7 research outputs found

    A2_6 Look at the size of that!

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    Further to the paper titled "Terraforming Mars: Creating a Magnetic Field" we investigate the size of the magnetopause that would be created by giving Mars a dipolar magnetic field. It is found that if the magnetic field at the equator is the same as that on Earth (31,000nT) then the stand-off distance of the magnetopause would be roughly 37000km

    A2_5 Rotation Aviation

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    This paper investigates the feasibility of an aircraft flying using the Magnus efect by replacing its conventional wings with cylindrical wings that rotate. It is found that if the wings were to maintain roughly their current size, the minimum angular frequency required to create enough lift at take-off is 37.69 rad/s and at cruising speed is 8.58 rad/s

    A2_3 Terraforming Mars: Creating a Magnetic Field

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    This paper investigates the possibility of generating a magnetic field on Mars by using a single turn coil. It was found that the current needed to create a magnetic field of similar magnitude to that of the Earth’s is 9.47E8 A. In order for a cable of copper to be able to carry this current without melting it was found that it would need a radius of 70.4m. The power that is needed to run this coil was found to be 2.06E13 Js-1 which is 121% of the power used on Earth every second

    A2_4 An (almost) ring of light

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    A potential method for causing light to travel a quasi-circular path by mimicking the shape of an N-sided polygon through a series of refraction events is discussed. Some simple geometric calculations are made in order to learn how this may be achieved and forms of intensity loss are considered. It is concluded that further analysis is required as there appears to be a trade-off between the beam losing too much energy and the refractive indices required being unphysical