2,862 research outputs found

    Renormalization-group at criticality and complete analyticity of constrained models: a numerical study

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    We study the majority rule transformation applied to the Gibbs measure for the 2--D Ising model at the critical point. The aim is to show that the renormalized hamiltonian is well defined in the sense that the renormalized measure is Gibbsian. We analyze the validity of Dobrushin-Shlosman Uniqueness (DSU) finite-size condition for the "constrained models" corresponding to different configurations of the "image" system. It is known that DSU implies, in our 2--D case, complete analyticity from which, as it has been recently shown by Haller and Kennedy, Gibbsianness follows. We introduce a Monte Carlo algorithm to compute an upper bound to Vasserstein distance (appearing in DSU) between finite volume Gibbs measures with different boundary conditions. We get strong numerical evidence that indeed DSU condition is verified for a large enough volume VV for all constrained models.Comment: 39 pages, teX file, 4 Postscript figures, 1 TeX figur

    Linear Boltzmann dynamics in a strip with large reflective obstacles: stationary state and residence time

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    The presence of obstacles modify the way in which particles diffuse. In cells, for instance, it is observed that, due to the presence of macromolecules playing the role of obstacles, the mean square displacement ofbiomolecules scales as a power law with exponent smaller than one. On the other hand, different situations in grain and pedestrian dynamics in which the presence of an obstacle accelerate the dynamics are known. We focus on the time, called residence time, needed by particles to cross a strip assuming that the dynamics inside the strip follows the linear Boltzmann dynamics. We find that the residence time is not monotonic with the sizeand the location of the obstacles, since the obstacle can force those particles that eventually cross the strip to spend a smaller time in the strip itself. We focus on the case of a rectangular strip with two open sides and two reflective sides and we consider reflective obstaclea into the strip

    Metastability for reversible probabilistic cellular automata with self--interaction

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    The problem of metastability for a stochastic dynamics with a parallel updating rule is addressed in the Freidlin--Wentzel regime, namely, finite volume, small magnetic field, and small temperature. The model is characterized by the existence of many fixed points and cyclic pairs of the zero temperature dynamics, in which the system can be trapped in its way to the stable phase. %The characterization of the metastable behavior %of a system in the context of parallel dynamics is a very difficult task, %since all the jumps in the configuration space are allowed. Our strategy is based on recent powerful approaches, not needing a complete description of the fixed points of the dynamics, but relying on few model dependent results. We compute the exit time, in the sense of logarithmic equivalence, and characterize the critical droplet that is necessarily visited by the system during its excursion from the metastable to the stable state. We need to supply two model dependent inputs: (1) the communication energy, that is the minimal energy barrier that the system must overcome to reach the stable state starting from the metastable one; (2) a recurrence property stating that for any configuration different from the metastable state there exists a path, starting from such a configuration and reaching a lower energy state, such that its maximal energy is lower than the communication energy

    Sum of exit times in series of metastable states in probabilistic cellular automata

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    Reversible Probabilistic Cellular Automata are a special class of automata whose stationary behavior is described by Gibbs--like measures. For those models the dynamics can be trapped for a very long time in states which are very different from the ones typical of stationarity. This phenomenon can be recasted in the framework of metastability theory which is typical of Statistical Mechanics. In this paper we consider a model presenting two not degenerate in energy metastable states which form a series, in the sense that, when the dynamics is started at one of them, before reaching stationarity, the system must necessarily visit the second one. We discuss a rule for combining the exit times from each of the metastable states

    Metastability in the two-dimensional Ising model with free boundary conditions

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    We investigate metastability in the two dimensional Ising model in a square with free boundary conditions at low temperatures. Starting with all spins down in a small positive magnetic field, we show that the exit from this metastable phase occurs via the nucleation of a critical droplet in one of the four corners of the system. We compute the lifetime of the metastable phase analytically in the limit T→0T\to 0, h→0h\to 0 and via Monte Carlo simulations at fixed values of TT and hh and find good agreement. This system models the effects of boundary domains in magnetic storage systems exiting from a metastable phase when a small external field is applied.Comment: 24 pages, TeX fil

    A combinatorial proof of tree decay of semi-invariants

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    We consider finite range Gibbs fields and provide a purely combinatorial proof of the exponential tree decay of semi--invariants, supposing that the logarithm of the partition function can be expressed as a sum of suitable local functions of the boundary conditions. This hypothesis holds for completely analytical Gibbs fields; in this context the tree decay of semi--invariants has been proven via analyticity arguments. However the combinatorial proof given here can be applied also to the more complicated case of disordered systems in the so called Griffiths' phase when analyticity arguments fail

    A model for enhanced and selective transport through biological membranes with alternating pores

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    We investigate the outflux of ions through the channels in a cell membrane. The channels undergo an open/close cycle according to a periodic schedule. Our study is based both on theoretical considerations relying on homogenization theory, and on Monte Carlo numerical simulations. We examine the onset of a limiting boundary behavior characterized by a constant ratio between the outflux and the local density, in the thermodynamics limit. The focus here is on the issue of selectivity, that is on the different behavior of the ion currents through the channel in the cases of the selected and non-selected species.Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1307.418
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