8 research outputs found

    Epatite tossica da farmaci-caso clinico-

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    The case is described of a woman with drug hepatotoxicity, who was a psychiatric patient. The case is reported because the diagnosis occurred by a "praecoxfeeling", in fact physician's intuition is a personal structure which is born from same external incitements instead of other. The diagnosis was confirmed by clinical tests and by subsequent clinical research

    [An unusual cause of chest pain in]. [Una causa insolita di dolore toracico in Chest Pain Unit: un caso di miocardite.]

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    Myocarditis seems to be mostly caused by a viral infection or more rarely by a pharmacological hypersensitivity or by radiations exposure. Nevertheless, it is not so easy to know the ethiopathogenesis of the myocarditis, because mostly it is impossible to determine the infectious agent that causes the pathology even if it is isolated. The diagnosis could often remain uncertain, so a suspect of myocarditis has to be opportunely confirmed by specific serological and diagnostic investigations, in order to avoid the appearance of a dilated cardiomyopathy which is one of its principal sequences

    Variazioni della concentrazione plasmatica del peptide natriuretico di tipo B in urgenza nella fibrillazione atriale parossistica,nell’edema polmonare acuto, nella sindrome coronarica acuta e nella cardiomiopatia dilatativa

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    Our research is based on the critical evaluation of plasma concentration variation of B-type natriuretic peptide (BNP) – in emergency – in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, acute pulmonary edema, acute coronary syndrome and dilated cardiomyopathy. The aim of our research was to assess if the BNP concentration variation may be useful in the diagnosis and therapy. Peptide synthesis takes place mainly in the ventricular myocardium. We selected 102 patients: 27 control subjects, and 75 admitted to the emergency and reception department for dyspnea and/or precordialgia and/or palpitations. At the beginning they were considered as one group only, and then they were divided into groups according to the diagnosis: 20 with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation with reversion to sinus rhythm in the first week; 20 with acute pulmonary edema; 22 with acute coronary syndrome without electrocardiographic ST-segment changes; 13 with compensated dilated cardiomyopathy. Our research assessed that the BNP activation and secretion are evident especially in patients with heart failure and remains at the high level until the administration of an effective therapy and then they reach a balance with values higher than the standards, while in the paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and in acute coronary syndrome they rise and come back to the standard levels or even at lower levels after the disease solution. For this reason, BNP reiterated measurements allow to assess treatment efficacy, even at home, and to optimize the therapy. The main limit of BNP diagnostic role is in the need of knowing in advance the specific values for each patient. The BNP concentration evaluation in the acute phase is necessary to differentiate patients with dyspnea due to heart failure from those with pulmonary pathologies, while the BNP assessment in the acute coronary syndrome predicted exitus or heart failure manifestations

    High digoxin serum levels in an elderly patient for the endogenous digoxin-like immunoreactive substances. A case report

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    Digoxin is typically prescribed in the treatment of heart failure. Its limited therapeutic range requires systematic monitoring of plasmatic concentration through immunoreactive tests. Laboratory results, however, can be altered by the presence of digoxin-like immunoreactive factors (DLIF) which are released in all clinical conditions involving volemic expansion. Case report. An 86-year-old woman arrived in emergency with severe dyspnoea, atrial flutter and a medical history of ischemic cardiopathy. The patient was treated with ACE inhibitor, furosemide, spironolactone and digoxin. The first lab test for digoxin showed levels of digoxin of 7.05 ng/ml. Although the patient did not show any clinical evidence of digital intoxication nor was she treated with drugs which might interfere with digoxin kinetics and even if she had markers of renal function within clinical limits, digoxin was suspended and a treatment was initiated with 0.9% NaCl solution and furosemide. The second lab test showed levels of digoxin of 8.38 ng/ml. A possible interference of DLIF with immunoreactive tests was therefore assumed. Materials and Methods. The patient's serum was ultrafiltered and centrifugated to remove possible DLIF; subsequently, the measurement of digoxin levels was repeated. As a result, the digoxin level decreased to 0.25 ng/ml. Conclusions. DLIF increase in several diseases, including heart failure, end-stage renal disease, pre-eclampsy and acromegaly. High digoxin levels in a patient who does not show any symptoms of digital intoxication should lead to suspect the presence of these factors and to preventively determine DLIF in serum so as not to incur the risk of suspending an important treatment like digoxin in heart failure. Clin Ter 2011; 162(3):245-24