118 research outputs found

    How Do Lipids Localize in Lewy Bodies?

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    Lewy bodies are the pathological hallmark of Parkinson's disease (PD). While fibrillar α-synuclein (αS) is the main protein component of Lewy bodies, these structures also contain lipids. To elucidate the presence of lipids in Lewy bodies, we investigated the interaction of lipids with monomeric and fibrillar αS. In vitro, lipid membranes accelerated αS fibril formation under physiological conditions. Moreover lipids and small vesicles co-localized with supra-fibrillar structures and individual αS fibrils suggesting that aggregation initiates at the membrane. The presence of lipids in Lewy bodies may therefore be an indication that cell membranes are the major target in aggregation induced neuronal cell deat

    Data Analysis of three parameter models of deceleration parameter in FRW Universe

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    Constraining the dark energy deceleration parameter is one of the fascinating topics in the recent cosmological paradigm. This work aims to reconstruct the dark energy using parametrization of the deceleration parameter in a flat FRW universe filled with radiation, dark energy, and pressure-less dark matter. Thus, we have considered four well-motivated parameterizations of q(z), which can provide the evolution scenario from the deceleration to acceleration phase of the Universe. We have evaluated the expression of the corresponding Hubble parameter of each parametrization by imposing it into the Friedmann equation. We have constrained the model parameter through H(z), Pantheon, and baryons acoustic oscillation (BOA) data. Next, we have estimated the best-fit values of the model parameters by using Monte Carlo Markov Chain (MCMC) technique and implementing H(z)+ BAO+SNe-Ia dataset. Then we analyzed the cosmographic parameter, such as deceleration, jerk, and snap parameters, graphically by employing the best-fit values of the model parameter. Moreover, we have analyzed statefinder and Om diagnostics parameters for each scenario to discriminate various dark energy models. Using the information criteria, the viability of the models have examined. In the end, we have analogized our outcomes with the standard {\Lambda}CDM model to examine the viability of our model

    Model-independent study for a quintessence model of dark energy: Analysis and Observational constraints

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    In this paper, a well-motivated parametrization of the Hubble parameter (HH% ) is revisited that renders two models of dark energy showing some intriguing features of the late-time accelerating Universe. A general quintessence field is considered as a source of dark energy. We have obtained tighter constraints using recently updated cosmic observational datasets for the considered models. The two models described here show a nice fit to the considered uncorrelated Hubble datasets, Standard candles, Gamma Ray Bursts, Quasars, and uncorrelated Baryonic Acoustic Oscillations datasets. Using the constrained values of the model parameters, we have discussed some features of the late-time accelerating models and obtained the present value of the deceleration parameter (q0q_{0}), the present value of the Hubble parameter (H0H_{0}) and the transition redshift (ztz_{t}) from deceleration to acceleration. The current value of the deceleration parameter for both models is consistent with the Planck 2018 results. The evolution of the geometrical and physical parameters is discussed through graphical representations for both models with some diagnostic analysis. The statistical analysis performed here shows greater results and overall, the outcomes of this investigation are superior to those previously found.Comment: 22 pages, 26 figure

    Constraints on the Parameterized Deceleration Parameter in FRW Universe

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    Confirmation of accelerated expansion of the universe probed the concept of dark energy theory, and since then, numerous models have been introduced to explain its origin and nature. The present work is based on reconstructing dark energy by parametrization of the deceleration parameter in the FRW universe filled with radiation, dark matter, and dark energy. We have chosen some well-motivated parametrized models 1-3 in an attempt to investigate the energy density in terms of deceleration parameters by estimating the cosmological parameters with the help of different observational datasets. Also, we have introduced a new model 4 for the parametrization of the deceleration parameter. Then we analyzed the cosmography parameters using the best-fit values of the parameters. Using the information criteria, we have examined the viability of the models

    A New Cosmological Model: Exploring the Evolution of the Universe and Unveiling Super-Accelerated Expansion

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    In this paper, we present a cosmological model designed to study the evolution of the universe based on a new parametrization of the deceleration parameter. The model considers a spatially flat, homogeneous, and isotropic Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universe filled with radiation, dark matter (DM), and dark energy (DE). We derive the Friedmann equations and the energy conservation equation for the universe, accounting for separate conservation equations for radiation, DM, and DE. Our proposed deceleration parameter is given by a formula involving constants H0H_{0}, Ωr0\Omega_{r0}, Ωm0\Omega_{m0}, q2q_{2}, q1q_{1}, q0q_{0}, α\alpha and β\beta. which we subsequently fit to observational data. To assess the model's viability, we compare it with a diverse range of observational data, including cosmic chronometers, type Ia supernovae, baryon acoustic oscillations, and cosmic microwave background measurements. Employing the chi-square statistic and a Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) method, we estimate the best-fit values for the free parameters and investigate the constraints imposed by observational data on the model. Our results indicate that our cosmological model provides an excellent fit to the observed data and exhibits a remarkable agreement with the standard Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm at higher redshifts. However, the most intriguing discovery lies in the model's prediction of a super-accelerated expansion in the distant future, in contrast to the de Sitter phase predicted by Λ\LambdaCDM. This implies the presence of dark energy driving the universe's accelerated expansion. These findings suggest that our proposed cosmological model offers a compelling alternative to the Λ\LambdaCDM paradigm, shedding new light on the nature of dark energy and the future fate of the cosmos.Comment: 10 figures, 2 table

    Cosmological Tests of f(R,G,T)f(R,G,\mathcal{T}) Dark Energy Model in FRW Universe

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    This research article presents a new cosmological model formulated within the f(R,G,T)f(R,G,\mathcal{T}) framework, focusing on the observational signatures and parameter constraints of the model. The Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique is employed to effectively explore the parameter space using data from 36 Cosmic Chronometers and 1701 Pantheon Plus data points. A comparative analysis is conducted between the proposed f(R,G,T)f(R,G,\mathcal{T}) model and the widely accepted Λ\LambdaCDM model, considering various cosmological parameters, such as Deceleration, Snap, and Jerk. By evaluating these parameters, valuable insights into the dynamics and evolution of the universe within the context of the new model are obtained. Diagnostic tests including Statefinder and Om Diagnostic are performed to further investigate the behavior and consistency of the f(R,G,T)f(R,G,\mathcal{T}) model. These tests provide deeper insights into the properties of the model and its compatibility with observational data. The model is subjected to statistical analysis using Information Criteria to rigorously assess its goodness of fit to the data. This analysis helps determine the level of agreement between the f(R,G,T)f(R,G,\mathcal{T}) model and the observational data, establishing the viability and reliability of the proposed cosmological framework. The results highlight the potential of the f(R,G,T)f(R,G,\mathcal{T}) framework in understanding the fundamental aspects of the universe's evolution and dynamics. The comparative analysis with the Λ\LambdaCDM model, along with the comprehensive diagnostic tests performed, demonstrates the efficacy and validity of the f(R,G,T)f(R,G,\mathcal{T}) model in explaining observed cosmological phenomena. These findings contribute to the ongoing pursuit of accurate and comprehensive models that provide a deeper understanding of the nature of our universe.Comment: 19 pages, 10 figures; accepted for publication in EPJ

    Analyzing a higher order q(t)q(t) model and its implications in the late evolution of the Universe using recent observational datasets

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    In this research paper, we explore a well-motivated parametrization of the time-dependent deceleration parameter, characterized by a cubic form, within the context of late time cosmic acceleration. The current analysis is based on the f(Q,T)f(Q,T) gravity theory, by considering the background metric as the homogeneous and isotropic Friedmann Lema\^itre Robertson Walker (FLRW) metric. Investigating the model reveals intriguing features of the late universe. To constrain the model, we use the recent observational datasets, including cosmic chronometer (CC), Supernovae (SNIa), Baryon Acoustic Oscillation (BAO), Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMB), Gamma Ray Burst (GRB), and Quasar (Q) datasets. The joint analysis of these datasets results in tighter constraints for the model parameters, enabling us to discuss both the physical and geometrical aspects of the model. Moreover, we determine the present values of the deceleration parameter (q0q_0), the Hubble parameter (H0H_0), and the transition redshift (ztz_t) from deceleration to acceleration ensuring consistency with some recent results of Planck 2018. Our statistical analysis yields highly improved results, surpassing those obtained in previous investigations. Overall, this study presents valuable insights into the higher order q(t)q(t) model and its implications for late-time cosmic acceleration, shedding light on the nature of the late universe


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to analyze adverse drug reactions (ADRs) reported in patients prescribed antidepressants at tertiary care hospital. Methods: A prospective and observational study was conducted during January 2020–July 2021 at Department of Pharmacology in collaboration with the Department of Psychiatry, GSVM Medical College, and Kanpur. All patients diagnosed with depression and receiving pharmacotherapy were included in the study. ADRs were monitored using the standard form of the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization and causality was determined using the Naranjo algorithm. Data were evaluated for patient’s demography, risk factors for ADRs, and pattern of ADR. Results: A total of 293 ADRs were recorded from 110 patients. The most common ADRs observed were anxiety (47.42%) and insomnia (19.22%). Men (58.18%) were most commonly affected than women (41.82%). The most common causal drugs among antidepressants were Escitalopram (27.27%) and Venlafaxine (21.81%), respectively. The most common system involved was central nervous system (53.24%) followed by gastrointestinal system (41.63%). The majority of ADRs (97.95%) were possible according to the Naranjo’s scale. Conclusion: Anxiety, insomnia, and dizziness were the common ADRs which were associated with the use of antidepressants. This study offers a representative profile of the ADRs which can be expected in the psychiatry outpatients

    Exploring Tidal Force Effects and Shadow Constraints for Schwarzschild-like Black Hole in Starobinsky-Bel-Robinson Gravity

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    The current manuscript deals with the tidal force effects, geodesic deviation, and shadow constraints of the Schwarzschild-like black hole theorised in Starobinsky-Bel-Robinson gravity exhibiting M-theory compactification. In the current analysis, we explore the radial and angular tidal force effects on a radially in-falling particle by the central black hole, which is located in this spacetime. We also numerically solve the geodesic deviation equation and study the variation of the geodesic separation vector with the radial coordinate for two nearby geodesics using suitable initial conditions. All the obtained results are tested for Sag A* and M87* by constraining the value of the stringy gravity parameter β\beta using the shadow data from the event horizon telescope observations. All the results are compared with Schwarzschild black hole spacetime. In our study, we found that both the radial and angular tidal forces experienced by a particle switch their initial behaviour and turn compressive and stretching, respectively, before reaching the event horizon. The geodesic deviation shows an oscillating trend as well for the chosen initial condition. For the constrained value of β\beta, we see that the spacetime geometry generated by Sag A* and M87* is effectively same for both Schwarzschild and Starobinsky-Bel-Robinson black hole. Furthermore, we also calculated the angular diameter of the shadow in Starobinsky-Bel-Robinson black hole and compared with the Schwarzschild black hole. It is observed that the angular diameter of shadow for M87* and Sgr A* in Starobinsky-Bel-Robinson black hole is smaller than the Schwarzschild black hole. The calculated results satisfy the event horizon telescope observational constraints. Finally, we have concluding remarks.Comment: 12 pages, 18 figures, accepted for publication in European Physical Journal
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