9 research outputs found


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    In the period 2018-2020. within RDSFCSS Dabuleni, from Romania, 4 planting epochs were studied and 2 harvest epochs. Determinations were made on the number of tubers/plant, the average weight of a tuber and the production per unit area. Regardless of the planting epoch both the number of tubers/plant and the average weight of a tuber was higher in the plants  harvested after 29 weeks after planting. The highest production of tubers was obtained by planting Jerusalem artichoke between April 15-25 and harvested after 29 weeks. In this variant. the production was 66.02 t / ha. corresponding to a number of 45.9 tubers / plant. with an average weight of 47.8 g / tuber

    Pondering Digitalization: An Exploratory Study on Organizational Capitalization of Digital Media for Disclosing CSR

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    The goal of this study had as a premise a perceived gap of knowledge regarding the use of digital media and platforms by Romanian organizations with the purpose to disclose corporate social responsibility (CSR) information. In the context of the ever-increasing digitalization process, the research aimed to explore the current situation within the organizational setting to provide evidence on the type of media and content used and with a view to identifying possible trends. To objectively assess the situation, the study employed models developed by various researchers to measure CSR disclosure on corporate websites, Facebook and Twitter accounts. The results of the study indicate that the selected Romanian companies make limited use of online media for the purpose to reveal CSR. They rather prefer corporate websites and Facebook accounts to communicate such information to stakeholders, while Twitter is rarely utilized. The findings point to the fact that education and social development are the areas of CSR where Romanian companies mostly contribute, but, at the same time, they signal that the advantages and advances availed by systemic digitalization are yet to be properly exploited against the backdrop of CSR disclosure


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    The researches carried out at the Research and Development Station for Plant Culture on Sands from Dăbuleni, in the period 2018 - 2020 regarding the variability of the main quantitative characters, for the Ișalnița 43 dwarf garden bean variety showed differentiated results, depending on the climatic conditions of each study year. Through the statistical analysis of the main quantitative characters, the variety Ișalnița 43 presented a coefficient of variability (s%) small, medium and high for the studied characters. The calculation and analysis of variability showed a medium variability (15.04%) for plant height. low variability (7.77%) for pod length. low variability (6.98%) for pod thickness / width ratio and high variability (30.42%) for the number of pods / plant. The study of the coefficients of genotypic and phenotypic variation, are used to determine the genetic variability, and its correct estimation is an essential condition in the seed breeding and production program


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    The Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus) is considered a species with relatively high tolerance to water stress and very high adaptability to extremes of unfavorable factors - drought resistance, at extremely high temperatures (350- 450C the plants and -300 -450C the tubers). The tubers with high inulin content are formed on the root branches and are increasingly used as food for patients with diabetes. The variety is one of the main factors of the technology, the cultivation of a variety should be done only after a preliminary test regarding its adaptability to the natural environmental factors. On the sandy soils from Dabuleni were studied the varieties Dacic, Olimp, Rustic and the local population Dăbuleni. It was noted by the number of tubers/plant the Olimp variety with 60.4 stems/plant, and the highest weight of a tuber was recorded in the Rustic variety (51.6 g/tuber). The highest production was made at the Olimp variety, respectively 70.03 t/ha, corresponding to the largest number of tubers harvested at a plant, followed by the production of the Rustic variety of 51.97t/ ha. At the Dacic variety, 15.6 t/ha were obtained, and the local population of Dăbuleni achieved the lowest production (6.45 t/ha). The inulin content was between 12.49% in the Rustic variety and 14.47% in the Olimp variety. Dacic varieties and local population Dăbuleni were highlighted by high in total dry matter, soluble dry matter and soluble carbohydrates, and Rustic varieties and local population Dabuleni were high in vitamin C content (14.92-14.96 mg)


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    The research carried out during the period 2018-2019 at Dabuleni Research Development Station for Plant Culture on Sands (Dabuleni RDSPCS) underlines the importance of the herbicide work on the sorghum crop for grains, placed under the conditions of sandy soils. The products were tested: Trek P34 SE (pendimethalin 64 g / l + terbuthylazine 270 g / l), in doses of 2.5 l / ha and 3.5 l / ha, Gardoprim Plus Gold 500 SC (S-metolachlor 312, 5 g / l + terbuthylazine 197.5 g / l), in a dose of 1 l / ha, Universal Buctril (bromoxynil 280 g / l + 2,4-D acid (ester) 280 g / l), in a dose of 1 l / ha, Dicopur Top 464 SL (344 g / l 2.4 D acid from DMA salt and 120 g / l dicamba), in a dose of 1 l / ha and Dual Gold 960 EC (960 g/l S-metolaclor), in a dose of 1,5 l/ha. The spectrum of weeds recorded in the untreated variant is highlighted by the abundant presence of the species Ambrosia artemisiifolia, in 48.9%, followed by Digitaria sanguinalis (29.6%), Portulacca oleraceaea (12.2%) and Chenopodium album (9.3 %). The EWRS ratings, regarding the weed degree in the untreated variant, underline high values throughout the vegetation period, the grades being in the range 6-9, with an average of 7.88. Compared to this variant, the application of herbicides ensures a weed control, for the period 15-60 days after application, in a percentage of 50.8-71.4%. The obtained results show that the best control over the weed degree in the sorghum culture was achieved by the post-emergent application of the product Trek P34 SE, at a dose of 3, 5 l / ha, the production of grains obtained at harvesting being 7333.5 kg / ha, compared with the non-herbicide control, in which 3070.5 kg / ha were registered

    Delving into Stakeholders’ Perceptions of the Efficient Transition to the Circular Economy

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    The importance of knowledge management in facilitating a successful transition to a circular economy through the creation of a circular business model, as a substitute for the conventional linear economic approach, has not been extensively explored. The capacity of a company to coordinate, generate, and disseminate knowledge plays a crucial role in developing environmentally friendly industries and creating new employment opportunities. This article employs a literature review methodology to establish the connection between knowledge management and the shift towards a circular economy. The findings reveal that a company's eco-innovation process relies heavily on strategic knowledge management. Consequently, a comprehensive understanding of the system and self-motivated creativity are crucial components of expertise in creating sustainable circular business models. Hence, companies must consistently enhance their knowledge base to improve business processes, eco-efficiency, and eco-innovation. </p


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    In recent years increasingly many spoken of global climate change, desertification and aridity in many areas, such as the sandy soils in southern of the Oltenia area. Starting from the idea that the negative effect of temperature and water stress factors can be reduced by scientific and technological progress, it requires the collection and evaluation of genetic resources vegetable, adapted of conditions from southern Oltenia. In this regard, at CCDCPN Dăbuleni were followed in  the crop 4  cultivation of domestic pepper (Capsicum annuum L.): Isalnita 85 V, Andrada, Isalnita – Rovine, Amaradia

    Research on establishment of tehnological links to Gypsophila paniculata L. on sandy soils

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    Diversifying the range of plants grown on sandy soils, by introducing the culture of some species able to exploit existing natural conditions and which also contributes to their setting is a necessity. Research conducted at Central Research Station for Agricultural Plants on Sandy Soils of Dăbuleni, Dolj county, Romania, in Gypsophila paniculata L. in sandy soil conditions, have demonstrated the possibility of introducing the culture of this species to exploit these types of higher ground. In type bifactorial experience was aimed at establishing the distance between the lines and the amount of useful seed, used for sowing, taking into study four distances between rows (37.5 cm, 50 cm, 62.5 cm and 75 cm ) and three standard seed (4 kg / ha and 6 kg / ha and 8 kg / ha). The standard distance between rows and sowing the seed used in the production of roots influences. Normal growth of seed from 4 kg / ha to 6 kg / ha and 8 kg / ha is not justified in terms of production. By sowing at a distance of 62.5 cm between rows, using a quantity of seed sown useful to 4 kg / ha, there was a production of 11 t / ha, which enables us to opt for inclusion in the culture of the species Gypsophila paniculata L. sandy soils in southern Oltenia

    Results on bioenergetic potential of some sweet sorghum hybrids cultivated under psamosols conditions in Southern Oltenia

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    Sorghum bicolor L. Moench is a herbaceous annual C4-type plant, with a high ecological plasticity because it can be grown in tropical, subtropical, temperate and semi-arid regions, harnessing soils with reduced natural fertility, from the category of sandy soils. Studies on 5 sweet sorghum hybrids studied under psamosols in southern Oltenia highlight a bioenergy potential in the milk-wax phase of the grain, ranging from 60847.4-89338.65 Mcal / ha, with a maximum in the hybrid ShaÅŸm 2, which achieved a distinctly significant difference in production, compared to the average production of hybrids. The results recorded in sugar sorghum production were positively correlated, significantly distinct with leaf index determined during the flowering of the plants (r = 0.9854**)