1,905 research outputs found

    Quasi-Thermal Comptonization and GRBs

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    Quasi-thermal Comptonization is an attractive alternative to the synchrotron process to explain the spectra of GRBs, even if we maintain other important properties of the internal shock scenario, implying a compact emitting region and an equipartition magnetic field. Photon-photon absorption and electron-positron pairs can play a crucial role: this process may lock the effective temperature in a narrow range and may be the reason why burst spectra have high energy cut-offs close to the rest mass-energy of the electron. If the progenitors of GRB are hypernovae, the circum-burst matter is dominated by the wind of the pre-hypernova star. The presence of this dense material has strong effects on the generation of the radiation of the burst and its afterglow.Comment: 7 pages, contributed paper for the meeting: "Gamma-ray bursts: the first three minutes", Editors: J. Poutanen and R. Svensso

    Testing the FR I/BL Lac unifying model with HST observations

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    Hubble Space Telescope (HST) observations provide a novel way of testing unified models for FR I radio sources and BL Lac objects. The detection of extended dust discs in some radio galaxies provides information on their jet orientation. Given this, the strength of the compact nuclear sources of FR I and BL Lacs can be compared with model predictions. As a pilot project, we selected five radio galaxies which show extended nuclear discs in the HST images. The relative orientation of the projected radio-jets and of the extended nuclear discs indicates that they are not perpendicular, as the simplest geometrical model would suggest, but that they form an angle of ~ 20 - 40 degrees with the symmetry axis of the disc: a significant change of orientation occurs between the innermost AGN structure and the kpc-scale. Nevertheless, the discs appear to be useful indicators of the radio sources orientation since the angles formed by the disc axis and the jet with the line of sight differ by only ~ 10 - 20 degrees. At the center of each disc an unresolved nuclear source is present. We compared its luminosity with the optical core luminosity of BL Lacs selected for having similar host galaxy magnitude and extended radio luminosity. The BL Lac cores are between 2 E2 and 3 E5 times brighter than the corresponding radio galaxies ones. The FR I/BL Lac core luminosity ratio shows a suggestive correlation with the orientation of the radio galaxies with respect to the line of sight. The behavior of this ratio is quantitatively consistent with a scenario in which the emission in the FR I and BL Lac is dominated by the beamed radiation from a relativistic jet with Doppler factor ~ 5 - 10, thus supporting the basic features of the proposed unification schemes.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRAS, revised versio

    Relativistic large scale jets and minimum power requirements

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    The recent discovery, by the Chandra satellite, that jets of blazars are strong X-ray emitters at large scales (0.1-1 Mpc) bears support to the hypothesis that (also) on these scales the emitting plasma is moving at highly relativistic speeds. In this case in fact the emission via inverse Compton scattering off cosmic background photons is enhanced and the resulting predicted X-ray spectrum well accounts for the otherwise puzzling observations. Here we point out another reason to favor relativistic large scale jets, based on a minimum power argument: by estimating the Poynting flux and bulk kinetic powers corresponding to, at least, the relativistic particles and magnetic field responsible for the emission, one can derive the value of the bulk Lorentz factor for which the total power is minimized. It is found that both the inner and extended parts of the jet of PKS 0637-752 satisfy such condition.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures; revised version accepted for publication in MNRA

    Reprocessing of radiation by multi-phase gas in Low Luminosity Accretion Flows

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    We discuss the role that magnetic fields in low luminosity accretion flows can play in creating and maintaining a multi-phase medium, and show that small magnetically-confined clouds or filaments of dense cold gas can dramatically reprocess the `primary' radiation from tori. In particular, radio emission would be suppressed by free-free absorption, and an extra (weak) component would appear at optical wavelengths. This is expected to be a common process in various environments in the central regions of Active Galaxies, such as broad line regions, accretion disk coronae and jets.Comment: submitted to MNRAS; 4 pages, 1 figure (MNRAS LaTex style

    The BL Lac heart of Centaurus A

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    Emission from the nucleus of the closest radio galaxy, Centaurus A, is observed from the radio to the gamma ray band. We build, for the first time, its overall Spectral Energy Distribution (SED) that appears to be intriguingly similar to those of blazars, showing two broad peaks located in the far-infrared band and at ~0.1 MeV respectively. The whole nuclear emission of Centaurus A is successfully reproduced with a synchrotron self-Compton model. The estimated physical parameters of the emitting source are similar to those of BL Lacs, except for a much smaller beaming factor, as qualitatively expected when a relativistic jet is orientated at a large angle to the line of sight. These results represent strong evidence that Centaurus A is indeed a misoriented BL Lac and provide strong support in favour of the unification scheme for low luminosity radio-loud AGNs. Modeling of the SED of Centaurus A also provides further and independent indications of the presence of velocity structures in sub-pc scale jets.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in MNRAS, pink page

    Evidence for anisotropy in the distribution of short-lived gamma-ray bursts

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    Measurements of the two-point angular correlation function w(\theta) for 407 short gamma-ray bursts collected in the Current BATSE Catalogue reveal a ~2 \sigma deviation from isotropy on angular scales \theta ~ 2-4 degrees. Such an anisotropy is not observed in the distribution of long gamma-ray bursts and hints to the presence of repeated bursts for up to ~13% of the sources under exam. However, the available data cannot exclude the signal as due to the presence of large-scale structure. Under this assumption, the amplitude of the observed w(\theta) is compatible with those derived for different populations of galaxies up to redshifts ~0.5, result that suggests short gamma-ray bursts to be relatively local sources.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, submitted to MNRA
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