74 research outputs found

    Optimally convergent hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin method for fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries type equations

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    We develop and analyze the first hybridizable discontinuous Galerkin (HDG) method for solving fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries (KdV) type equations. We show that the semi-discrete scheme is stable with proper choices of the stabilization functions in the numerical traces. For the linearized fifth-order equations, we prove that the approximations to the exact solution and its four spatial derivatives as well as its time derivative all have optimal convergence rates. The numerical experiments, demonstrating optimal convergence rates for both the linear and nonlinear equations, validate our theoretical findings

    A robust error estimator and a residual-free error indicator for reduced basis methods

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    The Reduced Basis Method (RBM) is a rigorous model reduction approach for solving parametrized partial differential equations. It identifies a low-dimensional subspace for approximation of the parametric solution manifold that is embedded in high-dimensional space. A reduced order model is subsequently constructed in this subspace. RBM relies on residual-based error indicators or {\em a posteriori} error bounds to guide construction of the reduced solution subspace, to serve as a stopping criteria, and to certify the resulting surrogate solutions. Unfortunately, it is well-known that the standard algorithm for residual norm computation suffers from premature stagnation at the level of the square root of machine precision. In this paper, we develop two alternatives to the standard offline phase of reduced basis algorithms. First, we design a robust strategy for computation of residual error indicators that allows RBM algorithms to enrich the solution subspace with accuracy beyond root machine precision. Secondly, we propose a new error indicator based on the Lebesgue function in interpolation theory. This error indicator does not require computation of residual norms, and instead only requires the ability to compute the RBM solution. This residual-free indicator is rigorous in that it bounds the error committed by the RBM approximation, but up to an uncomputable multiplicative constant. Because of this, the residual-free indicator is effective in choosing snapshots during the offline RBM phase, but cannot currently be used to certify error that the approximation commits. However, it circumvents the need for \textit{a posteriori} analysis of numerical methods, and therefore can be effective on problems where such a rigorous estimate is hard to derive

    GPT-PINN: Generative Pre-Trained Physics-Informed Neural Networks toward non-intrusive Meta-learning of parametric PDEs

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    Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) has proven itself a powerful tool to obtain the numerical solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations (PDEs) leveraging the expressivity of deep neural networks and the computing power of modern heterogeneous hardware. However, its training is still time-consuming, especially in the multi-query and real-time simulation settings, and its parameterization often overly excessive. In this paper, we propose the Generative Pre-Trained PINN (GPT-PINN) to mitigate both challenges in the setting of parametric PDEs. GPT-PINN represents a brand-new meta-learning paradigm for parametric systems. As a network of networks, its outer-/meta-network is hyper-reduced with only one hidden layer having significantly reduced number of neurons. Moreover, its activation function at each hidden neuron is a (full) PINN pre-trained at a judiciously selected system configuration. The meta-network adaptively ``learns'' the parametric dependence of the system and ``grows'' this hidden layer one neuron at a time. In the end, by encompassing a very small number of networks trained at this set of adaptively-selected parameter values, the meta-network is capable of generating surrogate solutions for the parametric system across the entire parameter domain accurately and efficiently
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