40,101 research outputs found

    Effective restoration of chiral and axial symmetries at finite temperature and density

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    The effective restoration of chiral and axial symmetries is investigated within the framework of the SU(3) Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. The topological susceptibility, modeled from lattice data at finite temperature, is used to extract the temperature dependence of the coupling strength of the anomaly. The study of the scalar and pseudoscalar mixing angles is performed in order to discuss the evolution of the flavor combinations of qqˉq \bar q pairs and its consequences for the degeneracy of chiral partners. A similar study at zero temperature and finite density is also realized.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Talk given at Strange Quark Matter 2004, Cape Town, South Africa, 15-20 September, 200

    Bifurcation analysis of the twist-Freedericksz transition in a nematic liquid-crystal cell with pre-twist boundary conditions

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    Motivated by a recent investigation of Millar and McKay [Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., 435, 277/[937]-286/[946] (2005)], we study the magnetic field twist-Fr´eedericksz transition for a nematic liquid crystal of positive diamagnetic anisotropy with strong anchoring and pre- twist boundary conditions. Despite the pre-twist, the system still possesses Z2 symmetry and a symmetry-breaking pitchfork bifurcation, which occurs at a critical magnetic-field strength that, as we prove, is above the threshold for the classical twist-Fr´eedericksz tran- sition (which has no pre-twist). It was observed numerically by Millar and McKay that this instability occurs precisely at the point at which the ground-state solution loses its monotonicity (with respect to the position coordinate across the cell gap). We explain this surprising observation using a rigorous phase-space analysis

    Prospecção tecnológica como uma ferramenta aplicada à pesquisa agropecuária.

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    Este trabalho apresenta exemplos de prospecção tecnológica da Embrapa Amazônia Oriental (CPATU) que contribuem para a visão estratégica da produção de C&T&I, otimizando políticas de médio e longo termo, estratégias, planos, e processos de tomada de decisão. Apresenta-se o processo de qualificação de tecnologias e o monitoramento tecnológico, especificamente na análise de produtos agroindustriais e o resultado de buscas de patentes de produtos extrusados

    Same traits, different variance : Item-Level Variation Within Personality Measures

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    © 2014 the Author(s). This article has been published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. Without requesting permission from the Author or SAGE, you may further copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the article, with the condition that the Author and SAGE Open are in each case credited as the source of the article. The version of record, Jamie S. Churcyard, Karen J. Pine, Shivani Sharma, Ben (C) Fletcher, ' Same Traits, Difference Variance: Item-Level Variation Within Personality Measures', SAGE Open, 2014, is available online via doi: 10.1177/2158244014522634Personality trait questionnaires are regularly used in individual differences research to examine personality scores between participants, although trait researchers tend to place little value on intra-individual variation in item ratings within a measured trait. The few studies that examine variability indices have not considered how they are related to a selection of psychological outcomes, so we recruited 160 participants (age M = 24.16, SD = 9.54) who completed the IPIP-HEXACO personality questionnaire and several outcome measures. Heterogenous within-subject differences in item ratings were found for every trait/facet measured, with measurement error that remained stable across the questionnaire. Within-subject standard deviations, calculated as measures of individual variation in specific item ratings within a trait/facet, were related to outcomes including life satisfaction and depression. This suggests these indices represent valid constructs of variability, and that researchers administering behavior statement trait questionnaires with outcome measures should also apply item-level variability indices.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Delineamento e parametrização ambiental de microbacias hidrográficas para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro.

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    Bacias hidrográficas são unidades de gestão e planejamento ambiental para monitoramento hidrológico, conservação do solo e disciplinamento do uso da terra, devido à importância na produção de água em qualidade e quantidade. A Política Nacional dos Recursos Hídricos (Lei 9433 de 1997, Decreto 2612 de 1998) tem como finalidade organizar a gestão de BH entre usuários de água, envolvendo setores produtivos e da sociedade civil, em diferentes esferas administrativas, o que exige uma subdivisão do território em Grandes Bacias, Sub-bacias e Microbacias hidrográficas. Para o Estado do Rio de Janeiro existem delineamentos de BH em regiões específicas, resultantes do programa de despoluição da Baía de Guanabara (PDBG) e do projeto GEROE. Para uma subdivisão em maior escala e para todo o Estado do Rio, foi executada uma delimitação automática com edição de sub-bacias hidrográficas, sendo estas bacias posteriormente parametrizadas com a finalidade de indicar o grau de vulnerabilidade por meio de uma análise multicritério. O resultado indica que as bacias mais vulneráveis concentram-se na região noroeste e norte do Estado, sendo que as que apresentaram maior grau de vulnerabilidade acompanham o Rio Paraíba do Sul da região central do Estado até sua foz, sendo considerada, portanto, uma indicação de áreas para programas de recuperação ambiental