28 research outputs found

    Panel rocoso con grabados prehistĂČricos de la cueva de Betlem (DeiĂ , Mallorca)

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    La cultura talayĂłtica una sociedad de la edad del hierro en la periferia de la colonizaciĂłn fenicia

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    En el presente trabajo se razona una crĂ­tica sobre las bases cronolĂłgicas en las que se venĂ­an fundamentando los orĂ­genes de la cultura talayĂłtica balear. A partir de ello se acepta un nuevo marco cronolĂłgico que ya se habĂ­a venido postulando en los Ășltimos años por diferentes equipos de investigaciĂłn. La sincronĂ­a que se observa entre los inicios y primer desarrollo de la cultura talayĂłtica, la llegada del hierro a las islas, asĂ­ como los cambios sustanciales que se observan en las redes de intercambio ultramarino en el MediterrĂĄneo central y occidental, que pasan a estar monopolizadas por los comerciantes fenicios, permite sugerir que tambiĂ©n la cristalizaciĂłn y primera evoluciĂłn de la sociedad talayĂłtica se inserta en este contexto geohistĂłrico, con sus evidentes y conocidas peculiaridades. Señalando, no obstante, que las causas Ășltimas de los orĂ­genes son endĂłgenas y se venĂ­an gestando algĂșn tiempo antes en el seno de las comunidades isleñas del Bronce Naviforme. Se propone igualmente una secuencia de modelos de intecambio entre los agentes que controlan las navegaciones el comercio a larga distancia, los fenicios, y pĂșnicos ebusitanos despuĂ©s, y las comunidades talayĂłticas de Mallorca y Menorca. No se abordan en el presente escrito asuntos relacionados con la tipologĂ­a y funciĂłn de la arquitectura ciclĂłpea turriforme, ni otros relacionados con la cultura material cuyo conocimiento ha sido actualizado, renovado y difundido en la literatura arqueolĂłgica de los Ășltimos años.The Talayotic culture. An Iron Age society in the periphery of the phoenician colonization. The present study explains a critique about the chronological bases on which the origins of the Talayotic culture of the Balearic Islands have been grounded. From this, a new chronological framework is accepted, which has already been postulated by various research teams in recent years. The synchronicity that is seen between the Talayotic culture’s beginnings and its initial development, and the arrival of iron on the islands, as well as the substantial changes seen in the network of overseas trade in the Central and Western Mediterranean, which came to be monopolised by Phoenician merchants, permits us to suggest that the crystallisation and evolution of the Talayotic society, with its clear and well-known peculiarities, are also included within this geohistoric context. Indications of the Talayotic culture’s ultimate causes, however, point to endogenous origins and a period of prior gestation in the midst of Balearic communities of the Naviform Bronze Period. A sequence is also proposed for the models of trade among the agents that controlled long-distance maritime commerce, that is, among the Phoenicians, the Punic peoples of Ibiza afterwards, and the Talayotic communities of Majorca and Minorca. Not touched upon in the present paper are matters related to the typology and function of Cyclopean turriform architecture, nor those related to the material culture whose understanding has been re-assessed, up dated, and disseminated in the archaeological literature of recent years

    L'abric des Tossals Verds (Mallorca)

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    CaracterizaciĂłn isotĂłpica y elemental de los metales de Cova des Pas (Ferreries, Menorca). Una necrĂłpolis de transiciĂłn del Bronce Final al Hierro

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    This paper presents the analysis of metal objects found in Cova des Pas (900-800 cal BC), a necropolis located in the Trebaluger ravine (Ferreries, Menorca).The cave was excavated in 2005 and 2006 by a joint team from the University of the Balearic Islands and the University of Barcelona. The finds comprise not only bronze objects but also small rings made of tin—an element not native to the Balearic Islands.The metal objects are described in their respective archaeological contexts, emphasizing the technological aspects that provide information to characterize metal production from this timeline in Menorca.Based on the chemical composition and lead isotope analysis, we find that most of the bronzes come from mineral deposits in Menorca.Nevertheless, by comparing these data to currently published information, we deduce that two bronze pieces show similarity to copper minerals in Sardinia and three to minerals from Linares (JaĂ©n).Se presenta el estudio de los objetos metĂĄlicos hallados en Cova des Pas (900-800 cal AC), una necrĂłpolis situada en el barranco de Trebaluger (Ferreries, Menorca), excavada entre los años 2005 y 2006 por un equipo formado por miembros de la Universitat de les Illes Balears y la Universitat de Barcelona. El conjunto estĂĄ compuesto por objetos de bronce y pequeñas anillas de estaño, un elemento alĂłctono en las Islas Baleares. Se describen las piezas metĂĄlicas en sus respectivos contextos arqueolĂłgicos, atendiendo a los aspectos tecnolĂłgicos que aportan informaciĂłn para caracterizar las producciones metalĂșrgicas de esta cronologĂ­a en Menorca. A partir de los resultados de las analĂ­ticas de composiciĂłn elemental y de isĂłtopos de plomo, se argumenta la relaciĂłn de la mayorĂ­a de los bronces con depĂłsitos minerales de Menorca. No obstante, confrontando dichos datos con los publicados actualmente, se deduce que dos piezas de bronce muestran concordancia con minerales cuprĂ­feros de Cerdeña y tres con minerales de Linares (JaĂ©n)

    Isotopic and chemical characterisation of metals from Cova des Pas (Ferreries, Menorca). A Late Bronze to Iron Age transition burial site

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    [spa] Se presenta el estudio de los objetos metĂĄlicos hallados en Cova des Pas (900-800 cal AC), una necrĂłpolis situada en el barranco de Trebaluger (Ferreries, Menorca), excavada entre los años 2005 y 2006 por un equipo formado por miembros de la Universitat de les Illes Balears y la Universitat de Barcelona. El conjunto estĂĄ compuesto por objetos de bronce y pequeñas anillas de estaño, un elemento alĂłctono en las Islas Baleares. Se describen las piezas metĂĄlicas en sus respectivos contextos arqueolĂłgicos, atendiendo a los aspectos tecnolĂłgicos que aportan informaciĂłn para caracterizar las producciones metalĂșrgicas de esta cronologĂ­a en Menorca. A partir de los resultados de las analĂ­ticas de composiciĂłn elemental y de isĂłtopos de plomo, se argumenta la relaciĂłn de la mayorĂ­a de los bronces con depĂłsitos minerales de Menorca. No obstante, confrontando dichos datos con los publicados actualmente, se deduce que dos piezas de bronce muestran concordancia con minerales cuprĂ­feros de Cerdeña y tres con minerales de Linares (JaĂ©n). (JaĂ©n).[eng] This paper presents the analysis of metal objects found in Cova des Pas (900-800 cal BC), a necropolis located in the Trebaluger ravine (Ferreries, Menorca). The cave was excavated in 2005 and 2006 by a joint team from the University of the Balearic Islands and the University of Barcelona. The finds comprise not only bronze objects but also small rings made of tinÂżan element not native to the Balearic Islands. The metal objects are described in their respective archaeological contexts, emphasizing the technological aspects that provide information to characterize metal production from this timeline in Menorca. Based on the chemical composition and lead isotope analysis, we find that most of the bronzes come from mineral deposits in Menorca. Nevertheless, by comparing these data to currently published information, we deduce that two bronze pieces show similarity to copper minerals in Sardinia and three to minerals from Linare

    HPV-negative Penile Intraepithelial Neoplasia (PeIN) With Basaloid Features.

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    Most human papillomavirus (HPV)-independent penile squamous cell carcinomas (PSCCs) originate from an intraepithelial precursor called differentiated penile intraepithelial neoplasia, characterized by atypia limited to the basal layer with marked superficial maturation. Previous studies in vulvar cancer, which has a similar dual etiopathogenesis, have shown that about one fifth of HPV-independent precursors are morphologically indistinguishable from high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions (HSILs), the precursor of HPV-asssociated carcinomas. However, such lesions have not been described in PSCC. From 2000 to 2021, 55 surgical specimens of PSCC were identified. In all cases, thorough morphologic evaluation, HPV DNA detection, and p16, p53, and Ki-67 immunohistochemical (IHC) staining was performed. HPV-independent status was assigned based on both negative results for p16 IHC and HPV DNA. Thirty-six of the 55 PSCC (65%) were HPV-independent. An intraepithelial precursor was identified in 26/36 cases (72%). Five of them (19%) had basaloid features, morphologically indistinguishable from HPV-associated HSIL. The median age of the 5 patients was 74 years (range: 67 to 83 y). All 5 cases were p16 and DNA HPV-negative. Immunohistochemically, 3 cases showed an abnormal p53 pattern, and 2 showed wild-type p53 staining. The associated invasive carcinoma was basaloid in 4 cases and the usual (keratinizing) type in 1. In conclusion, a small proportion of HPV-independent PSCC may arise on adjacent intraepithelial lesions morphologically identical to HPV-associated HSIL. This unusual histologic pattern has not been previously characterized in detail in PSCC. p16 IHC is a valuable tool to identify these lesions and differentiate them from HPV-associated HSIL