445 research outputs found

    The Polymorphism and Hybridization of the Centaurea Species

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    The Centaurea genus is one of the most complicated because it has great morphological diversity and, due to this fact, it has been little studied in scientific literature. Special attention was given to this genus when invasive species managed to conquer new territories, causing real damage in crops and pastures. However, there are few studies in Romania about its decorative and medicinal properties. This paper addresses the polymorphism problem based on herbarium samples and field observations. The results of these observations facilitate further mechanism to address this kind of research in any direction


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    Evening primrose (Oenothera spp.) has in recent years become a recognized oilseed crop. The seed oil contains at maturity approximately 7-10% gamma-linolenic acids (GLA), an essential fatty acid proven value as a nutrient and pharmaceutical for humans (Horrobin, 1990). World sales of the oil therefore demand for seed have multiplied approximately 10 to 15 fold during the last 15 years and current world production of seed is estimated at 3,000-5,000 tonnes per year (Simpson & Fieldsend, 1993). Young roots can be eaten like a vegetable (with a peppery flavour), or the shoots can be eaten as a salad. The whole plant was used to prepare an infusion with astringent and sedative properties. It was considered to be effective in healing asthmatic coughs, gastro-intestinal disorders, and whooping cough and as a sedative pain-killer. Poultices containing O. biennis were at one time used to ease bruises and speed wound healing. One of the common names for Oenothera, “Kings cureall”, reflects the wide range of healing powers ascribed to this plant, although it should be noted that its efficacy for these purposes has not been demonstrated in clinical trials

    Studies Concerning Sanognetic Effects of Flower Plants

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    Since ancient times, plants were used for many beneficial effects provides for people. However, the firststudies concerning the sanogenetic effects of flower plants were performed by researchers from NASA, after theresearch, they have developed a list of the most important indoor plants able to eliminating pollutants and absorbpotentially harmful gases. Numerous studies have shown that the simple presence of plants in different companies,universities, schools and hospitals leads to a significant improvement of people's needs. Therefore, there is a significantopportunity for these plants to produce benefits in daily life, from environmental issues such as: improving pollution,producing oxygen, reducing noise and improving water quality, to improve style life: reduce stress and increaseproductivity at work and in schools, increase the life satisfaction and increase positive emotions, including even fasterrecovery of patients in hospitals, reduce aggression and violence. This study focuses on the beneficial effects of flowerplants for people and was monitored in different situations, on the people which come from different socialenvironments

    Improving and Evaluation Floral Collection for Landscape Design and Cut Flowers

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    Nowadays, in Romania public green areas are a heavy change and increasing interest for improving and enrichment of ornamental plants collections in novelties is an essential requirement for development of competitive and commercial horticulture. Researching activities for diversification of floral plants assortment by introduction of new species and varieties is one of the most objectives of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca, Department of Ornamental Plants. As a result we are able to introduce new species or cultivars, which are not cultivated in our country until now, especially plants that are useful for landscape design or cut flowers for summer arrangements. The collection of USAMV Cluj-Napoca offers a rich diversity of ornamental plants for students, university personnel and the public


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    Rhizomes from various Iris species have been used in traditionalmedicine to treat a variety of ailments since ancient times and many constituentsisolated from different Iris species demonstrated potent biological activities inrecent studies. All research findings besides the increasing demand for naturalingredients in cosmetics and market demand from industries like alcoholicbeverages, cuisine and perfumery indicate a promising future for cultivation ofirises for rhizomes, various extracts but most importantly for high quality orrisbutter. Romania is situated in a transitional continental climate with suitableconditions for hardy iris species and thus with good prospects for successfulcultivation of Iris germanica, Iris florentina and Iris pallida in conditions ofeconomic efficiency

    Centaurea Species Attractive Transylvanian (Romania) Endemic and Rare Plants with High Potential as Flowering Garden Plant

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    The wild flora of Romania includes many species presenting with decorative value, some ofthem being introduced already in culture and other could represent in the future, new and importanthorticultural resource. In Romania, only a few species from Centaurea genus were introduced asornamental crops. This genus has many rare and vulnerable species with ornamental value, which aregrown on very small areas. The red lists of vascular plants include 19 species from Centaurea genusand only six species are grown in the intra-Carpathian area (Transylvania area): Centaurearatezatensis Prod., C. rarauensis Prod., C. maramarosensis (Jáv.) Dostál, C. pinnatifida Schur., C.kotskyana Heuff., C. reichenbachii DC. Other species like C. atropurpurea W.et K., C. pugioniformisNyar. or C. phrygia subsp. carpatica (Porc.) Dost. are not threatened but they can become vulnerablein the future due to habitats destruction and sheep pasturing. At the finally of this list is addedCentaurea orientalis L. species which is frequently presents in extra-Carpathian area but it is very rarein Transylvanian area. Part of this species (C. atropurpurea W. et K., C. ratezatensis Prod., and C.orientalis L.) have been studied in situ between 2010-2012, and their decorative characters wereobserved in the garden conditions. Some decorative characters of both cultivated and spontaneousplants were analyzed and compared and the results were statistically interpreted. In conclusion, thispaper presents the biological and ecological particularities of each Centaurea species, as well thefrequency, endemic character, regional distribution and sozological category

    Sacred Connection of Ornamental Flowers with Religious Symbols

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    For centuries humans have searched in Bible, the cornerstone of the Christian religion, spiritual guidance and healing, but few have realized that the Bible contains many references to flowers, as an evidence and a perpetual reminder that the plants were left on this earth by God for people. Since the beginning of the world the Holy Bible relate that between humans and nature is a perfect synergy. In most religions plants played an important role, inspired architects, until today churches and religion artifacts are made with shapes and drawings designs of plants. The Bible is one of the largest areas where plants have taken a religious spiritual symbolic role. Flowers became common in religious and ceremonial uses for Christians by the fourth century, being used for weddings, funerals, church decorations, various occasions, holydays and even cut. Such flowers are: Passion Flower, Roses, Lily, Cyclamen, Pansy, Ivy etc. Flowers, in the Christian tradition have different archetypal symbols, reminding of what Jesus Christ did and His promises

    Researches Concerning the Behavior of Some Rose Cultivars in Greenhouses

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    The Rosaceae family offers a huge range of colors, shapes and scents when referring to rustic varietalspurity, and when referring to old varieties of roses, but without forgetting the sophisticated elegancethat provides new types of modern hybrids. Few plants manage to be so versatile and varied as therose, when we refer to the vigor, growth, foliage and form. If initially is about the décor that is offered ingardens and parks, the rose extends its ability to enjoy the great bouquets of flowers merging. Enormousdemand for this cut flower makes to be leader in the market. This paper presents some roses cultivarsgrowing in greenhouses conditions in soilless culture. In this paper were presented 10 Thea hybridacultivars imported from Germany, in order to establish the best roses in greenhouses culture for givinggood economic and aesthetic results. The research has been conducted to “Iris-Rose Cluj†greenhouses,during the period 2012-2013, on coconut fiber culture substrate. Measurements and observations weremade for the main morphologic characteristics and the results obtained were interpreted statisticallyusing the variant analysis method (LSD)

    Design Solutions for Redecorating Part of the U.S.A.M.V. Cluj-Napoca University Campus, Using the French Landscaping Techniques

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    The landscaping in institutes of higher education have different connotations then regular green spaces. The U.S.A.M.V. University Campus owns round 46.900 square meters of terrain, which includes orchards, vineyards, experimental plantations, greenhouses, but also leisure spots. One of the most important areas is the front area of the Rector building, a highly circulated one, which currently is occupied by only three ornamental species, with no color or shape variety. Considering the serious and sober nature of the nearby building, it is recommended a more specific, clear type of landscape, such as the French gardening design. This particular project is part of a bigger one, which covers different 4 more areas of the Campus, and uses various types of landscaping, from the French gardens to the Japanese ones, for aesthetic reasons, but most importantly, for educative motifs, as they offer live examples of historical gardens for the students. Therefore, a French garden design proposal will be applied to the mentioned area, with details about plants, decoration ways, urban furniture and maintenance