38 research outputs found

    X-rays Trace the Volatile Content of Interstellar Objects

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    The non-detection of a coma surrounding 1I/`Oumuamua, the first discovered interstellar object (ISO), has prompted a variety of hypotheses to explain its nongravitational acceleration. Given that forthcoming surveys are poised to identify analogues of this enigmatic object, it is prudent to devise alternative approaches to characterization. In this study, we posit X-ray spectroscopy as a surprisingly effective probe of volatile ISO compositions. Heavily ionized metals in the solar wind interact with outgassed neutrals and emit high-energy photons in a process known as charge exchange, and charge exchange induced X-rays from comets and planetary bodies have been observed extensively in our Solar System. We develop a model to predict the X-ray flux of an ISO based on its chemical inventory and ephemeris. We find that while standard cometary constituents, such as H2_2O, CO2_2, CO, and dust are best probed via optical or infrared observations, we predict strong X-ray emission generated by charge exchange with extended comae of H2_2 and N2_2 -- species which lack strong infrared fluorescence transitions. We find that XMM-Newton would have been sensitive to charge exchange emission from 1I/`Oumuamua during the object's close approach to Earth, and that constraints on composition may have been feasible. We argue for follow-up X-ray observations of newly discovered ISOs with close-in perihelia. Compositional constraints on the general ISO population could reconcile the apparently self-conflicting nature of 1I/`Oumuamua, and provide insight into the earliest stages of planet formation in extrasolar systems.Comment: Accepted to The Astrophysical Journal. 18 pages, 6 figure

    Transmission spectroscopy of the lowest-density gas giant: metals and a potential extended outflow in HAT-P-67b

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    Extremely low-density exoplanets are tantalizing targets for atmospheric characterization because of their promisingly large signals in transmission spectroscopy. We present the first analysis of the atmosphere of the lowest-density gas giant currently known, HAT-P-67 b. This inflated Saturn-mass exoplanet sits at the boundary between hot and ultrahot gas giants, where thermal dissociation of molecules begins to dominate atmospheric composition. We observed a transit of HAT-P-67 b at high spectral resolution with CARMENES and searched for atomic and molecular species using cross-correlation and likelihood mapping. Furthermore, we explored potential atmospheric escape by targeting Hα\alpha and the metastable helium line. We detect Ca II and Na I with significances of 13.2σ\sigma and 4.6σ\sigma, respectively. Unlike in several ultrahot Jupiters, we do not measure a day-to-night wind. The large line depths of Ca II suggest that the upper atmosphere may be more ionized than models predict. We detect strong variability in Hα\alpha and the helium triplet during the observations. These signals suggest the possible presence of an extended planetary outflow that causes an early ingress and late egress. In the averaged transmission spectrum, we measure redshifted absorption at the 3.8%\sim 3.8\% and 4.5%\sim 4.5\% level in the Hα\alpha and He I triplet lines, respectively. From an isothermal Parker wind model, we derive a mass loss rate of M˙1013 g/s\dot{M} \sim 10^{13}~\rm{g/s} and an outflow temperature of T9900 KT \sim 9900~\rm{K}. However, due to the lack of a longer out-of-transit baseline in our data, additional observations are needed to rule out stellar variability as the source of the Hα\alpha and He signals.Comment: The Astronomical Journal, in press. 17 pages, 9 figure

    Measured Spin-Orbit Alignment of Ultra-Short Period Super-Earth 55 Cancri e

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    A planet's orbital alignment places important constraints on how a planet formed and consequently evolved. The dominant formation pathway of ultra-short period planets (P<1P<1 day) is particularly mysterious as such planets most likely formed further out, and it is not well understood what drove their migration inwards to their current positions. Measuring the orbital alignment is difficult for smaller super-Earth/sub-Neptune planets, which give rise to smaller amplitude signals. Here we present radial velocities across two transits of 55 Cancri e, an ultra-short period Super-Earth, observed with the Extreme Precision Spectrograph (EXPRES). Using the classical Rossiter-McLaughlin (RM) method, we measure 55 Cnc e's sky-projected stellar spin-orbit alignment (i.e., the projected angle between the planet's orbital axis and its host star's spin axis) to be λ=10+1720\lambda=10\substack{+17\\ -20}^{\circ} with an unprojected angle of ψ=23+1412\psi=23\substack{+14\\ -12}^{\circ}. The best-fit RM model to the EXPRES data has a radial velocity semi-amplitude of just 0.41+0.090.10ms10.41\substack{+0.09\\ -0.10} m s^{-1}. The spin-orbit alignment of 55 Cnc e favors dynamically gentle migration theories for ultra-short period planets, namely tidal dissipation through low-eccentricity planet-planet interactions and/or planetary obliquity tides.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, published in Nature Astronom

    EXPRES. II. Searching for Planets Around Active Stars: A Case Study of HD 101501

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    By controlling instrumental errors to below 10 cm/s, the EXtreme PREcision Spectrograph (EXPRES) allows for a more insightful study of photospheric velocities that can mask weak Keplerian signals. Gaussian Processes (GP) have become a standard tool for modeling correlated noise in radial velocity datasets. While GPs are constrained and motivated by physical properties of the star, in some cases they are still flexible enough to absorb unresolved Keplerian signals. We apply GP regression to EXPRES radial velocity measurements of the 3.5 Gyr old chromospherically active Sun-like star, HD 101501. We obtain tight constraints on the stellar rotation period and the evolution of spot distributions using 28 seasons of ground-based photometry, as well as recent TESSTESS data. Light curve inversion was carried out on both photometry datasets to reveal the spot distribution and spot evolution timescales on the star. We find that the >5> 5 m/s rms radial velocity variations in HD 101501 are well-modeled with a GP stellar activity model without planets, yielding a residual rms scatter of 45 cm/s. We carry out simulations, injecting and recovering signals with the GP framework, to demonstrate that high-cadence observations are required to use GPs most efficiently to detect low-mass planets around active stars like HD 101501. Sparse sampling prevents GPs from learning the correlated noise structure and can allow it to absorb prospective Keplerian signals. We quantify the moderate to high-cadence monitoring that provides the necessary information to disentangle photospheric features using GPs and to detect planets around active stars.Comment: 25 pages, 16 figures, accepted to A

    EXPRES IV: Two Additional Planets Orbiting ρ\rho Coronae Borealis Reveal Uncommon System Architecture

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    Thousands of exoplanet detections have been made over the last twenty-five years using Doppler observations, transit photometry, direct imaging, and astrometry. Each of these methods is sensitive to different ranges of orbital separations and planetary radii (or masses). This makes it difficult to fully characterize exoplanet architectures and to place our solar system in context with the wealth of discoveries that have been made. Here, we use the EXtreme PREcision Spectrograph (EXPRES) to reveal planets in previously undetectable regions of the mass-period parameter space for the star ρ\rho Coronae Borealis. We add two new planets to the previously known system with one hot Jupiter in a 39-day orbit and a warm super-Neptune in a 102-day orbit. The new detections include a temperate Neptune planet (Msini20M{\sin{i}} \sim 20 M_\oplus) in a 281.4-day orbit and a hot super-Earth (Msini=3.7M{\sin{i}} = 3.7 M_\oplus) in a 12.95-day orbit. This result shows that details of planetary system architectures have been hiding just below our previous detection limits; this signals an exciting era for the next generation of extreme precision spectrographs.Comment: Accepted to AJ; 20 pages, 13 figures, 5 Table

    EXPRES I. HD~3651 an Ideal RV Benchmark

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    The next generation of exoplanet-hunting spectrographs should deliver up to an order of magnitude improvement in radial velocity precision over the standard 1 m/s state of the art. This advance is critical for enabling the detection of Earth-mass planets around Sun-like stars. New calibration techniques such as laser frequency combs and stabilized etalons ensure that the instrumental stability is well characterized. However, additional sources of error include stellar noise, undetected short-period planets, and telluric contamination. To understand and ultimately mitigate error sources, the contributing terms in the error budget must be isolated to the greatest extent possible. Here, we introduce a new high cadence radial velocity program, the EXPRES 100 Earths program, which aims to identify rocky planets around bright, nearby G and K dwarfs. We also present a benchmark case: the 62-d orbit of a Saturn-mass planet orbiting the chromospherically quiet star, HD 3651. The combination of high eccentricity (0.6) and a moderately long orbital period, ensures significant dynamical clearing of any inner planets. Our Keplerian model for this planetary orbit has a residual RMS of 58 cm/s over a 6\sim 6 month time baseline. By eliminating significant contributors to the radial velocity error budget, HD 3651 serves as a standard for evaluating the long term precision of extreme precision radial velocity (EPRV) programs.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomical Journa

    An Extreme Precision Radial Velocity Pipeline: First Radial Velocities from EXPRES

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    The EXtreme PREcision Spectrograph (EXPRES) is an environmentally stabilized, fiber-fed, R=137,500R=137,500, optical spectrograph. It was recently commissioned at the 4.3-m Lowell Discovery Telescope (LDT) near Flagstaff, Arizona. The spectrograph was designed with a target radial-velocity (RV) precision of 30 cm s1\mathrm{~cm~s^{-1}}. In addition to instrumental innovations, the EXPRES pipeline, presented here, is the first for an on-sky, optical, fiber-fed spectrograph to employ many novel techniques---including an "extended flat" fiber used for wavelength-dependent quantum efficiency characterization of the CCD, a flat-relative optimal extraction algorithm, chromatic barycentric corrections, chromatic calibration offsets, and an ultra-precise laser frequency comb for wavelength calibration. We describe the reduction, calibration, and radial-velocity analysis pipeline used for EXPRES and present an example of our current sub-meter-per-second RV measurement precision, which reaches a formal, single-measurement error of 0.3 m s1\mathrm{~m~s^{-1}} for an observation with a per-pixel signal-to-noise ratio of 250. These velocities yield an orbital solution on the known exoplanet host 51 Peg that matches literature values with a residual RMS of 0.895 m s1\mathrm{~m~s^{-1}}