31 research outputs found


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    Il presente lavoro di ricerca, condotto in cotutela con l’Università di Pittsburgh, ha lo scopo di riflettere rispetto all’uso delle tecnologie come strumento per l’inclusione in classe. Il framework teorico: - la gestione della classe; - la differenziazione didattica; - l’uso della tecnologia per includere. Da un punto di vista metodologico, la ricerca utilizza un approccio quali-quantitativo. Sono state condotte sperimentazioni su tre differenti aree: - scuole di ogni ordine e grado dell’area nord, centro e sud sulla base di indicatori ben precisi; - Università (UCSC) coinvolgendo studenti con DSA o disabilità; - un gruppo di studenti con disabilità severa che non possono accedere all’Università. La ricerca prende avvio con l’analisi della legislazione italiana che può giustificare l’uso della tecnologia in classe; procede con un approfondimento circa le neuroscienze per cogliere i cambiamenti generati dalla tecnologia sul processo di apprendimento; presenta il potere inclusivo della Differenziazione Didattica, dell’Universal Design for Learning e della gestione della classe; predispone e presenta due spazi digitali: un corso per insegnanti e uno spazio con mappatura qualitativa delle più recenti soluzioni inclusive. La tecnologia rivoluziona il processo di insegnamento-apprendimento e, se usata bene, permette di includere tutti gli allievi, nessuno escluso.Accessibility for inclusion, a research in co-supervision with Pitt University, focuses on technology solutions for inclusion in the classroom. Nowadays every, generally, schools use technology in the classroom. Every student needs a specific approach to have a good experience at school and the role of teachers is central to promote inclusion, access and creativity for all. Schools and teachers encourage well-being for all and work for social equity when learning process meet every students’ need. In this research the focus is based on: - Classroom management; - Differentiation and Universal Design for Learning; - Special needs, Technology and inclusion in the classroom. Goals of the study: - Analysis of education technology policies in Italy; - Analysis of teacher digital competences for increased inclusive education; - Know-how Neuroscience: how technology impacts on the whole learning process and the perception of self-competence in students; - Analysis of recent accessible technology solutions. In today’s complexity technology solutions allows all students, also with special needs, to differentiate and to customize the contents as they deserve and allows all teachers to identify more ways to engage the students. When students are more ingaged they are more motivated and, consequently, they perform and fell better

    L’analisi precoce delle difficoltà nella fascia 0/6: sperimentazione di uno strumento pedagogico di rilevazione presso le strutture FISM di Parma

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    According to EU directives, to be considered active on issues of social equity, a society needs to be proactive on early childhood education. Based on this point of view, CeDisMa (Research Centre on Disability and marginality in UniversitĂ  Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, in Milan) has carried on an action research project to promote the early identication of difficulties and disorders in early education services. This tool was created for FISM, an Italian association for nursery schools and kindergartens.It allows to all school teachers working with babies to age 6 to identify signals thatdeserve more analysis in order to achieve early diagnosis

    La progettazione didattica come primo strumento per includere e promuovere il successo degli studenti

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    Questo contributo parte dalla convinzione che tra le competenze cardine che caratterizzano la professionalità di quanti operano in ambito formativo ed educativo non possono e non debbano mancare quelle progettuali. Nella scuola dell’Autonomia, infatti, la progettazione costituisce una leva strategica fondamentale, in risposta alle sfide educative contemporanee, per l’innovazione e il miglioramento nonché il presupposto per definire un’offerta formativa inclusiva che accompagni l’azione educativo-didattica adeguandosi alle richieste e ai bisogni di tutti e ciascuno. This contribution starts from the conviction that among the key competencies characterizing the professionalism of those working in the educational field, design skills cannot and should not be lacking. In the school of Autonomy, in fact, design constitutes a fundamental strategic lever in response to contemporary educational challenges, for innovation and improvement, as well as the prerequisite for defining an inclusive educational offer that accompanies educational-didactic action, adapting to the requests and needs of everyone and each individual

    Tecnologie per l'inclusione e la promozione del benessere a scuola

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    Considerazioni sulla tecnologia a scuola e sulle quattro dimensioni su cui agisce: quella fisica, quella relazionale, quella sociale e quella epistemologico/didattica


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    Global trends such as demographic changes, migration crises, and growing inequality lead governments to reflect on how to promote equity and inclusion. The OECD Strength through Diversity Project (OECD, 2023) shares definitions of equity and inclusion from 34 different education systems and identifies six dimensions of diversity: migration; ethnic groups, national minorities, and Indigenous peoples; gender; LGBTQI+; special education needs (SEN); giftedness.  The project asks participating countries if there is a specific term in their educational jurisdiction to indicate the diversity; the terms differ between countries, which poses a challenge for the comparative analysis. However, the textual analysis of the definitions provided by the countries reveals recurring keywords in many education systems, highlighting examples of "best practices" such as in Portugal, which since 2018 has shifted the focus from identifying student characteristics to identifying student support measures.

    Retinol oxidation to retinoic acid in human thyroid glandular cells

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    Retinoic acid is regarded as the retinol metabolite that controls proliferation and differentiation of epithelial cells. In the present study, we investigated the potential role of xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) in retinoic acid biosynthesis in human thyroid glandular cells (HTGC). In particular, we observed that cellular retinoids binding proteins (CRBPs) are also implicated in the biosynthetic pathway leading to retinoic acid formation in primary cultures of HTGC, as we have already reported for human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC). After partial protein purification, the enzyme responsible for retinoic acid biosynthesis was identified and quantified as XDH by immunoassay, by its ability to oxidize xanthine to uric acid and its sensitivity to the inhibitory effect of oxypurinol. The evidence of XDH-driven formation of retinoic acid in HTGC cultures further corroborates the potential role of XDH in retinoic acid biosynthesis in the epithelia

    Tecnologia per includere: la sperimentazione di indipendenza, la percezione di s\ue9 e il benessere

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    Nell\u2019era della connessione costante e del \u201cnavigo ergo sum\u201d, la competenza digitale rientra nel set eterogeneo di abilit\ue0 e conoscenze che devono contraddistinguere ciascun individuo. Smartphone, Tablet e computer diventano strumenti che agevolano l\u2019uomo nelle pratiche quotidiane. La tecnologia non nasce come scienza per l\u2019inclusione, eppure lavora costantemente, e a volte forse inconsapevolmente, per il superamento di alcune difficolt\ue0 che possono essere dettate dalla presenza di una disabilit\ue0 o di un Disturbo Specifico dell\u2019Apprendimento. In effetti, la tecnologia ha sempre avuto come obiettivo quello di facilitare l\u2019uomo, di eliminare azioni ripetitive, di potenziare risultati per l\u2019uomo irraggiungibili con le sue sole forze

    Technology for inclusion and wellbeing at school

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    Reflections on technology at school and the four dimensions it affects: the physical, relational, social and didactic/epistemological

    Accessibility for inclusion and well-being in the classroom

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    This paper is a discussion of technology and teachers preparation about classroom management, differentiation and inclusion. Recently the role of teaching and educating the youth has become more difficult then in the past. In the classroom leave all togheter: students with different approaches to learn, students with disabilities and special needs or dyslexia. Every student needs a specific approach to have a good experience at school. The role of teachers is central to promote inclusion, access, creativity for all and also well-being in the classroom. Every student deserve a teacher who understand the power of UDL (Universal Design for Learning) and Technology that allows to every student to overcome their difficulties determinated by their disabilities. Technology can support teachers to teach more inclusively and represent a tool to promote effective learn for all. Technology solutions, in fact, allow to personalize the approach to learning and make the teaching and learning process more interactive and immersive. When students are more engaged they are more motivated and, consequently, they perform better

    Pedagogia del desiderio, quando la ricerca di senso va oltre il bisogno

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    Comunicazione, desiderio e immaginazione sono modalit\ue0 attraverso le quali l'uomo agisce nelle dinamiche sociali, manifestando il suo modo particolare di esserci. A spingerlo nelle sue azioni non \ue8 il bisogno ma il desiderio: questa pu\uf2 essere una interessante chiave interpretativa della differenza fra uomo e animale. L'animale, infatti, agisce per raggiungere un bisogno, \ue8 lo stato di carenza che lo spinge all'azione. Anche l'uomo ha i suoi bisogni ma non agisce (o almeno non dovrebbe) sulla spinta delle necessit\ue0 o degli \u201cappetiti\u201d. Il concetto di \u201cdesiderio\u201d, che riferiamo alla cupiditas dei latini, ha insito la ricerca di senso, l'amore come leva di tutte le cose