18 research outputs found

    The Taiwanese Economy After the Miracle

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    The Taiwanese economic miracle is over. At the end of the 1980s, changes in macroeconomic conditions forced Taiwanese industry to restructure. While it moved towards information technology, the island became increasingly tied to the mainland. By speeding up the integration of Taiwan with China by means of a China-Taiwan economic zone, President Ma Ying-jeou hopes to restart growth, but the economic and political consequences of the project are causing controversy

    Gilles Guiheux, Les grands entrepreneurs privĂ©s Ă  Taiwan — La main visible de la prospĂ©ritĂ©

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    Au cours de ces cinquante derniĂšres annĂ©es, Taiwan a connu un dĂ©veloppement Ă©conomique exceptionnel : encore largement dĂ©pendante de l’agriculture dans les annĂ©es 1950 — le sucre, le riz et le thĂ© constituaient alors les trois-quarts de ses exportations — son Ă©conomie est aujourd’hui devenue l’une des plus performantes du monde dans le secteur informatique — en 1996, sur le marchĂ© mondial, 10% des ordinateurs de bureau, 32% des ordinateurs portables, 54% des Ă©crans d’ordinateur et 74% des car..

    L’économie taiwanaise aprĂšs le miracle

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    Le miracle Ă©conomique taiwanais a vĂ©cu. À la fin des annĂ©es 1980, la modification des conditions macroĂ©conomiques a obligĂ© l’industrie taiwanaise Ă  se restructurer. Tandis qu’elle s’orientait vers les technologies de l’information, l’üle s’est progressivement liĂ©e Ă©conomiquement au continent. En accĂ©lĂ©rant l’intĂ©gration de Taiwan avec la Chine par le biais d’une zone Ă©conomique sino-taiwanaise (ECFA), le prĂ©sident Ma Ying-jeou espĂšre relancer la croissance, mais les consĂ©quences Ă©conomiques et politiques de ce projet suscitent la polĂ©mique

    Gilles Guiheux, Les grands entrepreneurs privés à Taiwan - La main visible de la prospérité, Paris, CNRS, Asie orientale, 2002, 253 pp.

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    In the course of the past fifty years, Taiwan has undergone exceptional economic development. Still largely dependent on agriculture in the 1950s—sugar, rice and tea then made up three-quarters of its exports—it has today become one of the best performing economies in the world in the information industry—on the world market in 1996, 10% of desktop computers, 32% of laptop computers, 54% of computer screens and 74% of motherboards were manufactured by Taiwanese firms either in Taiwan itself o..

    Taiwan, la Chine et l’ECFA : une intĂ©gration rĂ©gionale Ă  forte connotation politique

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    La Chine, un eldorado pour les firmes taiwanaises ?

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    When Taiwan’s Fate Changed Dramatically in the 1940s: The Price of War, the Nationalists’ Game, and the Vagaries of International Politics

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    Taiwan-Chine : un rapprochement Ă©conomique teintĂ© d’arriĂšre-pensĂ©es politiques

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    China-US Trade:The Politics behind Statistics

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    La Chine, opportunité ou menace pour Taiwan ?

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