723 research outputs found

    Una reflexión prospectiva sobre técnicas sostenibles para controlar la reproducción en mamíferos domésticos

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    publishedTomo I. Sección: Ponencia inaugural. Comunicación nº

    State of the art of plastic sorting and recycling : Feedback to vehicle design

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    Today car manufacturers are beginning to integrate recycling constraints in the first stages of the design of a new car due to their concern regarding the effects of car design on the recovery of material after End-of-Life Vehicle treatment. Improved understanding of the recycling process can help designers to avoid contaminants in the recycled product and improve the efficiency of current and new sorting methods. The main goal of this paper is to describe the state of the art of the technical efficiency of recovery channels for plastics in Europe in order to define requirements for automotive plastic part design. This paper will first present the results of a survey on industrial and innovative recycling technologies mainly originating from the mining sector, and secondly a simplified methodology for car design integrating plastic recycling constraints. This methodology concerns material association and compatibility, the type of assemblies favourable to better recycling, and better reuse of recycled products in cars.Renault Research Direction FR TCR LAB 1 13, Service 641000-Recycling Engineering, 1 avenue du Golf, 78288 Guyancourt Cedex, Franc

    Short oestrous cycles in sheep during anoestrus involve defects in progesterone biosynthesis and luteal neovascularisation

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    Anoestrous ewes can be induced to ovulate by the socio-sexual, 'ram effect'. However, in some ewes the induced ovulation is followed by an abnormally short luteal phase causing a so called, "short cycle". The defect responsible for this luteal dysfunction has not been identified. In this experiment we investigated ovarian and uterine factors implicated in male-induced short cycles in anoestrus ewes using a combined endocrine and molecular strategy. Prior to ovulation, we were able to detect a moderate loss of thecal expression of steroid acute regulatory protein (STAR) in ewes that had not received progesterone priming (which prevents short cycles). At and following ovulation we were able to identify significant loss of expression of genes coding key proteins involved in the biosynthesis of progesterone (STAR, CYP11A1, HSD3B) as well as genes coding proteins critical for vascular development during early luteal development (VEGFA, VEGFR2) suggesting dysfunction in at least two pathways critical for normal luteal function. Furthermore, these changes were associated with a significant reduction of progesterone production and luteal weight. Additionally, we cast doubt on the proposed uterine-mediated effect of prostaglandin F2α as a cause of short cycles by demonstrating both the dysregulation of luteal expression of the PGF receptor, which mediates the luteal effects of PGF2α, and by finding no significant changes in the circulating concentrations of PGFM, the principal metabolite of PGF2α in ewes with short cycles. This study is the first of its kind to examine concurrently, the endocrine and molecular events in the follicular and early luteal stages of the short cycle

    The challenge of increasing production of the animal sector while reducing its environmental footprint

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    Associated with a continuous decrease in the number of hungry people, studies looking at future trends predict an increase in the world population over the next 30 years. These demographic changes are related to an increase in their buying power, essentially in emerging countries such as China, Brazil, India, Indonesia and to a lesser extent Africa. This increased population with more money to spend will provoke a dramatic increase in animal product consumption (meat, milk and fish) in these emerging countries. At the same time, industrial countries will probably reduce their meat consumption per capita for a variety of reasons, which, coincident with a stagnation of their population growth, will probably lead to decreased meat consumption in these countries. Simultaneously, the demand for animal products with high nutritional, organoleptic and « ethic » qualities will increase all over the world. This « ethic » quality is a new concept coming from old Europe and is related to livestock production in specific areas where the conditions of production, i.e. use of local feeds of known origin, respect of animal welfare, reduced use of antibiotics, reduced environmental footprint, etc., are considered to be a significant part of product quality, which adds, rather than substitutes, to their organoleptic and nutritional values. This concept has emerged in Europe where the environmental footprint of livestock farming systems is now obvious, at either a global (essentially via Green House Gases (GHG) emissions), a regional (Ammonia in the air), or at a local scale (Nitrates in water and manure odours). These global and local challenges can be and should be, tackled at both global and local levels. I will develop below the examples of GHG emissions and of the use of antibiotics, but the same rationale could be used for other externalities

    Sources of variation and genetic profile of spontaneous, out-of-season ovulatory activity in the Chios sheep

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    Organising the breeding plan of a seasonally breeding species, such as sheep, presents a challenge to farmers and the industry as a whole, since both economical and biological considerations need to be carefully balanced. Understanding the breeding activity of individual animals becomes a prerequisite for a successful breeding program. This study set out to investigate the sources of variation and the genetic profile of the spontaneous, out-of-season ovulatory activity of ewes of the Chios dairy sheep breed in Greece. The definition of the trait was based on blood progesterone levels, measured before exposing the ewes to rams, which marks the onset of the usual breeding season. Data were 707 records, taken over two consecutive years, of 435 ewes kept at the Agricultural Research Station of Chalkidiki in northern Greece. When all available pedigree was included, the total number of animals involved was 1068. On average, 29% of all ewes exhibited spontaneous, out-of-season ovulatory activity, with no substantial variation between the years. Significant sources of systematic variation were the ewe age and live weight, and the month of previous lambing. Older, heavier ewes, that had lambed early the previous autumn, exhibited more frequent activity. Heritability estimates were 0.216 (±0.084\pm 0.084) with a linear and 0.291 with a threshold model. The latter better accounts for the categorical nature of the trait. The linear model repeatability was 0.230 (±0.095\pm 0.095). The results obtained in this study support the notion that spontaneous out-of-season ovulatory activity can be considered in the development of a breeding plan for the Chios sheep breed

    Seasonal ovulatory activity exists in tropical Creole female goats and Black Belly ewes subjected to a temperate photoperiod

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    BACKGROUND: Seasonality of ovulatory activity is observed in European sheep and goat breeds, whereas tropical breeds show almost continuous ovulatory activity. It is not known if these tropical breeds are sensitive or not to temperate photoperiod. This study was therefore designed to determine whether tropical Creole goats and Black-Belly ewes are sensitive to temperate photoperiod. Two groups of adult females in each species, either progeny or directly born from imported embryos, were used and maintained in light-proof rooms under simulated temperate (8 to 16 h of light per day) or tropical (11 – 13 h) photoperiods. Ovulatory activity was determined by blood progesterone assays for more than two years. The experiment lasted 33 months in goats and 25 months in ewes. RESULTS: Marked seasonality of ovulatory activity appeared in the temperate group of Creole female goats. The percentage of female goats experiencing at least one ovulation per month dramatically decreased from May to September for the three years (0%, 27% and 0%, respectively). Tropical female goats demonstrated much less seasonality, as the percentage of goats experiencing at least one ovulation per month never went below 56%. These differences were significant. Both groups of temperate and tropical Black-Belly ewes experienced a marked seasonality in their ovulatory activity, with only a slightly significant difference between groups. The percentage of ewes experiencing at least one ovulation per month dropped dramatically in April and rose again in August (tropical ewes) or September (temperate ewes). The percentage of ewes experiencing at least one ovulation per month never went below 8% and 17% (for tropical and temperate ewes respectively) during the spring and summer months. CONCLUSIONS: An important seasonality in ovulatory activity of tropical Creole goats was observed when females were exposed to a simulated temperate photoperiod. An unexpected finding was that Black-Belly ewes and, to a lesser extent, Creole goats exposed to a simulated tropical photoperiod also showed seasonality in their ovulatory activity. Such results indicate that both species are capable of showing seasonality under the photoperiodic changes of the temperate zone even though they do not originate from these regions

    Exposure to Photoperiod-Melatonin-Induced, Sexually-Activated Rams after Weaning Advances the Resumption of Sexual Activity in Post-Partum Mediterranean Ewes Lambing in January

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    This study was aimed to determine whether the presence of sexually stimulated rams by photoperiodic and melatonin treatments can advance the resumption of post-partum sexual activity in Mediterranean ewes lambing in January and weaned at the end of the breeding season at 41°N, in March. Rams were exposed to two months of long days (16 h light/day) and given three melatonin implants at the end of the long days (sexually-activated rams; SAR). Control rams (CR) were exposed to the natural photoperiod. Thirty-six ewes weaned on 25 February were assigned to one of two groups. From 1 March to 30 June, one group was housed with four SAR males (SAR-treated; n = 18), and the other group (CR-treated; n = 18) was housed with four unstimulated rams. Ovulation was assessed once per week based on plasma progesterone concentrations. Estrus was monitored daily by marks left on ewes by rams’ harnesses. SAR-treated ewes had a shorter (p < 0.01) weaning–first estrus interval than CR-treated ewes (61 ± 17 days vs. 102 ± 47 days; mean date of first estrus after weaning on April 26 and June 6, respectively). The proportion of the ewes ovulating in April or May was higher (p < 0.05) in the SAR-treated group than in the CR-treated group. SAR-treated ewes resumed estrous activity sooner than CR-treated ewes such that, in April, May, and June, the proportion of females that exhibited estrus was higher (p < 0.01) in the SAR-treated group (72%, 89%, and 100%, respectively) than in the CR-treated group (17%, 44%, and 61%, respectively). In conclusion, the introduction at weaning of sexually activated rams advanced the resumption of estrous activity in ewes in spring. The practical implications of this work could be important in ewes adapted for intensive production and accelerated lambing systems

    Genetic parameters of spontaneous spring ovulatory activity in Mérinos d'Arles sheep

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    The genetic parameters of spontaneous spring ovulatory activity were investigated in the Mérinos d’Arles breed under the usual pastoral and transhumant management conditions of this breed in southeastern France. Ovulatory activity was determined by assaying the plasma progesterone concentration in two blood samples taken 8-10 days apart. The data set consisted of 1 887 ovulatory activity performance measurements in 1995, 1996 and 1997 on 933 ewes, daughters of 176 rams. The effects of the ’physiological status’ (hoggets, adult ewes with or without lambing in the previous autumn), age and live weight just before the mating period were found to be highly significant. They were included in the linear animal model and the threshold sire model used to estimate genetic parameters. On average, 27.9 % of ewes exhibited ovulatory activity in April. Age and live weight just before the mating period had a marked positive effect on ovulatory activity. A difference of about 8-9 % was observed between extreme classes for these factors. The heritability and repeatability estimated through the linear model were 0.20 (standard error: 0.04) and 0.30 (0.07), respectively. When using the threshold model, the heritability was 0.37. These values led us to conclude that a genetic approach for improving spontaneous spring ovulatory activity should be further developed. Nevertheless, further studies are necessary to determine all the implications of such selection.Les paramètres génétiques de l’activité ovulatoire spontanée au printemps ont été estimés en race Mérinos d’Arles dans le système d’élevage pastoral traditionnel (transhumance estivale) du sud-est de la France. Le dosage de la progestérone plasmatique dans deux prélèvements sanguins effectués à 8-10 j d’intervalle a permis de déterminer l’activité ovulatoire des brebis. 1887 performances d’activité ovulatoire ont été enregistrées en 1995, 1996 et 1997, sur 933 brebis issues de 176 béliers. Le «statut physiologique » (antenaises, brebis adultes avec ou sans mise bas à l’automne précédent), l’âge et le poids au moment de la lutte des brebis ont des effets très significatifs sur l’activité ovulatoire. Ils ont été pris en compte dans le modèle animal linéaire et le modèle père à seuil utilisés pour estimer les paramètres génétiques. En moyenne, 27,9 % des brebis présentaient une activité ovulatoire en avril. L’âge et le poids au moment de la lutte ont un net effet positif sur l’activité ovulatoire. Une différence de 8-9 % a été observée entre les classes extrêmes pour ces facteurs. L’héritabilité et la répétabilité estimées avec le modèle linéaire sont de 0,20 (erreur standard : 0,04) et de 0,30 (0,07), respectivement. L’héritabilité calculée avec le modèle à seuil est de 0,37. En conclusion, compte tenu de ces valeurs, l’approche génétique visant à améliorer l’activité ovulatoire spontanée au printemps mérite d’être poursuivie. Néanmoins, d’autres études sont nécessaires pour connaître toutes les implications que supposent une telle sélection