5 research outputs found

    The influence of herbal active substances on heart function

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    Biljke i njihovi produkti koriste se za liječenje raznih bolesti od početka ljudske civilizacije. Osim medicinske upotrebe, raširena je i upotreba toksičnih spojeva. Često isti spojevi imaju oba djelovanja ovisno o doziranju. Alkaloidi su prirodni organski spojevi, sekundarni metaboliti živih organizama s izrazitim farmakološkim učinkom. Akonitin je jedan od najotrovnijih alkaloida. Akonitin i mezakonitin vežu se s visokim afinitetom na natrijeve kanale i uzrokuju njihovu stalnu aktivaciju. Dolazi do stalne depolarizacije membrane, usporavanja bila i paralize respiratornih mišića. Taksin najveći utjecaj ima na kardiovaskularni sustav, dovodi do poremećaja u provođenju srčanog podražaja zbog interferiranja s ionskim kanalima srčanog mišića. Smanjuje brzinu depolarizacije akcijskog potencijala, a to stvara bradikardiju, kašnjenje provođenja, aritmiju itd. Srčani glikozidi se vežu za Na+/K+-ATP-azu i inhibiraju je što vodi do povećanja koncentracije kalcijevih iona i rasta snage kontrakcije srca. Ovisno o strukturi dijele se na kardenolide i bufadienolide. Djelovanje navedenih spojeva nepoznato je široj javnosti što može dovesti do ozbiljnih posljedica u vidu trovanja.Plants and their products have been used to treat various diseases since the beginning of human civilization. In addition to medical use, the use of toxic compounds is also widespread. Often the same compounds have both dosage-dependent effects. Alkaloids are natural organic compounds, secondary metabolites of living organisms with a pronounced pharmacological effect. Aconitine is one of the most toxic alkaloids. Aconitine and mesaconitine bind with high affinity to sodium channels and cause their constant activation. There is a constant depolarization of the membrane, slowing down heart rate and paralysing the respiratory muscles. Taxin has the greatest impact on the cardiovascular system, leading to disturbances in the conduction of cardiac stimuli due to interference with the ion channels of the heart muscle. It reduces the rate of depolarization of the action potential, which creates bradycardia, conduction delay, arrhythmia, etc. Cardiac glycosides bind to and inhibit Na + / K + -ATPase, leading to an increase in calcium ion concentration and an increase in cardiac contraction strength. Depending on the structure, they are divided into cardenolides and bufadienolides. The action of these compounds is unknown to the general public, which can lead to serious consequences in the form of poisoning

    Floristic diversity of the Divljača forest (eastern Medvednica)

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    Šuma Divljača nalazi se u Sesvetama, sa zapadne strane naslanja se na zagrebačku četvrt Dubrava, a sa njene sjeverozapadne strane prostire se Medvednica. U istraživanom području pojavljuju se različita mikrostaništa: bjelogorica, crnogorica, krčevine, obale potoka i sastojine malog zimzelena. Vaskularna flora ovog područja istraživana je od veljače do studenog 2022. godine. Zabilježeno je 114 vrsta raspoređenih u 54 biljne porodice. Najbrojnije biljne porodice su Rosaceae (10%), Compositae (8%), Ranunculaceae (5%), Fabaceae (4%), Scrophulariaceae (4%), Apiaceae (3%), Caryophyllaceae (3%), Juncaceae (3%) i Lamiaceae (3%). Najveći broj vrsta i raznolikost je na krčevinama. Najdominantniji životni oblici su dugoživući hemikriptofiti (41,23%), geofiti (25,44%) i fanerofiti (19,3%). Na svim mikrostaništima dominiraju listopadne biljke. Dominantni oblici rasprostranjivanja su endohorija, disohorija i mirmekohorija. Fitogeografska analiza pokazuje da u istraživanom području dominiraju biljke euroazijskog flornog elementa (40,9%). Na svim mikrostaništima prevladavaju biljke kojima odgovaraju temperature brežuljkastog pojasa te biljke suboceanske do subkontinentalne rasprostranjenosti. Zabilježeno je osam alohtonih i četiri invazivne vrste. Prema Crvenoj knjizi vaskularne flore Hrvatske 6 svojti svrstano je u neko od kategorija ugroženosti.The Divljača Forest is located in Sesvete, on the west side it abuts the Zagreb district of Dubrava, and on its northwest side lies Medvednica. Different microhabitats appear in the researched area: spruce, coniferous, scrub, stream banks and stands of Vinca minor. The vascular flora of this area was investigated from February to November 2022. 114 taxa distributed in 54 plant families were recorded. The most represented plant families are Rosaceae (10%), Compositae (8%), Ranunculaceae (5%), Fabaceae (4%), Scrophulariaceae (4%), Apiaceae (3%), Caryophyllaceae (3%), Juncaceae (3%) and Lamiaceae (3%). The greatest number of species and diversity is in scrubland. The most dominant life forms are long-lived hemicryptophytes (41.23%), geophytes (25.44%) and phanerophytes (19.3%). All microhabitats are dominated by deciduous plants. The dominant forms of propagation are endochory, disochory and myrmecochory. Phytogeographical analysis shows that plants of the Eurasian floral element dominate in the researched area (40.9%). All microhabitats are dominated by plants that correspond to the temperatures of the hilly belt and plants of suboceanic to subcontinental distribution. Eight allochthonous and four invasive species were recorded. According to the Red Book of the Vascular Flora of Croatia, 6 taxa are classified in one of the endangered categories

    Floristic diversity of the Divljača forest (eastern Medvednica)

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    Šuma Divljača nalazi se u Sesvetama, sa zapadne strane naslanja se na zagrebačku četvrt Dubrava, a sa njene sjeverozapadne strane prostire se Medvednica. U istraživanom području pojavljuju se različita mikrostaništa: bjelogorica, crnogorica, krčevine, obale potoka i sastojine malog zimzelena. Vaskularna flora ovog područja istraživana je od veljače do studenog 2022. godine. Zabilježeno je 114 vrsta raspoređenih u 54 biljne porodice. Najbrojnije biljne porodice su Rosaceae (10%), Compositae (8%), Ranunculaceae (5%), Fabaceae (4%), Scrophulariaceae (4%), Apiaceae (3%), Caryophyllaceae (3%), Juncaceae (3%) i Lamiaceae (3%). Najveći broj vrsta i raznolikost je na krčevinama. Najdominantniji životni oblici su dugoživući hemikriptofiti (41,23%), geofiti (25,44%) i fanerofiti (19,3%). Na svim mikrostaništima dominiraju listopadne biljke. Dominantni oblici rasprostranjivanja su endohorija, disohorija i mirmekohorija. Fitogeografska analiza pokazuje da u istraživanom području dominiraju biljke euroazijskog flornog elementa (40,9%). Na svim mikrostaništima prevladavaju biljke kojima odgovaraju temperature brežuljkastog pojasa te biljke suboceanske do subkontinentalne rasprostranjenosti. Zabilježeno je osam alohtonih i četiri invazivne vrste. Prema Crvenoj knjizi vaskularne flore Hrvatske 6 svojti svrstano je u neko od kategorija ugroženosti.The Divljača Forest is located in Sesvete, on the west side it abuts the Zagreb district of Dubrava, and on its northwest side lies Medvednica. Different microhabitats appear in the researched area: spruce, coniferous, scrub, stream banks and stands of Vinca minor. The vascular flora of this area was investigated from February to November 2022. 114 taxa distributed in 54 plant families were recorded. The most represented plant families are Rosaceae (10%), Compositae (8%), Ranunculaceae (5%), Fabaceae (4%), Scrophulariaceae (4%), Apiaceae (3%), Caryophyllaceae (3%), Juncaceae (3%) and Lamiaceae (3%). The greatest number of species and diversity is in scrubland. The most dominant life forms are long-lived hemicryptophytes (41.23%), geophytes (25.44%) and phanerophytes (19.3%). All microhabitats are dominated by deciduous plants. The dominant forms of propagation are endochory, disochory and myrmecochory. Phytogeographical analysis shows that plants of the Eurasian floral element dominate in the researched area (40.9%). All microhabitats are dominated by plants that correspond to the temperatures of the hilly belt and plants of suboceanic to subcontinental distribution. Eight allochthonous and four invasive species were recorded. According to the Red Book of the Vascular Flora of Croatia, 6 taxa are classified in one of the endangered categories

    The influence of herbal active substances on heart function

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    Biljke i njihovi produkti koriste se za liječenje raznih bolesti od početka ljudske civilizacije. Osim medicinske upotrebe, raširena je i upotreba toksičnih spojeva. Često isti spojevi imaju oba djelovanja ovisno o doziranju. Alkaloidi su prirodni organski spojevi, sekundarni metaboliti živih organizama s izrazitim farmakološkim učinkom. Akonitin je jedan od najotrovnijih alkaloida. Akonitin i mezakonitin vežu se s visokim afinitetom na natrijeve kanale i uzrokuju njihovu stalnu aktivaciju. Dolazi do stalne depolarizacije membrane, usporavanja bila i paralize respiratornih mišića. Taksin najveći utjecaj ima na kardiovaskularni sustav, dovodi do poremećaja u provođenju srčanog podražaja zbog interferiranja s ionskim kanalima srčanog mišića. Smanjuje brzinu depolarizacije akcijskog potencijala, a to stvara bradikardiju, kašnjenje provođenja, aritmiju itd. Srčani glikozidi se vežu za Na+/K+-ATP-azu i inhibiraju je što vodi do povećanja koncentracije kalcijevih iona i rasta snage kontrakcije srca. Ovisno o strukturi dijele se na kardenolide i bufadienolide. Djelovanje navedenih spojeva nepoznato je široj javnosti što može dovesti do ozbiljnih posljedica u vidu trovanja.Plants and their products have been used to treat various diseases since the beginning of human civilization. In addition to medical use, the use of toxic compounds is also widespread. Often the same compounds have both dosage-dependent effects. Alkaloids are natural organic compounds, secondary metabolites of living organisms with a pronounced pharmacological effect. Aconitine is one of the most toxic alkaloids. Aconitine and mesaconitine bind with high affinity to sodium channels and cause their constant activation. There is a constant depolarization of the membrane, slowing down heart rate and paralysing the respiratory muscles. Taxin has the greatest impact on the cardiovascular system, leading to disturbances in the conduction of cardiac stimuli due to interference with the ion channels of the heart muscle. It reduces the rate of depolarization of the action potential, which creates bradycardia, conduction delay, arrhythmia, etc. Cardiac glycosides bind to and inhibit Na + / K + -ATPase, leading to an increase in calcium ion concentration and an increase in cardiac contraction strength. Depending on the structure, they are divided into cardenolides and bufadienolides. The action of these compounds is unknown to the general public, which can lead to serious consequences in the form of poisoning

    Floristic diversity of the Divljača forest (eastern Medvednica)

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    Šuma Divljača nalazi se u Sesvetama, sa zapadne strane naslanja se na zagrebačku četvrt Dubrava, a sa njene sjeverozapadne strane prostire se Medvednica. U istraživanom području pojavljuju se različita mikrostaništa: bjelogorica, crnogorica, krčevine, obale potoka i sastojine malog zimzelena. Vaskularna flora ovog područja istraživana je od veljače do studenog 2022. godine. Zabilježeno je 114 vrsta raspoređenih u 54 biljne porodice. Najbrojnije biljne porodice su Rosaceae (10%), Compositae (8%), Ranunculaceae (5%), Fabaceae (4%), Scrophulariaceae (4%), Apiaceae (3%), Caryophyllaceae (3%), Juncaceae (3%) i Lamiaceae (3%). Najveći broj vrsta i raznolikost je na krčevinama. Najdominantniji životni oblici su dugoživući hemikriptofiti (41,23%), geofiti (25,44%) i fanerofiti (19,3%). Na svim mikrostaništima dominiraju listopadne biljke. Dominantni oblici rasprostranjivanja su endohorija, disohorija i mirmekohorija. Fitogeografska analiza pokazuje da u istraživanom području dominiraju biljke euroazijskog flornog elementa (40,9%). Na svim mikrostaništima prevladavaju biljke kojima odgovaraju temperature brežuljkastog pojasa te biljke suboceanske do subkontinentalne rasprostranjenosti. Zabilježeno je osam alohtonih i četiri invazivne vrste. Prema Crvenoj knjizi vaskularne flore Hrvatske 6 svojti svrstano je u neko od kategorija ugroženosti.The Divljača Forest is located in Sesvete, on the west side it abuts the Zagreb district of Dubrava, and on its northwest side lies Medvednica. Different microhabitats appear in the researched area: spruce, coniferous, scrub, stream banks and stands of Vinca minor. The vascular flora of this area was investigated from February to November 2022. 114 taxa distributed in 54 plant families were recorded. The most represented plant families are Rosaceae (10%), Compositae (8%), Ranunculaceae (5%), Fabaceae (4%), Scrophulariaceae (4%), Apiaceae (3%), Caryophyllaceae (3%), Juncaceae (3%) and Lamiaceae (3%). The greatest number of species and diversity is in scrubland. The most dominant life forms are long-lived hemicryptophytes (41.23%), geophytes (25.44%) and phanerophytes (19.3%). All microhabitats are dominated by deciduous plants. The dominant forms of propagation are endochory, disochory and myrmecochory. Phytogeographical analysis shows that plants of the Eurasian floral element dominate in the researched area (40.9%). All microhabitats are dominated by plants that correspond to the temperatures of the hilly belt and plants of suboceanic to subcontinental distribution. Eight allochthonous and four invasive species were recorded. According to the Red Book of the Vascular Flora of Croatia, 6 taxa are classified in one of the endangered categories