2,568 research outputs found

    Specification of cell fate in the sea urchin embryo: summary and some proposed mechanisms

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    An early set of blastomere specifications occurs during cleavage in the sea urchin embryo, the result of both conditional and autonomous processes, as proposed in the model for this embryo set forth in 1989. Recant experimental results have greatly illuminated the mechanisms of specification in some early embryonic territories, though others remain obscure. We review the progressive process of specification within given lineage elements, and with reference to the early axial organization of the embryo. Evidence for the conditional specification of the veg(2) lineage subelement of the endoderm and other potential interblastomere signaling interactions in the cleavage-stage embryo are summarized. Definitive boundaries between mesoderm and endoderm territories of complex. the vegetal plate, and between endoderm and overlying ectoderm, are not established until later in development. These processes have been clarified by numerous observations on spatial expression of various genes, and by elegant lineage labeling studies. The early specification events depend on regional mobilization of regulatory factors resulting at once in the zygotic expression of genes encoding transcription factors, as well as downstream genes encoding proteins characteristic of the cell types that will much later arise from the progeny of the specified blastomeres. This embryo displays a maximal form of indirect development. The gene regulatory network underlying the embryonic development reflects the relative simplicity of the completed larva and of the processes required for its formation. The requirements for postembryonic adult body plan formation in the larval rudiment include engagement of a new level of genetic regulatory apparatus, exemplified by the Hox gene complex

    Spatial expression of Hox cluster genes in the ontogeny of a sea urchin

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    The Hox cluster of the sea urchin Strongylocentrous purpuratus contains ten genes in a 500 kb span of the genome. Only two of these genes are expressed during embryogenesis, while all of eight genes tested are expressed during development of the adult body plan in the larval stage. We report the spatial expression during larval development of the five 'posterior' genes of the cluster: SpHox7, SpHox8, SpHox9/10, SpHox11/13a and SpHox11/13b. The five genes exhibit a dynamic, largely mesodermal program of expression. Only SpHox7 displays extensive expression within the pentameral rudiment itself. A spatially sequential and colinear arrangement of expression domains is found in the somatocoels, the paired posterior mesodermal structures that will become the adult perivisceral coeloms. No such sequential expression pattern is observed in endodermal, epidermal or neural tissues of either the larva or the presumptive juvenile sea urchin. The spatial expression patterns of the Hox genes illuminate the evolutionary process by which the pentameral echinoderm body plan emerged from a bilateral ancestor

    Hindgut specification and cell-adhesion functions of Sphox11/13b in the endoderm of the sea urchin embryo

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    Sphox11/13b is one of the two hox genes of Strongylocentrotus purpuratus expressed in the embryo. Its dynamic pattern of expression begins during gastrulation, when the transcripts are transiently located in a ring of cells at the edge of the blastopore. After gastrulation, expression is restricted to the anus–hindgut region at the boundary between the ectoderm and the endoderm. The phenotype that results when translation of Sphox11/13b mRNA is knocked down by treatment with morpholino antisense oligonucleotides (MASO) suggests that this gene may be indirectly involved in cell adhesion functions as well as in the proper differentiation of the midgut–hindgut and midgut–foregut sphincters. The MASO experiments also reveal that Sphox11/13b negatively regulates several downstream endomesoderm genes. For some of these genes, Sphox11/13b function is required to restrict expression to the midgut by preventing ectopic expression in the hindgut. The evolutionary conservation of these functions indicates the general roles of posterior Hox genes in regulating cell-adhesion, as well as in spatial control of gene regulatory network subcircuits in the regionalizing gut

    Echinobase: an expanding resource for echinoderm genomic information

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    Echinobase, a web accessible information system of diverse genomics and biological data for the echinoderm clade, grew out of SpBase, the first echinoderm genome project for sea urchin, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Sea urchins and their relatives are utilitarian research models in fields ranging from marine biology to developmental biology and gene regulatory systems. Echinobase is a user-friendly web interface that links an array of biological data that would otherwise have been tedious and frustrating for researchers to extract and organize. The system hosts a powerful gene search engine, genomics browser and other bioinformatics tools to investigate genomics and high throughput data. The Echinobase information system now serves genomic information for eight echinoderm species: S. purpuratus, Strongylocentrotus fransciscanus, Allocentrotus fragilis, Lytechinus variegatus, Patiria miniata, Parastichopus parvimensis and Ophiothrix spiculata, Eucidaris tribuloides. Herein lies a description of the web information system, genomics data types and content hosted by Echinobase.org. The goal of Echinobase is to connect genomic information to various experimental data and accelerate the research in field of molecular biology, developmental process, gene regulatory networks and more recently engineering biological systems0. Database URL:http://www.echinobase.or

    The oral-aboral axis of a sea urchin embryo is specified by first cleavage

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    Several lines of evidence suggest that the oral-aboral axis in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus embryos is specified at or before the 8-cell stage. Were the oral-aboral axis specified independently of the first cleavage plane, then a random association of this plane with the blastomeres of the four embryo quadrants in the oral-aboral plane (viz. oral, aboral, right and left) would be expected. Lineage tracer dye injection into one blastomere at the 2-cell stage and observation of the resultant labeling patterns demonstrates instead a strongly nonrandom association. In at least ninety percent of cases, the progeny of the aboral blastomeres are associated with those of the left lateral blastomeres and the progeny of the oral blastomeres with the right lateral ones, respectively. Thus, ninety percent of the time the oral pole of the future oral-aboral axis lies 45 degrees clockwise from the first cleavage plane as viewed from the animal pole. The nonrandom association of blastomeres after labeling of the 2-cell stage implies that there is a mechanistic relation between axis specification and the positioning of the first cleavage plane

    Macromere cell fates during sea urchin development

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    This paper examines the cell lineage relationships and cell fates in embryos of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus purpuratus leading to the various cell types derived from the definitive vegetal plate territory or the veg_2 tier of cells. These cell types are gut, pigment cells, basal cells and coelomic pouches. They are cell types that constitute embryonic structures through cellular migration or rearrangement unlike the relatively non-motile ectoderm cell types. For this analysis, we use previous knowledge of lineage to assign macromeres to one of four types: VOM, the oral macromere; VAM, the aboral macromere, right and left VLM, the lateral macromeres. Each of the four macromeres contributes progeny to all of the cell types that descend from the definitive vegetal plate. Thus in the gut each macromere contributes to the esophagus, stomach and intestine, and the stripe of labeled cells descendant from a macromere reflects the re-arrangement of cells that occurs during archenteron elongation. Pigment cell contributions exhibit no consistent pattern among the four macromeres, and are haphazardly distributed throughout the ectoderm. Gut and pigment cell contributions are thus radially symmetrical. In contrast, the VOM blastomere contributes to both of the coelomic pouches while the other three macromeres contribute to only one or the other pouch. The total of the macromere contribution amounts to 60% of the cells constituting the coelomic pouches

    Developmental gene regulatory network architecture across 500 million years of echinoderm evolution

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    Evolutionary change in morphological features must depend on architectural reorganization of developmental gene regulatory networks (GRNs), just as true conservation of morphological features must imply retention of ancestral developmental GRN features. Key elements of the provisional GRN for embryonic endomesoderm development in the sea urchin are here compared with those operating in embryos of a distantly related echinoderm, a starfish. These animals diverged from their common ancestor 520-480 million years ago. Their endomesodermal fate maps are similar, except that sea urchins generate a skeletogenic cell lineage that produces a prominent skeleton lacking entirely in starfish larvae. A relevant set of regulatory genes was isolated from the starfish Asterina miniata, their expression patterns determined, and effects on the other genes of perturbing the expression of each were demonstrated. A three-gene feedback loop that is a fundamental feature of the sea urchin GRN for endoderm specification is found in almost identical form in the starfish: a detailed element of GRN architecture has been retained since the Cambrian Period in both echinoderm lineages. The significance of this retention is highlighted by the observation of numerous specific differences in the GRN connections as well. A regulatory gene used to drive skeletogenesis in the sea urchin is used entirely differently in the starfish, where it responds to endomesodermal inputs that do not affect it in the sea urchin embryo. Evolutionary changes in the GRNs since divergence are limited sharply to certain cis-regulatory elements, whereas others have persisted unaltered

    A basal deuterostome genome viewed as a natural experiment

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    With the determination of its genome sequence the utility of the sea urchin model system increases. The phylogenetic position of the sea urchin among the deuterostomes allows for informative comparisons to vertebrate research models. A combined whole genome shotgun and bacterial artificial chromosome based strategy yielded a high quality draft genome sequence of 814 Mb. The predicted gene set estimated to include 23,300 genes was annotated and compared to those of other metazoan animals. Gene family expansions in the innate immune system are large and offer a first glimpse of how the long-lived sea urchin defends itself. The gene sets of the sea urchin place it firmly among the deuterostomes and indicate that various gene family-specific expansions and contractions characterize the evolution of animal genomes rather than the invention of new genes