1 research outputs found

    How Effective Are Current International Laws in Combating Issues of Global Cyber Security?

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    One of the most serious threats or challenges to national and international security that we are facing today is cyber security. Currently, there are no bodies of international law that can be applied in order to hold states accountable for launching cyber-attacks against other states, and thus it is imperative that several obstacles be removed in order for the law to be applicable before we find ourselves in an all-out “World War C” (Segal, 2016). Critical infrastructure systems are at great risk from attacks that could lead to catastrophic events such as total power blackouts, the opening of dams, and serious economic turmoil. There is no doubt that we are on the brink of a very serious threat to international security, and the current inapplicability of international humanitarian law to this new realm of warfare is sincerely alarming