7,063 research outputs found

    Patient complexity and genotype-phenotype correlations in biliary atresia: a cross-sectional analysis

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    Depression und Suizidalität

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    Even if the freedom to suicide is part of our human existence, about 90% of all suicides occur in the context of psychiatric disorders and thus in states of limited power of judgment. Depressive disorders represent the most frequent cause for suicides. Thus, optimization of medical care for depressive patients is one of the most promising strategies to prevent suicides. In the context of the `Nuremberg Alliance Against Depression' it came to an obvious reduction of suicidal acts compared to a baseline year and compared to the control region of Wurzburg. The reduction could be reached by a cooperation with GPs, multipliers such as teachers, priests, geriatric caregivers and the media, through intensive public relations work and through support of self help activities. This approach is carried forward within the Germany-wide `Alliance Against Depression' and within the `European Alliance Against Depression' ( EAAD) which is funded by the European Commission. In the last part of the article the suicide- preventive, but also the possible suicide-inducing effect of antidepressants is discussed

    Asymptotic Dirichlet Problem for A-Harmonic Functions on Manifolds with Pinched Curvature

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    We study the asymptotic Dirichlet problem for -harmonic functions on a Cartan-Hadamard manifold whose radial sectional curvatures outside a compact set satisfy an upper bound and a pointwise pinching condition for some constants epsilon > 0 and C (K) a 1, where P and are any 2-dimensional subspaces of T (x) M containing the (radial) vector acr(x) and r(x) = d(o, x) is the distance to a fixed point o a M. We solve the asymptotic Dirichlet problem with any continuous boundary data . The results apply also to the Laplacian and p-Laplacian, as special cases.Peer reviewe

    Understanding the role of growth factors in modulating stem cell tenogenesis

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    Current treatments for tendon injuries often fail to fully restore joint biomechanics leading to the recurrence of symptoms, and thus resulting in a significant health problem with a relevant social impact worldwide. Cell-based approaches involving the use of stem cells might enable tailoring a successful tendon regeneration outcome. As growth factors (GFs) powerfully regulate the cell biological response, their exogenous addition can further stimulate stem cells into the tenogenic lineage, which might eventually depend on stem cells source. In the present study we investigate the tenogenic differentiation potential of human- amniotic fluid stem cells (hAFSCs) and adipose-derived stem cells (hASCs) with several GFs associated to tendon development and healing; namely, EGF, bFGF, PDGF-BB and TGF-β1. Stem cells response to biochemical stimuli was studied by screening of tendon-related genes (collagen type I, III, decorin, tenascin C and scleraxis) and proteins found in tendon extracellular matrix (ECM) (Collagen I, III, and Tenascin C). Despite the fact that GFs did not seem to influence the synthesis of tendon ECM proteins, EGF and bFGF influenced the expression of tendon-related genes in hAFSCs, while EGF and PDGF-BB stimulated the genetic expression in hASCs. Overall results on cellular alignment morphology, immunolocalization and PCR analysis indicated that both stem cell source can be biochemically induced towards tenogenic commitment, validating the potential of hASCs and hAFSCs for tendon regeneration strategies.Authors thank the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) for the research project BIBS (PTDC/CVT/102972/2008) and for the post-doc fellowship grant: SFRH/BPD/86775/2012. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript

    A consistent picture for large penguins in D -> pi+ pi-, K+ K-

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    A long-standing puzzle in charm physics is the large difference between the D0 -> K+ K- and D0 -> pi+ pi- decay rates. Recently, the LHCb and CDF collaborations reported a surprisingly large difference between the direct CP asymmetries, Delta A_CP, in these two modes. We show that the two puzzles are naturally related in the Standard Model via s- and d-quark "penguin contractions". Their sum gives rise to Delta A_CP, while their difference contributes to the two branching ratios with opposite sign. Assuming nominal SU(3) breaking, a U-spin fit to the D0 -> K+ pi-, pi+ K-, pi+ pi-, K+ K- decay rates yields large penguin contractions that naturally explain Delta A_CP. Expectations for the individual CP asymmetries are also discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 8 figure

    Remote control of a robotic hand using a leap sensor

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    This paper presents a low-cost gesture-based remote control of a ro-botic hand. The proposed control architecture is based on a commercial leap motion sensor and an Arduino board, which have been chosen due to their low-cost and user-friendly features. A specific Matlab code has been implemented to collect data from the leap motion sensor and to generate proper instructions to control a robotic hand, which has been 3D print at Sheffield Hallam Univer-sity. Experimental tests have been carried out validate the effectiveness of the proposed remote control for performing various grasping tasks

    How much do you know about benign, preneoplastic, non-invasive and invasive neoplastic lesions of the urinary bladder classified according to the 2004 WHO scheme?

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    The aim of this essay is the self assessment of the level of knowledge of the 2004 WHO classification of bladder neoplasms through a series of MCQs, each associated a short commentary. This paper is directed to all who are involved with the application of this classification at the anticancer research, diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic levels, in particular to uropathologists, urologists and oncologists