20 research outputs found
Responding to a world of change
The BGS is proud of the central role our surveying has played in the development of geology
as a science. We are equally proud of our contribution to the understanding of key issues
such as the age and evolution of the Earth and life, the origin and classification of rocks, and
the impact of humans on the earth system. With 175 years of dedicated surveying behind
us, the UK is already better served with geological information than most other countries.
However, in today’s rapidly evolving, knowledge-based economy, we must continually adapt
our surveying to meet the changing needs of society
Heat recovery from mineworkings: opportunities in the Glasgow area
Glasgow is one of many locations within the United Kingdom once dotted with a number of thriving coal mines. Before the suitability of the water stored in mines can be determined for use in ground source heat pump (GSHP) heating applications, it is essential to rule out any risk of contamination caused by exposure to this water. This study examines water samples obtained from boreholes drilled directly above abandoned and flooded mine workings. It indicates that the chemistry of the water flooding the mines beneath Glasgow is suitable for use in GSHP heating applications. The development of such systems in the future could help bring Glasgow forward in its ambition to become one of Europe’s top 10 sustainable cities by the year 2020, as well as helping to transform previously neglected and impoverished areas of the city, to areas full of potential by creating a number of jobs, homes and opportunities for the people living in this area. </jats:p
Future energy
Energy resources have been a major focus for BGS over our 175 year history. In the past,
our geologists searched for coal to keep the UK supplied with energy crucial for economic
development. Coal mining subsequently declined and by the 1980s we were studying
abandoned mines to try and resolve problems of subsidence, flooding as the dewatering
pumps were switched off, and contaminated water discharging into rivers. More recently we
have returned to our geological maps and archives of coal mine plans with a new energy
source in mind — geothermal energy
Testing the application and limitation of stochastic simulations to predict the lithology of glacial and fluvial deposits in Central Glasgow, UK
Abstract Glacigenic and fluvial deposits of variable lithological composition underlie many major cities in Europe and North America. Traditional geological mapping and 3D modelling techniques rarely capture this complexity as they use lithostratigraphic designations which are commonly based on genesis and age rather than lithological compositions. In urban areas, thousands of boreholes have been, and continue to be, drilled to facilitate the planning, design and construction of buildings and infrastructure. While these data may provide the basis for geological maps and 3D models based on lithological interpretation, they are too numerous for manual correlation to be undertaken efficiently. In this paper we explore the application of largely automated stochastic modelling techniques to develop predictive lithology models for glacial and fluvial deposits in the city of Glasgow, UK. These techniques are commonly used to assess facies variation in oilfield models and are applied here in an urban setting using over 4000 borehole records. Predictions derived from these methods have been evaluated by removing control data and re-running the simulations. We demonstrate a moderate improvement in the prediction of lithology when using a lithologically-derived stochastic model compared with a conventionally interpolated lithostratigraphic model. It is possible to report uncertainty within the resulting models, either with probability maps or through a suite of plausible simulations of the lithologies across the study region
3D geological models and their hydrogeological applications : supporting urban development : a case study in Glasgow-Clyde, UK
Urban planners and developers in some parts of the United Kingdom can now access geodata in an easy-to-retrieve and understandable format. 3D attributed geological framework models and associated GIS outputs, developed by the British Geological Survey (BGS), provide a predictive tool for planning site investigations for some of the UK's largest regeneration projects in the Thames and Clyde River catchments.
Using the 3D models, planners can get a 3D preview of properties of the subsurface using virtual cross-section and borehole tools in visualisation software, allowing critical decisions to be made before any expensive site investigation takes place, and potentially saving time and money. 3D models can integrate artificial and superficial deposits and bedrock geology, and can be used for recognition of major resources (such as water, thermal and sand and gravel), for example in buried valleys, groundwater modelling and assessing impacts of underground mining. A preliminary groundwater recharge and flow model for a pilot area in Glasgow has been developed using the 3D geological models as a framework.
This paper focuses on the River Clyde and the Glasgow conurbation, and the BGS's Clyde Urban Super-Project (CUSP) in particular, which supports major regeneration projects in and around the City of Glasgow in the West of Scotland
Clay mineral dating of displacement on the Sronlairig Fault: implications for Mesozoic and Cenozoic tectonic evolution in northern Scotland
Temporary excavations during the construction of the Glendoe Hydro Scheme above Loch Ness in the Highlands of Scotland exposed a clay-rich fault gouge in Dalradian Supergroup psammite. The gouge coincides with the mapped trace of the subvertical Sronlairig Fault, a feature related in part to the Great Glen and Ericht–Laidon faults, which had been interpreted to result from brittle deformation during the Caledonian orogeny (c. 420–390 Ma). Exposure of this mica-rich gouge represented an exceptional opportunity to constrain the timing of the gouge-producing movement on the Sronlairig Fault using isotopic analysis to date the growth of authigenic (essentially synkinematic) clay mineralization. A series of fine-size separates was isolated prior to K–Ar analysis. Novel, capillary-encapsulated X-ray diffraction analysis was employed to ensure nearly perfect, random orientation and to facilitate the identification and quantification of mica polytypes. Coarser size fractions are composed of greater proportions of the 2M1 illite polytype. Finer size fractions show increasing proportions of the 1M illite polytype, with no evidence of 2M1 illite in the finest fractions. A series of Illite Age Analysis plots produced excellent R2 values with calculated mean ages of 296 ± 7 Ma (Late Carboniferous–Early Permian) for the oldest (2M1) illite and 145 ± 7 Ma (Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous) for the youngest (1M) illite. The Late Carboniferous–Early Permian (Faulting event 1) age may represent resetting of earlier-formed micas or authigenesis during dextral displacement of the Great Glen Fault Zone (GGFZ). Contemporaneous WNW(NW)–ESE(SE) extension was important for basin development and hydrocarbon migration in the Pentland Firth and Moray Firth regions. The Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous (Faulting event 2) age corresponds with Moray Firth Basin development and indicates that the GGFZ and related structures may have acted to partition the active extension in the Moray Firth region from relative inactivity in the Pentland Firth area at this time. These new age dates demonstrate the long-lived geological activity on the GGFZ, particularly so in post-Caledonian times where other isotopic evidence for younger tectonic overprints is lacking
Datos del subsuelo y su conocimiento para las Ciudades del Mañana: lecciones aprendidas de Glasgow y su aplicabilidad en otros lugares
El conocimiento del subsuelo es de vital importancia en la planificación y
ejecución exitosa de proyectos de construcción y regeneración urbanas. Para abordar
en el área de Glasgow éste y otros temas del subsuelo urbano (por ejemplo, la planificación,
las inundaciones, la contaminación), el proyecto Clyde-Urban Super-Project
(CUSP) del Servicio Geológico Británico (BGS, por sus siglas en inglés) ha desarrollado
modelos 3D y 4D del subsuelo. Asimismo, se han producido otros conjuntos de datos
de geociencias (geoquÃmica, agua subterránea, geologÃa de ingenierÃa).
Los modelos basados en información obtenida de decenas de miles de perforaciones y
otras fuentes, proporcionan nuevos conocimientos sobre: la geologÃa compleja de Glasgow,
los impactos de su legado industrial, y las oportunidades para aprovechar el calor
de las explotaciones mineras abandonadas.
Para que los modelos y datos del proyecto CUSP fueran más accesibles, el BGS y el
Ayuntamiento de Glasgow, socio clave, han establecido una red para acceder al conocimiento
del subsuelo (ASK, por sus siglas en inglés). Esta red permite el intercambio de
datos y conocimientos, implicando a socios de los sectores público y privado. ASK promueve
el libre flujo digital de datos del subsuelo y el conocimiento entre sus socios.
Las lecciones aprendidas en Glasgow se comparten a través de la Acción Europea COST
(Sub-Urban), centrada en el uso sostenible del subsuelo urbano, y en la transformación
de las relaciones entre los que desarrollan el conocimiento del subsuelo urbano y los que
pueden beneficiarse más de él, los planificadores y promotores de las ciudades del futuro
Opening up the subsurface for the cities of tomorrow Considering access to subsurface knowledge – Evaluation of practices and techniques
This report is the result of COST Action TU1206 Working Group 2, Work package 2.3, and focusses on 3D urban subsurface modelling and visualisation. The major aims of this report are: 1) evaluating current techniques and identify good practices / best efforts in 3D geological modelling and visualisation of the urban subsurface, based on case studies, and 2) co-developing (subsurface specialists & model users) requirements for optimal use of 3D geological modelling information in specific planning and policy contexts.
Three major topics have been considered:
• Constructing and maintaining 3D urban geological models
• Modelling man-made ground
• Visualising 3D urban subsurface model results
To improve the use of subsurface modelling in urban planning in the future, the following challenges have been identified:
• The complexity of the urban subsurface, including man-made ground, combined with the
level of detail of information asked for in many urban planning issues demand that
geologists look beyond their traditional data sources.
• Combined 3D property modelling of the small-scale heterogeneity of man-made deposits
and natural deposits requires new modelling approaches.
• Management of the shallow urban subsurface requires model tools that can be frequently updated to reflect the frequently changing properties and functions of the urban subsurface.
• There is a need for dynamic (4D) urban subsurface models that can be used for real-time monitoring and incorporation of time-series data on subsurface properties.
• It would be cost-effective to have an actively maintained, scalable geological framework model of a city available that forms a common basis for the various kinds of dedicated
models of parts of the city.
• To give subsurface information a firm position in urban planning and management, geological information will have to be presented in the right format, and at the right time. It is absolutely necessary to include the subsurface infrastructure and to combine the model with above-ground information
The use of 3D modelling and visualisation as an aid to land-use planning in the urban environment in the UK [abstract only]
The importance of good quality geo-environmental information is becoming increasingly accepted as new guidance and legislative
changes force developers, planning authorities and regulators to consider the environmental implications and potential impacts of
proposed developments. Nowhere are these issues more relevant than in the urban environment. Geoscientists at BGS have learnt
that it is essential to understand their clients‘ individual needs in order to provide appropriately customised data outputs. It is only in
this way that geoscientists can ensure their data will be used fully and effectively within the planning process, and adequately support
urban development.. Therefore, new and innovative ways of communicating and visualising geoscientific information are being
exploited. Advances in the use of Geographical Information Systems and 3D modelling software are enabling geo-environmental
information systems, which take full account of the third dimension, to be constructed for several of the UK’s main urban areas, The
geoscientific information are provided within regional and detailed 3D geological models, which are attributed with physical, chemical
or hydrogeological property data. These models can be used to predict not only the rock and soil type but also variations in
properties within any particular unit or formation. The 3D geological models can therefore help to provide solutions to many geoenvironmental
issues raised during the planning process. By using the 3D geological model in this manner, it will be demonstrated that
geoscientists are now moving from conceptual ground models towards more realistic ground models based on actual ground
investigation data. There are three main issues which still need to be resolved if large-scale up-take of 3D models in urban planning is
to be achieved. Firstly, all users of digital geoscience data must understand the limitations of the data on which their assessments are
based. This is becoming critical as improvements in 3D modelling techniques are allowing geoscientists to introduce a far greater
level of realism to their models. The second issue is the ability to represent easily the variability within geological units. The attributed
models presented in this paper largely display the bulk attributes for a particular unit. The level of resolution is limited by the amount
of data available on which to model a particular geological formation or member.. Finally, there must be an efficient dissemination of
data, which depends largely on the continued development of the Internet as a medium for data transfer. However, a future is within
reach where a virtual site can be generated on a web based platform using a site’s characteristics e.g. its geology, geography, and
past land-use, which will enable developers, planners and regulators to visualise the impact of proposed projects from the comfort of
their desk-top PC
Resilient cities : 3D geoscience for sustainable subsurface management
It is estimated that global population reached 7 billion in 2011. Almost half of that population live in
towns or cities. Rapid urbanisation driven by population change, socio-economic and technological
development has placed increased pressure on the natural capital provided by the natural
environment to society. Land use change and increased competition for space above and below
ground places ever growing demands on the ability of urban ecosystems to deliver the goods and
services on which society depends. A 3D geoscience framework provides a means to assess the
impacts of predicted future demographic and environmental change on the subsurface and the
demands placed upon i