this study was to develop a suitable protocol for the coral symbiont Breviolum subjected to two-step freezing. The thawed Breviolum were then cultured for 3, 7, 14, and 28 days before they were analyzed by Western blot for protein expression, light-harvesting protein (LHP), and red fluorescent protein (RFP) and tested by adenosine triphosphate bioassay for cell viability. The results showed the highest cell viability for thawed Breviolum that was treated with 2 M propylene glycol (PG) and 2 M methanol (MeOH) and equilibrated with both cryoprotectants for 30 min and 20 min. Both treatment groups demonstrated a significant increase in cell population after 28 days of culture post-thawing, especially for the MeOH treatment group, whose growth rate was twice of the PG treatment group. Regarding protein expression, the total amounts of each type of protein were significantly affected by cryopreservation. After 28 days of culture, the protein expression for the MeOH treatment group showed no significant difference to that of the control group, whereas the protein expression for the PG treatment group showed a significant difference. Breviolum that were frozen with MeOH recovered faster upon thawing than those frozen with PG. LHP was positively and RFP was negatively correlated with Symbiodiniaceae viability and so could serve as health-informing biomarkers. This work represents the first time to document it in Symbiodiniaceae, and this study established a suitable protocol for the cryopreservation of Breviolum and further refined the current understanding of the impact of low temperature on its protein expression. By gaining further understanding of the use of cryopreservation as a way to conserve Symbiodiniaceae, we hope to make an effort in the remediation and conservation of the coral reef ecosystem and provide additional methods to rescue coral reefs

    Expediting the Search for Climate-Resilient Reef Corals in the Coral Triangle with Artificial Intelligence

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    Numerous physical, chemical, and biological factors influence coral resilience in situ, yet current models aimed at forecasting coral health in response to climate change and other stressors tend to focus on temperature and coral abundance alone. To develop more robust predictions of reef coral resilience to environmental change, we trained an artificial intelligence (AI) with seawater quality, benthic survey, and molecular biomarker data from the model coral Pocillopora acuta obtained during a research expedition to the Solomon Islands. This machine-learning (ML) approach resulted in neural network models with the capacity to robustly predict (R2 = ~0.85) a benchmark for coral stress susceptibility, the “coral health index,” from significantly cheaper, easier-to-measure environmental and ecological features alone. A GUI derived from an ML desirability analysis was established to expedite the search for other climate-resilient pocilloporids within this Coral Triangle nation, and the AI specifically predicts that resilient pocilloporids are likely to be found on deeper fringing fore reefs in the eastern, more sparsely populated region of this under-studied nation. Although small in geographic expanse, we nevertheless hope to promote this first attempt at building AI-driven predictive models of coral health that accommodate not only temperature and coral abundance, but also physiological data from the corals themselves