88 research outputs found

    The use of Depletion methods to assess Mediterranean cephalopod stocks under the current EU Data Collection Framework

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    Fuelled by the increasing importance of cephalopod fisheries in Europe, scientists and stakeholders have demanded their assessment and management. However, little has been done to improve the data collection under the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF) in order to analyse cephalopod populations. While the DCF allows member states to design flexible national sampling programmes, it establishes the minimum data requirements (MDR) each state is obliged to fulfil. This study was performed to investigate whether such MDR currently set by the DCF allow the application of depletion models (DMs) to assess European cephalopod stocks. Squid and cuttlefish fisheries from the western Mediterranean were used as a case study. This study sheds doubt on the suitability of the MDR to properly assess and manage cephalopod stocks by means of DMs. Owing to the high plasticity of life-history traits in cephalopod populations, biological parameters should be estimated during the actual depletion period of the fished stocks, rather than performing triennial sampling as established by the DCF. In order to accurately track the depletion event, the rapid growth rates of cephalopods implies that their populations should be monitored at shorter time scales (ideally weekly or biweekly) instead of quarterly as specified by the DCF. These measures would not require additional resources of the ongoing DCF but a redistribution of sampling efforts during the depletion period. Such changes in the sampling scheme could be designed and undertaken by the member states or directly integrated as requirements.This study was performed under the Data Collection Framework (cofunded by the EU and the Spanish Institute of Oceanography, IEO) and the CONFLICT project (CGL2008-958; funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation). SK was financed by an IEO-FPI grant (2011/11)Peer Reviewe

    Effects of the invasive macroalga Lophocladia lallemandii on the diet and trophism of Pinna nobilis (Mollusca: Bivalvia) and its guests Pontonia pinnophylax and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres (Crustacea: Decapoda)

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    Pinna nobilis and its guests Pontonia pinnophylax and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres were sampled from Posidonia oceanica meadows invaded and non-invaded by the red alga Lophocladia lallemandii. Understanding the interactions among native and invasive species was the primary aim. Therefore, the effects of the invasive L. lallemandii on the percentage contribution of the food sources of P. nobilis and its guests and their trophic associations were investigated by applying mixing models to the δ13C and δ15 Nstable isotopes. Isotopic analyses revealed that the guests of P. nobilis occupied a higher trophic level than their host due to their capacity for food selection. The invasion of L. lallemandii altered the percentage contribution of the food sources to the consumers’ diet. Whereas the percentage contribution of the food sources to the δ13C signatures did not really change, L. lallemandii produced variations in the percentage contribution to the δ15N signatures. This red macroalga represented one of the main food sources for P. nobilis, with a real contribution of 19.4% in the invaded meadows. Moreover, L. lallemandii slightly decreased the trophic level of the consumers. This study provides the first isotopic and trophic data for the pea crab N. pinnotheresPublicado

    Für ein Ende des NATO-Krieges und eine politisch-diplomatische Regelung in Afghanistan

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    Four visual censuses targeting Octopus vulgaris living in dens on sandy bottoms were carried out from June to October 2013 in the National Park of the Atlantic Galician Islands (NW Spain). Censuses were undertaken by scuba diving between 5 and 21 m depth in daytime. The total area swept was 13.75 ha. There were no significant differences between octopus presence in dens during open and closed fishing seasons. Depth had a significant negative relationship with occupancy. The average number of dens per 1000 m2 was 3.84±0.84 in June and 3.89 in October. The area per den was 260 m2. Den number estimations varied between 1586 and 2057. The largest number of dens (76.5%) was found between 5 and 10 m depth. Den distribution was clumped. No significant differences were found between octopus size classes (small, medium and large) and den diameter. Associate dens were observed. There were no significant differences in den diameter and shell types found around the middens. Many dens could be “permanent”. Drilling bivalve shell behaviour is discussed. The surveyed area had around 1100 individuals, mainly small specimens. No significant differences were found between octopus size and depth. Substrate, den type and food abundance and availability (especially razors Ensis arcuatus) seem to be the main factors influencing dens and octopus density and distribution. Den availability does not appear to be a limiting factor in this case. Temperature, den availability, predators and fishing pressure influencing density and distribution are discussed. Rodas inlet may be a preferential habitat for O. vulgaris individuals ranging from 200 to 2000 g, but especially small specimens ( ≤ 1000 g)

    Zooplankton Abundance and Diversity in the Tropical and Subtropical Ocean

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    The abundance and composition of zooplankton down to 3000 m depth was studied in the subtropical and tropical latitudes across the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans (35 N–40 S). Samples were collected from December 2010 to June 2011 during the Malaspina Circumnavigation Expedition. Usually, low abundances were observed with the highest values found in the North Pacific Ocean, Benguela, and o Mauritania, and the lowest in the South Pacific Ocean. No significant di erences in abundance and zooplankton composition were found among oceans, with depth being consistently the most important factor a ecting their distribution. Each depth strata were inhabited by distinct copepod assemblages, which significantly di ered among the strata. The contribution of copepods to the zooplankton community increased with the depth although, as expected, their abundance strongly decreased. Among the copepods, 265 species were identified but 85% were rare and contributed less than 1% in abundance. Clausocalanus furcatus and Nannocalanus minor dominated the epipelagic strata. Pleuromamma abdominalis and Lucicutia clausi were of importance in the mesopelagic layer, and Pareucalanus, Triconia, Conaea and Metridia brevicauda in the bathypelagic layer. Our results provide a global-scale assessment of copepod biodiversity and distribution, providing a contemporary benchmark to follow future ocean changes at low latitudes

    Abundance and Structure of the Zooplankton Community During a Post-eruptive Process: The Case of the Submarine Volcano Tagoro (El Hierro; Canary Islands), 2013-2018

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    The mesozooplankton community was analyzed over a 6-year period (2013-2018) during the post-eruptive stage of the submarine volcano Tagoro, located south of the island of El Hierro (Canary Archipelago, Spain). Nine cruises from March 2013 to March 2018 were carried out in two different seasons, spring (March-April) and autumn (October). A high-resolution study was carried out across the main cones of Tagoro volcano, as well as a large number of reference stations surrounding El Hierro (unaffected by the volcano). The zooplankton community at the reference stations showed a high similarity with more than 85% of the variation in abundance and composition attributable to seasonal differences. Moreover, our data showed an increase in zooplankton abundance in waters affected by the volcano with a higher presence of non-calanoid copepods and a decline in the diversity of the copepod community, indicating that volcanic inputs have a significant effect on these organisms. Fourteen different zooplankton groups were found but copepods were dominant (79%) with 59 genera and 170 species identified. Despite the high species number, less than 30 presented a larger abundance than 1%. Oncaea and Clausocalanus were the most abundant genera followed by Oithona and Paracalanus (60%). Nine species dominated (>2%): O. media, O. plumifera, and O. setigera among the non-calanoids and M. clausi, P. nanus, P. parvus, C. furcatus, C. arcuicornis, and N. minor among the calanoids. After the initial low abundance of the copepods as a consequence of the eruption, an increase was observed in the last years of the study, where besides the small Paracalanus and Clausocalanus, the Cyclopoids seem to have a good adaptive strategy to the new water conditions. The increase in zooplankton abundance and the decline in the copepod diversity in the area affected by the volcano indicate that important changes in the composition of the zooplankton community have occurred. The effect of the volcanic emissions on the different copepods was more evident in spring when the water was cooler and the mixing layer was deeper. Further and longer research is recommended to monitor the zooplankton community in the natural laboratory of the Tagoro submarine volcano.En prens

    Identification and characterization of esential habitats for three cephalopod species in the national parks of Galician Atlantic Islands and Cabrera

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    31 pages, 16 figures, 8 tables, 1 appendix[EN] We evaluated specific habitat features (bottom substrate type, depth, temperature and season) at random locations in the Cíes archipelago (Galician Atlantic Islands National Park, NW Spain) and to determine their impact on Octopus vulgaris, Sepia officinalis and Loligo vulgaris habitat use. We performed 113 underwater visual transects by scuba diving between April 2012 and August 2015. Habitat features were evaluated as predictors of the presence/absence of spawning dens and egg clusters using Generalized Additive Models. The O. vulgaris spawning essential habitats was found between 5 and 30 m depth in rocky bottoms from Punta Escodelo to Punta Ferreiro (Monteagudo Island), which surface is 6% of the total marine area of the Cíes islands. We propose a complete protection of this area for exploitation. underwater visual transects also showed that there is an O. vulgaris hatchery essential habitat (specimens ≤1000 g) in the sandy bottoms of the Rodas inlet. This small area (2.8% of the total) could be also protected. S. officinalis results revealed two SEH: Bajo de Viños and Piedra del Borrón, hard bottom shoals between 8-13 m covered by sea fans and sea worms and located in the central Cíes islands. We also suggest protecting that small area (0.28% of the total). Very few L. vulgaris eggs masses were found with underwater visual transects and artificial devices attractors in the Cíes islands. Also very few specimens of O. vulgaris and S. officinalis were found with underwater visual transects in Cabrera National Park between 5 and 50 m depth. Two squid spawning essential habitats were located in that park using artificial devices attractors: Na Redona and Ses Rates, both on sandy bottoms from 18 to 50 m depth with fast marine currents. The spawning essential habitats found reveal indicators of three species habitat selection and should help to identify targets for habitat improvement projects and ecosystem management approaches[ES] Mediante 112 censos visuales con escafandra autónoma realizados entre abril de 2012 y agosto de 2015, distribuidos aleatoriamente en el archipiélago de Cíes (Parque Nacional de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia), se evaluaron las características (tipo de sustrato, profundidad, temperatura y estación) de los hábitats esenciales de Octopus vulgaris, Sepia officinalis y Loligo vulgaris. Dichas características se emplearon como predictores de la presencia/ausencia de guaridas de desove o masas de huevos utilizando Modelos Aditivos Generalizados. El hábitat esencial para el desove de O. vulgaris se localizó entre 5 y 30 m de profundidad en fondos rocosos entre Punta Escodelo y Punta Ferreiro (isla de Monteagudo), cuya superficie es del 6% del total. Proponemos su protección completa para la explotación. Los censos visuales con escafandra autónoma mostraron un hábitat esencial de cría de O. vulgaris en fondos arenosos de la ensenada de Rodas. Esta pequeña área (2,8% del total) podría ser también protegida. Los resultados para S. officinalis revelaron dos HE para el desove: el Bajo de Viños y la Piedra del Borrón, bancos de fondo duro entre 8-13 m cubiertos por gorgonias y poliquetos tubícolas en la ensenada de Rodas. Se sugiere protección para este área (0,28% del total). Apenas se hallaron puestas de L. vulgaris con censos visuales con escafandra autónoma y Dispositivos Atractores de Puesta en Cíes. También se observaron muy escasos ejemplares de S. officinalis y O. vulgaris con censos visuales con escafandra autónoma entre 5 y 50 m de profundidad en el Parque Nacional de Cabrera. Se identificaron dos HE para el desove del calamar en el Parque Nacional de Cabrera usando Dispositivos Atractores de Puesta: Na Redona y Ses Rates, fondos arenosos entre 18 y 50 m de profundidad con rápidas corrientes. Estos HEs son indicadores de selección del hábitat, y constituyen un notable apoyo para identificar objetivos en proyectos de conservación de hábitats y enfoques ecosistémicos en la gestión pesqueraMiguel Cabanellas-Reboredo fue becado por la Conselleria de Educació del Govern de les Illes Balears (Fondo Social Europeo) y actualmente beneficiario de contrato post-doctoral Juan de la Cierva formación (MINECO). Marta Sestelo disfrutó de beca de investigación SFRH/BPD/93928 de Fundacão Ciência e Tecnologia de Portugal y de proyectos del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y la Xunta de Galicia. Este proyecto estuvo financiado por el Organismo Autónomo de Parques Nacionales del Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente (CEFAPARQUES, Proyecto número: 458/2011)N

    Tracking a mass mortality outbreak of pen shell Pinna nobilis populations: A collaborative effort of scientists and citizens

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    A mass mortality event is devastating the populations of the endemic bivalve Pinna nobilis in the Mediterranean Sea from early autumn 2016. A newly described Haplosporidian endoparasite (Haplosporidium pinnae) is the most probable cause of this ecological catastrophe placing one of the largest bivalves of the world on the brink of extinction. As a pivotal step towards Pinna nobilis conservation, this contribution combines scientists and citizens’ data to address the fast- and vast-dispersion and prevalence outbreaks of the pathogen. Therefore, the potential role of currents on parasite expansion was addressed by means of drift simulations of virtual particles in a high-resolution regional currents model. A generalized additive model was implemented to test if environmental factors could modulate the infection of Pinna nobilis populations. The results strongly suggest that the parasite has probably dispersed regionally by surface currents, and that the disease expression seems to be closely related to temperatures above 13.5 °C and to a salinity range between 36.5–39.7 psu. The most likely spread of the disease along the Mediterranean basin associated with scattered survival spots and very few survivors (potentially resistant individuals), point to a challenging scenario for conservation of the emblematic Pinna nobilis, which will require fast and strategic management measures and should make use of the essential role citizen science projects can play.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio