244 research outputs found

    Purchases, Penalties, and Power: The Relationship between Earnings and Housework

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    Studies examining the association of housework with earnings have not tested for causal directionality despite competing theories about causal ordering. Autonomy theory, and the relative resources, gender display, and gender deviance neutralization hypotheses suggest personal and relative earnings affect time in housework while human capital theory implies the opposite. Using data from N = 3,719 continuously married couples in Waves 1 and 2 of the National Survey of Families and Households and structural equation models, we find that wives\u27 personal earnings and housework are reciprocally related. Her earnings have a stronger effect on housework than vice versa. For husbands, time in routine housework affects earnings only. We find little evidence that relative earnings affect husbands’ or wives’ housework time, rather we identify a significant effect of housework on one’s share of couple’s earnings. The results provide support for autonomy theory for wives and a human capital perspective for both spouses

    More supportive or more distractive?:Investigating the negative effects of technology at the customer interface

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    The continuous development of technology leads to stimuli-dense consumption environments for consumers. Although the literature primarily highlighted the advantages of adopting technologies to support consumers’ decision-making process, these systems may also require too much attention and excessive effort to be considered always rewarding. Accordingly, this special issue addresses the interplay between technology-supported consumption experiences and the related distracting mechanisms triggered by this interaction in varied contexts. Specifically, the actual collection of papers in this special issue covers three main themes: (1) conceptualizing a Customer Smartphone Distraction (CSD) organizing framework, (2) drivers (including musical atmosphere, the context of the application, parasocial interaction and anthropomorphisms of virtual agents), and (3) consequences (cognitive, affective and behavioral responses, including sensory overload and discomfort)

    Carbon Finance II: Investing in Forests for Climate Protection

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    Carbon Finance II: Investing in Forests for Climate Protection is a collection of lectures given during the 2008-2009 Carbon Finance Speaker Series at the Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies. The annual series is hosted by the Center for Business and the Environment at Yale and supported by the Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation and the Henry P. Kendall Foundation. The 2008-2009 speaker series focused on forest carbon and the opportunities and obstacles to including forests in greenhouse gas emission reduction policies, carbon markets, and cap-and-trade systems

    Perceived Omnichannel Customer Experience (OCX): concept, measurement, and impact

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    Efforts to measure customer experiences (CX) in multifaceted, omnichannel, retail contexts are crucial but lacking research guidance. Prior service quality literature has established methods for measuring CX in traditional, single-channel contexts but not adapted such measures to omnichannel contexts. With a mixed method research design and studies in eight phases, the authors propose a comprehensive measurement instrument that incorporates a schema- and categorization-based theoretical conceptualization of how customers assess omnichannel retail experiences; they also integrate means–end chain theory to explain perceived omnichannel customer experience (OCX) as a construct. This construct captures multiple omnichannel evaluation dimensions: social communications, value, personalization, customer service, consistency of both product availability and prices across channels, information safety, delivery, product returns, and loyalty programs. Multiple applications of the measurement model empirically confirm the suitability of this instrument in consumer goods omnichannel retail settings. Its 36 items reflect nine first-order quality dimensions that combine to form the overall, second-order OCX construct. The measurement instrument offers sound psychometric properties, as confirmed by several reliability and validity tests, and predicts customer behavior reliably across studies. Thus, the OCX measurement instrument offers utility for theory, management practice, and further research

    A model of disparities: risk factors associated with COVID-19 infection.

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    BACKGROUND: By mid-May 2020, there were over 1.5 million cases of (SARS-CoV-2) or COVID-19 across the U.S. with new confirmed cases continuing to rise following the re-opening of most states. Prior studies have focused mainly on clinical risk factors associated with serious illness and mortality of COVID-19. Less analysis has been conducted on the clinical, sociodemographic, and environmental variables associated with initial infection of COVID-19. METHODS: A multivariable statistical model was used to characterize risk factors in 34,503cases of laboratory-confirmed positive or negative COVID-19 infection in the Providence Health System (U.S.) between February 28 and April 27, 2020. Publicly available data were utilized as approximations for social determinants of health, and patient-level clinical and sociodemographic factors were extracted from the electronic medical record. RESULTS: Higher risk of COVID-19 infection was associated with older age (OR 1.69; 95% CI 1.41-2.02, p \u3c 0.0001), male gender (OR 1.32; 95% CI 1.21-1.44, p \u3c 0.0001), Asian race (OR 1.43; 95% CI 1.18-1.72, p = 0.0002), Black/African American race (OR 1.51; 95% CI 1.25-1.83, p \u3c 0.0001), Latino ethnicity (OR 2.07; 95% CI 1.77-2.41, p \u3c 0.0001), non-English language (OR 2.09; 95% CI 1.7-2.57, p \u3c 0.0001), residing in a neighborhood with financial insecurity (OR 1.10; 95% CI 1.01-1.25, p = 0.04), low air quality (OR 1.01; 95% CI 1.0-1.04, p = 0.05), housing insecurity (OR 1.32; 95% CI 1.16-1.5, p \u3c 0.0001) or transportation insecurity (OR 1.11; 95% CI 1.02-1.23, p = 0.03), and living in senior living communities (OR 1.69; 95% CI 1.23-2.32, p = 0.001). CONCLUSION: sisk of COVID-19 infection is higher among groups already affected by health disparities across age, race, ethnicity, language, income, and living conditions. Health promotion and disease prevention strategies should prioritize groups most vulnerable to infection and address structural inequities that contribute to risk through social and economic policy

    A Secondary Analysis of a Randomized Clinical Trial

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Importance The blood pressure–lowering property of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) in children and adults is known, and an observational study from the Netherlands has linked higher intrauterine DHA exposure to lower childhood blood pressure. However, the association of prenatal intake of DHA supplement with childhood blood pressure has not been evaluated in randomized clinical trials. Objective To determine the effect of DHA supplementation during pregnancy on childhood blood pressure. Design, Setting, and Participants This prespecified secondary analysis of the Kansas University DHA Outcome Study (KUDOS), a phase 3, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial was conducted at several local hospitals in the Kansas City, Kansas, metropolitan area. Pregnant women (n = 350) were enrolled in the KUDOS trial between January 10, 2006, and November 17, 2009, and were followed up until their children were 18 months of age. During pregnancy, the women received either 3 capsules per day of placebo or 600 mg per day of DHA from a mean (SD) of 14.5 (3.7) weeks’ (all before 20 weeks) gestation until birth. The parents of 190 children consented to additional follow-up of their children until 6 years, which ended April 29, 2016. Study personnel involved in testing were blind to the randomization until all children had completed the trial. Data analysis was performed from May 23, 2017, to July 10, 2018. Interventions Pregnant women were assigned to either 600 mg per day of DHA or a placebo that was half soy and half corn oil. Both placebo and DHA were provided in 3 capsules per day. Main Outcomes and Measures Childhood blood pressure was a planned secondary outcome of a study powered to measure cognitive development. The hypothesis was that DHA would lower blood pressure prior to data analysis. Systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were measured at 4, 4.5, 5, 5.5, and 6 years and were analyzed for possible covariates using mixed models to generate a final model. Results In total, 171 children (88 [51.5%] female) were included in this analysis. Of these children, 89 (52.0%) were randomized to the DHA group and 82 (47.9%) to the placebo group. A statistically significant interaction was found between treatment (placebo or DHA) and child weight status (5-year body mass index ≤85th or >85th percentile) for both SBP and DBP. Children who were overweight or obese whose mothers received placebo during pregnancy had higher SBP and DBP compared with children who were overweight or obese whose mothers received DHA (mean [SE] SBP, 104.28 [1.37] mm Hg vs 100.34 [1.02] mm Hg; DBP, 64.7 [1.23] mm Hg vs 59.76 [0.91] mm Hg). No differences in the SBP and DBP were found between children who were overweight or obese whose mothers received DHA and children who were not overweight or obese. In the mixed model analysis, the child’s age at blood pressure measurement and the maternal prepregnancy body mass index were the only other statistically significant variables (child age, SBP: F = 7.385; P = .001; DBP: F = 7.39; P = .001; prepregnancy BMI, SBP: r = 0.284; P = .001; DBP: r = 0.216; P = .01). Conclusions and Relevance Maternal docosahexaenoic acid intake during pregnancy appeared to mitigate the association between childhood overweight condition or obesity and blood pressure

    Investigating risk factors and predicting complications in deep brain stimulation surgery with machine learning algorithms

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    Background: Deep brain stimulation (DBS) surgery is an option for patients experiencing medically resistant neurological symptoms. DBS complications are rare; finding significant predictors requires a large number of surgeries. Machine learning algorithms may be used to effectively predict these outcomes. The aims of this study were to (1) investigate preoperative clinical risk factors, and (2) build machine learning models to predict adverse outcomes. Methods: This multicenter registry collected clinical and demographic characteristics of patients undergoing DBS surgery (n=501) and tabulated occurrence of complications. Logistic regression was used to evaluate risk factors. Supervised learning algorithms were trained and validated on 70% and 30%, respectively, of both oversampled and original registry data. Performance was evaluated using area under the receiver operating characteristics curve (AUC), sensitivity, specificity and accuracy. Results: Logistic regression showed that the risk of complication was related to the operating institution in which the surgery was performed (OR=0.44, confidence interval [CI]=0.25-0.78), BMI (OR=0.94,CI=0.89-0.99) and diabetes (OR=2.33,CI=1.18-4.60). Patients with diabetes were almost three times more likely to return to the operating room (OR=2.78,CI=1.31-5.88). Patients with a history of smoking were four times more likely to experience postoperative infection (OR=4.20,CI=1.21-14.61). Supervised learning algorithms demonstrated high discrimination performance when predicting any complication (AUC=0.86), a complication within 12 months (AUC=0.91), return to the operating room (AUC=0.88) and infection (AUC=0.97). Age, BMI, procedure side, gender and a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease were influential features. Conclusions: Multiple significant complication risk factors were identified and supervised learning algorithms effectively predicted adverse outcomes in DBS surgery

    Morphometric characteristics of pyloric gastric glands at experimental acute gastritis and after administration of ‘Platex-Placental’ medication on the background of experimental acute gastritis

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    В роботі встановлена динаміка змін середніх метричних показників воротарних залоз шлунка при гострому експериментальному гастриті, після введення препарату «Платекс-плацентарний» (кріоконсервована тканина плаценти) та після введення препарату «Платекс-плацентарний» на тлі гострого експериментального гастриту. Виявлена позитивна динаміка дії препарату «Платекс-плацентарний» на швидкість перебігу та перебудову захисних властивостей воротарних залоз у відповідь на гострий запальний процес.; В работе установлена динамика изменений средних показателей привратниковых желез желудка при остром экспериментальном гастрите, после введения препарата «Платекс-плацентарный» (криоконсервированная ткань плаценты) и после введения препарата «Платекс-плацентарный» на фоне острого экспериментального гастрита. Выявлена положительная динамика действия препарата «Платекс-плацентарный» на скорость протекания и перестройку защитных свойств привратниковых желез в ответ на острый воспалительный процесс.; The study descrides the dynamics of changes in average indices of pyloric gastric glands at experimental acute gastritis, after administration of ‘Platex-Placental’ medication, and after administration of ‘Platex-Placental’ medication on a background of experimental acute gastritis. The positive outcomes were found after administration of ‘Platex-Placental’ medication in terms of inflammation course as well as reorganization of defence peculiarities of pyloric glands as a response to an acute inflammation

    A Period Seroprevalence (SARS-CoV-2) Survey in MHCCN Cancer Healthcare Workers (HCWs) Providing Patient Care during the Height of the Outbreak: A Registry Study (Initial Progress)

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    Introduction: There is little information on the basic epidemiologic and serologic profile(s) of the novel SARSCoV- 2 coronavirus especially in HCWs employed in rural settings. We embarked on a period seroprevalence study in the MaineHealth Cancer Network (MHCCN) to document Covid-19 exposure in our rural cancer care workforce. Our fundamental hypothesis is that despite implementing procedures to safeguard patients and the use of appropriate PPE in the care of known source patients/PUIs in both the inpatient and outpatient cancer care settings a small, but not insignificant number of cancer care providers (hereafter referred to as cancer HCWs) will have evidence of exposure by virtue of plasma antibody seroconversion.https://knowledgeconnection.mainehealth.org/lambrew-retreat-2021/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Isometric Exercise Training and Arterial Hypertension: An Updated Review

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    Hypertension is recognised as a leading attributable risk factor for cardiovascular disease and premature mortality. Global initiatives towards the prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension are centred around non-pharmacological lifestyle modification. Exercise recommendations differ between professional and scientific organisations, but are generally unanimous on the primary role of traditional aerobic and dynamic resistance exercise. In recent years, isometric exercise training (IET) has emerged as an effective novel exercise intervention with consistent evidence of reductions in blood pressure (BP) superior to that reported from traditional guideline-recommended exercise modes. Despite a wealth of emerging new data and endorsement by select governing bodies, IET remains underutilised and is not widely prescribed in clinical practice. This expert-informed review critically examines the role of IET as a potential adjuvant tool in the future clinical management of BP. We explore the efficacy, prescription protocols, evidence quality and certainty, acute cardiovascular stimulus, and physiological mechanisms underpinning its anti-hypertensive effects. We end the review with take-home suggestions regarding the direction of future IET research