76 research outputs found

    On the expected discounted dividends in the Cramér-Lundberg risk model with more frequent ruin monitoring than dividend decisions

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    In this paper, we further extend the insurance risk model in Albrecher et al. (2011b), who proposed to only intervene in the compound Poisson risk process at the discrete time points Lkk=0infty{L_k}_{k=0}^infty where the event of ruin is checked and dividend decisions are made. In practice, an insurance company typically balances its books (and monitors its solvency) more frequently than deciding on dividend payments. This motivates us to propose a generalization in which ruin is monitored at Lkk=0infty{L_k}_{k=0}^infty whereas dividend decisions are only made at Ljkk=0infty{L_{jk}}_{k=0}^infty for some positive integer jj. Assuming that the intervals between the time points Lkk=0infty{L_k}_{k=0}^infty are Erlang(nn) distributed, the Erlangization technique (e.g. Asmussen et al. (2002)) allows us to model the more realistic situation with the books balanced e.g. monthly and dividend decisions made e.g. quarterly or semi-annually. Under a dividend barrier strategy with the above randomized interventions, we derive the expected discounted dividends paid until ruin. Numerical examples about dividend maximization with respect to the barrier bb and/or the value of jj are given.postprin

    Neural crest stem cells and their potential therapeutic applications

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    The neural crest (NC) is a remarkable transient structure generated during early vertebrate development. The neural crest progenitors have extensive migratory capacity and multipotency, harboring stem cell-like characteristics such as self-renewal. They can differentiate into a variety of cell types from craniofacial skeletal tissues to the trunk peripheral nervous system (PNS). Multiple regulators such as signaling factors, transcription factors, and migration machinery components are expressed at different stages of NC development. Gain- and loss-of-function studies in various vertebrate species revealed epistatic relationships of these molecules that could be assembled into a gene regulatory network defining the processes of NC induction, specification, migration, and differentiation. These basic developmental studies led to the subsequent establishment and molecular validation of neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) derived by various strategies. We provide here an overview of the isolation and characterization of NCSCs from embryonic, fetal, and adult tissues; the experimental strategies for the derivation of NCSCs from embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells, and skin fibroblasts; and recent developments in the use of patient-derived NCSCs for modeling and treating neurocristopathies. We discuss future research on further refinement of the culture conditions required for the differentiation of pluripotent stem cells into axial-specific NC progenitors and their derivatives, developing non-viral approaches for the generation of induced NC cells (NCCs), and using a genomic editing approach to correct genetic mutations in patient-derived NCSCs for transplantation therapy. These future endeavors should facilitate the therapeutic applications of NCSCs in the clinical setting.postprin

    The developmental roles of the extracellular matrix: Beyond structure to regulation

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    Cells in multicellular organisms are surrounded by a complex three-dimensional macromolecular extracellular matrix (ECM). This matrix, traditionally thought to serve a structural function providing support and strength to cells within tissues, is increasingly being recognized as having pleiotropic effects in development and growth. Elucidation of the role that the ECM plays in developmental processes has been significantly advanced by studying the phenotypic and developmental consequences of specific genetic alterations of ECM components in the mouse. These studies have revealed the enormous contribution of the ECM to the regulation of key processes in morphogenesis and organogenesis, such as cell adhesion, proliferation, specification, migration, survival, and differentiation. The ECM interacts with signaling molecules and morphogens thereby modulating their activities. This review considers these advances in our understanding of the function of ECM proteins during development, extending beyond their structural capacity, to embrace their new roles in intercellula signaling. © 2009 Springer-Verlag.postprin

    Neural Crest Stem Cells/Progenitors and Their Potential Applications in Disease Therapies

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    The neural crest is a remarkable embryonic population generated transiently during early vertebrate development. Because of their multipotency and extensive migratory capacity, neural crest progenitors harbor stem cell characteristics with self-renewal capacity and contribute to a variety of differentiated cell types from cranio-facial skeletal tissues to peripheral nervous system in the trunk. Multiple molecules including signaling factors, transcription factors and components of migratory machinery are expressed at different stages of neural crest development. Gain- and loss-of -function studies in several vertebrate species have revealed the functional relationship of these molecules and assembled them into a gene regulatory network that define the process of neural crest induction, specification, migration and differentiation. These studies form the fundamental criteria for the subsequent establishment and molecular validation of neural crest stem cells/progenitors derived by various strategies. We present here in vivo and in vitro characterization of neural crest stem cells/progenitors isolated from embryonic, fetal and adult tissues as well as the latest experimental approaches for their derivation from embryonic stem cells, induced pluripotent stem cells and skin fibroblasts. We further provide an overview of the recent development in applying neural crest stem/progenitor cells for the treatment of neural crest-associated diseases. Future work is required to explore the possibility in directing neural crest -derived specific lineages from fibroblasts using transcription factor-mediated reprogramming strategy, characterize the differentiation potential of adult-derived neural crest stem cell from different tissue origin, and use genomic editing approach to correct genetic mutations in patient-derived neural crest stem cells/progenitors for transplantation therapy. These endeavors should further unravel and enhance the therapeutic potential of neural crest stem cells/progenitors in clinical setting.published_or_final_versio

    Fission yeast mitochondria are distributed by dynamic microtubules in a motor-independent manner

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    The cytoskeleton plays a critical role in regulating mitochondria distribution. Similar to axonal mitochondria, the fission yeast mitochondria are distributed by the microtubule cytoskeleton, but this is regulated by a motor-independent mechanism depending on the microtubule associated protein mmb1p as the absence of mmb1p causes mitochondria aggregation. In this study, using a series of chimeric proteins to control the subcellular localization and motility of mitochondria, we show that a chimeric molecule containing a microtubule binding domain and the mitochondria outer membrane protein tom22p can restore the normal interconnected mitochondria network in mmb1-deletion (mmb1∆) cells. In contrast, increasing the motility of mitochondria by using a chimeric molecule containing a kinesin motor domain and tom22p cannot rescue mitochondria aggregation defects in mmb1∆ cells. Intriguingly a chimeric molecule carrying an actin binding domain and tom22p results in mitochondria associated with actin filaments at the actomyosin ring during mitosis, leading to cytokinesis defects. These findings suggest that the passive motor-independent microtubule-based mechanism is the major contributor to mitochondria distribution in wild type fission yeast cells. Hence, we establish that attachment to microtubules, but not kinesin-dependent movement and the actin cytoskeleton, is required and crucial for proper mitochondria distribution in fission yeast.published_or_final_versio

    Reprogramming of Dermal Fibroblasts into Osteo-Chondrogenic Cells with Elevated Osteogenic Potency by Defined Transcription Factors

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    Recent studies using defined transcription factors to convert skin fibroblasts into chondrocytes have raised the question of whether osteo-chondroprogenitors expressing SOX9 and RUNX2 could also be generated during the course of the reprogramming process. Here, we demonstrated that doxycycline-inducible expression of reprogramming factors (KLF4 [K] and c-MYC [M]) for 6 days were sufficient to convert murine fibroblasts into SOX9+/RUNX2+ cellular aggregates and together with SOX9 (S) promoted the conversion efficiency when cultured in a defined stem cell medium, mTeSR. KMS-reprogrammed cells possess gene expression profiles akin to those of native osteo-chondroprogenitors with elevated osteogenic properties and can differentiate into osteoblasts and chondrocytes in vitro, but form bone tissue upon transplantation under the skin and in the fracture site of mouse tibia. Altogether, we provide a reprogramming strategy to enable efficient derivation of osteo-chondrogenic cells that may hold promise for cell replacement therapy not limited to cartilage but also for bone tissues.published_or_final_versio

    SOXE neofunctionalization and elaboration of the neural crest during chordate evolution

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    During chordate evolution, two genome-wide duplications facilitated acquisition of vertebrate traits, including emergence of neural crest cells (NCCs), in which neofunctionalization of the duplicated genes are thought to have facilitated development of craniofacial structures and the peripheral nervous system. How these duplicated genes evolve and acquire the ability to specify NC and their derivatives are largely unknown. Vertebrate SoxE paralogues, most notably Sox9/10, are essential for NC induction, delamination and lineage specification. In contrast, the basal chordate, amphioxus, has a single SoxE gene and lacks NC-like cells. Here, we test the hypothesis that duplication and divergence of an ancestral SoxE gene may have facilitated elaboration of NC lineages. By using an in vivo expression assay to compare effects of AmphiSoxE and vertebrate Sox9 on NC development, we demonstrate that all SOXE proteins possess similar DNA binding and homodimerization properties and can induce NCCs. However, AmphiSOXE is less efficient than SOX9 in transactivation activity and in the ability to preferentially promote glial over neuronal fate, a difference that lies within the combined properties of amino terminal and transactivation domains. We propose that acquisition of AmphiSoxE expression in the neural plate border led to NCC emergence while duplication and divergence produced advantageous mutations in vertebrate homologues, promoting elaboration of NC traits.published_or_final_versio

    Homeobox b5(Hoxb5) regulates the expression of Forkhead box D3 gene (Foxd3) in neural crest

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    Patterning of neural crest (NC) for the formation of specific structures along the anterio-posterior (A-P) body axis is governed by a combinatorial action of Hox genes, which are expressed in the neuroepithelium at the time of NC induction. Hoxb5 was expressed in NC at both induction and migratory stages, and our previous data suggested that Hoxb5 played a role in the NC development. However, the underlying mechanisms by which Hoxb5 regulates the early NC development are largely unknown. Current study showed that both the human and mouse Foxd3 promoters were bound and trans-activated by Hoxb5 in NC-derived neuroblastoma cells. The binding of Hoxb5 to Foxd3 promoter in vivo was further confirmed in the brain and neural tube of mouse embryos. Moreover, Wnt1-Cre mediated perturbation of Hoxb5 signaling at the dorsal neural tube in mouse embryos resulted in Foxd3 down-regulation. In ovo, Foxd3 alleviated the apoptosis of neural cells induced by perturbed Hoxb5 signaling, and Hoxb5 induced ectopic Foxd3 expression in the chick neural tube. This study demonstrated that Hoxb5 (an A-P patterning gene) regulated the NC development by directly inducing Foxd3 (a NC specifier and survival gene).postprin

    Asymmetric localization of DLC1 defines avian trunk neural crest polarity for directional delamination and migration

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    Following epithelial-mesenchymal transition, acquisition of avian trunk neural crest cell (NCC) polarity is prerequisite for directional delamination and migration, which in turn is essential for peripheral nervous system development. However, how this cell polarization is established and regulated remains unknown. Here we demonstrate that, using the RHOA biosensor in vivo and in vitro, the initiation of NCC polarization is accompanied by highly activated RHOA in the cytoplasm at the cell rear and its fluctuating activity at the front edge. This differential RHOA activity determines polarized NC morphology and motility, and is regulated by the asymmetrically localized RhoGAP Deleted in liver cancer (DLC1) in the cytoplasm at the cell front. Importantly, the association of DLC1 with NEDD9 is crucial for its asymmetric localization and differential RHOA activity. Moreover, NC specifiers, SOX9 and SOX10, regulate NEDD9 and DLC1 expression, respectively. These results present a SOX9/SOX10-NEDD9/DLC1-RHOA regulatory axis to govern NCC migratory polarization.published_or_final_versio

    Sox9-regulated cell plasticity in colorectal metastasis is attenuated by rapamycin

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    The cancer stem cell (CSC) hypothesis proposes a hierarchical organization of tumors, in which stem-like cells sustain tumors and drive metastasis. The molecular mechanisms underlying the acquisition of CSCs and metastatic traits are not well understood. SOX9 is a transcription factor linked to stem cell maintenance and commonly overexpressed in solid cancers including colorectal cancer. In this study, we show that SOX9 levels are higher in metastatic (SW620) than in primary colorectal cancer cells (SW480) derived from the same patient. This elevated expression correlated with enhanced self-renewal activity. By gain and loss-of-function studies in SW480 and SW620 cells respectively, we reveal that SOX9 levels modulate tumorsphere formation and self-renewal ability in vitro and tumor initiation in vivo. Moreover, SOX9 regulates migration and invasion and triggers the transition between epithelial and mesenchymal states. These activities are partially dependent on SOX9 post-transcriptional modifications. Importantly, treatment with rapamycin inhibits self-renewal and tumor growth in a SOX9- dependent manner. These results identify a functional role for SOX9 in regulating colorectal cancer cell plasticity and metastasis, and provide a strong rationale for a rapamycin-based therapeutic strategy.published_or_final_versio
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