55 research outputs found

    Traffic, transportation and road safety : Centerdata Telepanel

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    This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Traffic safety / means of transportation / traffic offences / fines Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household / Position in family/household / Size of family/household / Other: presence of partner in family/household Respondent: occupational status Respondent: gross income / Respondent: net income / Total family/household: gross income / Total family/ household: net income Respondent: highest grade attained / Respondent: highest type attended Other: constructed variable ( social economic class ) according to GFK * Dongen

    Poverty in the Netherlands : Centerdata Telepanel

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    This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Poverty problems in the Netherlands / interference of church and government Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household / Position in family/household / Size of family/household / Other: presence of partner in family/household Respondent: occupational status Respondent: gross income / Respondent: net income / Total family/household: gross income / Total family/ household: net income Respondent: highest grade attained / Respondent: highest type attended Other: constructed variable ( social economic class ) according to GFK * Dongen

    Shopping for the whole household : Centerdata Telepanel

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    This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Buying behaviour, frequency of visiting supermarkets and other types of shops, products, money spent Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household / Position in family/household / Size of family/household / Other: presence of partner in family/household Respondent: occupational status Respondent: gross income / Respondent: net income / Total family/household: gross income / Total family/ household: net income Respondent: highest grade attained / Respondent: highest type attended Other: constructed variable ( social economic class ) according to GFK * Dongen

    Membership of the Dutch party SGP (Staatkundig Gereformeerde Partij) : Centerdata Telepanel

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    This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Voting behaviour, opinion about the fact that women are not allowed to be a member of the SGP, role of the Commission for women's rights of the European Parliament in this matter, opinion about the Centerdemocrats, tolerance of the Dutch Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household / Position in family/household / Size of family/household / Other: presence of partner in family/household Respondent: occupational status Respondent: gross income / Respondent: net income / Total family/household: gross income / Total family/ household: net income Respondent: highest grade attained / Respondent: highest type attended Other: constructed variable ( social economic class ) according to GFK * Dongen

    Chipcard : Centerdata Telepanel

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    This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Use of and opinion about the chipcard Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household / Position in family/household / Size of family/household / Other: presence of partner in family/household Respondent: occupational status Respondent: gross income / Respondent: net income / Total family/household: gross income / Total family/ household: net income Respondent: highest grade attained / Respondent: highest type attended Other: constructed variable ( social economic class ) according to GFK * Dongen

    Durables, information and advertisement : Centerdata Telepanel

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    This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Durables bought during last five years / information seeking before purchasing / satisfaction and dissatisfaction with last purchase / credibility of advertisement Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household / Position in family/household / Size of family/household / Other: presence of partner in family/household Respondent: occupational status Respondent: gross income / Respondent: net income / Total family/household: gross income / Total family/ household: net income Respondent: highest grade attained / Respondent: highest type attended Other: constructed variable ( social economic class ) according to GFK * Dongen

    Poverty : Centerdata Telepanel

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    This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Defining poverty / willingness to help poor people / attitudes of rich and poor people Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household / Position in family/household / Size of family/household / Other: presence of partner in family/household Respondent: occupational status Respondent: gross income / Respondent: net income / Total family/household: gross income / Total family/ household: net income Respondent: highest grade attained / Respondent: highest type attended Other: constructed variable ( social economic class ) according to GFK * Dongen

    Nature, environmental and landscape organisations : Centerdata Telepanel

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    This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Knowledge and opinions about environmental organisations and organisations for the protection of nature / membership of these kind of organisations Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household / Position in family/household / Size of family/household / Other: presence of partner in family/household Respondent: occupational status Respondent: gross income / Respondent: net income / Total family/household: gross income / Total family/ household: net income Respondent: highest grade attained / Respondent: highest type attended Other: constructed variable ( social economic class ) according to GFK * Dongen

    Emancipatie-opinies 2006 - EMOP 2006

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    Onderzoek naar emancipatie opinies, zoals bv opvattingen over de verdeling tussen betaalde en onbetaalde arbeid, kinderopvang, inkomen, politieke en maatschappelijke besluitvorming, seksuele intimidatie, mishandelin

    Political reforms in the Netherlands : Centerdata Telepanel

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    This survey is part of Centerdata's Telepanel project. Telepanel consists of approx. 2000 households, surveyed weekly. Besides the Centerdatabase offers opportunities to compose tailor-made datasets. Political reforms / referendum / new electoral system / right to vote for foreigners Background Variables: Age, year of birth / Sex Ownership of house Nr. of children living with family/household / Position in family/household / Size of family/household / Other: presence of partner in family/household Respondent: occupational status Respondent: gross income / Respondent: net income / Total family/household: gross income / Total family/ household: net income Respondent: highest grade attained / Respondent: highest type attended Other: constructed variable ( social economic class ) according to GFK * Dongen