1,152 research outputs found

    Determinants of Labor Market Outcomes of Disabled Men Before and After the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990

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    The study compares the labor market experience of men with disabilities before and after the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The handful of studies that have focused on the wage impact of disabilities have either not fully incorporated the probability of employment into the analysis or have not correctly decomposed the wage differences in light of selectivity corrections. After estimating a two-stage model of the probability of employment followed by a wage equation for men with and without disabilities, I use Newman and Oaxaca?s (2004) method to correctly decompose the distributions. In addition, I also perform a similar analysis to explain the differentials in employment rates between the non-disabled and disabled. The analyses are performed for samples before and after the passage of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. The results from studies of the Survey of Income Program Participation (SIPP) of 1984, 1990, 1996 and 2001 indicate that the employment and wage gaps between the disabled and the non-disabled have risen sharply over time, both before and after the passage of the ADA. Most of the rise prior to the ADA was attributable to arise in differences that cannot be explained with measurable factors. Nearly all of the rise in the gaps in the 1990s, however, is attributable to factors that can be measured. The unexplained differential has held relatively constant during that period.Discrimination ; ADA

    Estimates of Wage Discrimination Against Workers with Sensory Disabilities, with Controls for Job Demands

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    We provide the first-ever estimates of wage discrimination against workers with sensory (hearing, speech, vision) disabilities. Workers with sensory disabilities have lower probabilities of employment and lower wages, on average, than nondisabled workers. Their poor labor market outcomes are explained, at least in part, by the negative productivity effects of sensory limitations in jobs that require good communication skills, but disability-related discrimination may also be a contributing factor. To separate productivity vs. discrimination effects, we decompose the wage differential between workers with and without sensory disabilities into an ‘explained’ part attributed to differences in productivity-related characteristics, and an ‘unexplained’ part attributed to discrimination. The decomposition is based on human capital wage equations with controls for job-specific demands related to sensory abilities, and interactions between job demands and sensory limitations. The interactions are interpreted as measures of the extent to which a worker’s sensory limitations affect important job functions. The results indicate approximately 1/3 (1/10) of the disability-related wage differential for men (women) is attributed to discrimination. The estimates are quite different from estimates of discrimination against workers with physical disabilities obtained by the same methods, underscoring the importance of accounting for heterogeneity of the disabled population in discrimination studies.Job demand ; Sensory disability ; Wage discrimination

    New Estimates of Disability-Related Wage Discrimination with Controls for Job Demands

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    Using data from 2004 SIPP, matched to job demands from O*Net, we provide new estimates of disability-related wage discrimination. We apply state-of-the-art econometric methods to wage models which include job demands and interactions between demands and functional limitations. The interaction terms are interpreted as measures of how well disabled workers ?match? to jobs which minimize the effects of functional limitations. The results suggest traditional discrimination models underestimate potential effects of disability-related discrimination by penalizing workers for limitations which may not affect their job performance. The bias is greater for men, who generally appear to find better matches than do women.Job demand; Disability; Wage Discrimination

    Estimates of Wage Discrimination Against Workers with Sensory Disabilities, with Controls for Job Demands

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    We provide the first-ever estimates of wage discrimination against workers with sensory (hearing, speech, vision) disabilities. Workers with sensory disabilities have lower probabilities of employment and lower wages, on average, than nondisabled workers. Their poor labor market outcomes are explained, at least in part, by the negative productivity effects of sensory limitations in jobs that require good communication skills, but disabilityrelated discrimination may also be a contributing factor. To separate productivity vs. discrimination effects, we decompose the wage differential between workers with and without sensory disabilities into an ?explained? part attributed to differences in productivity-related characteristics, and an ?unexplained? part attributed to discrimination. The decomposition is based on human capital wage equations with controls for job-specific demands related to sensory abilities, and interactions between job demands and sensory limitations. The interactions are interpreted as measures of the extent to which a worker?s sensory limitations affect important job functions. The results indicate approximately 1/3 (1/10) of the disability-related wage differential for men (women) is attributed to discrimination. The estimates are quite different from estimates of discrimination against workers with physical disabilities obtained by the same methods, underscoring the importance of accounting for heterogeneity of the disabled population in discrimination studies.Job demand; Sensory disability; Wage discrimination

    Internal Migration of Blacks in South Africa: Self-selection and Brain Drain

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    Migrations historically have led to fears of “brain drain” from the sending regions because many studies show that the more highly skilled and motivated people are more likely to migrate. South Africa provides a natural testing ground for the study of brain drains because the Apartheid system, which ended in the early 1990s, had long constrained the locational choices of black migrants of all skill levels. As apartheid was being dismantled, new opportunities for movement opened up to black workers, leading to a surge in internal migration. We first analyze whether migration patterns of Black South Africans during the period 1992 to 1996 match the predictions of the two seminal papers, Roy (1951) and Sjaastad (1962), where individuals are hypothesized to be income-maximizers. The results from conditional logit regressions on individual choices among 318 locations show that they do. Individuals prefer localities with higher expected log wages regardless of their educations and skills. More importantly, workers with at least some matriculation tend to favor areas where a higher share of the population attended high school. In contrast, workers who did not attend high school find such areas less attractive. Over the study period, brain drain arose among blacks within South Africa: the share of high-educated residents in areas with high shares of high schooling increased.Internal Migration ; South Africa ; Self-selection ; Brain Drain

    FaceFilter: Audio-visual speech separation using still images

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    The objective of this paper is to separate a target speaker's speech from a mixture of two speakers using a deep audio-visual speech separation network. Unlike previous works that used lip movement on video clips or pre-enrolled speaker information as an auxiliary conditional feature, we use a single face image of the target speaker. In this task, the conditional feature is obtained from facial appearance in cross-modal biometric task, where audio and visual identity representations are shared in latent space. Learnt identities from facial images enforce the network to isolate matched speakers and extract the voices from mixed speech. It solves the permutation problem caused by swapped channel outputs, frequently occurred in speech separation tasks. The proposed method is far more practical than video-based speech separation since user profile images are readily available on many platforms. Also, unlike speaker-aware separation methods, it is applicable on separation with unseen speakers who have never been enrolled before. We show strong qualitative and quantitative results on challenging real-world examples.Comment: Under submission as a conference paper. Video examples: https://youtu.be/ku9xoLh62

    Do Dropouts Benefit from Training Programs? Korean Evidence Employing Methods for Continuous Treatments

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    Failure of participants to complete training programs is pervasive in existing active labor market programs both in developed and developing countries. The proportion of dropouts in prototypical programs ranges from 10 to 50 percent of all participants. From a policy perspective, it is of interest to know if dropouts benefit from the time they spend in training since these programs require considerable resources. We shed light on this issue by estimating the average employment effects of different lengths of exposure to a program by dropouts in a Korean job training program. To do this, we employ parametric and semiparametric methods to estimate effects from continuous treatments using the generalized propensity score, under the assumption that selection into different lengths of exposure is based on a rich set of observed covariates. We find that participants who drop out later – thereby having longer exposures – exhibit higher employment probabilities one year after receiving training, and that marginal effects of additional exposure to training are initially fairly small, but increase sharply past a certain threshold of exposure. One implication of these results is that this and similar programs could benefit from providing incentives for participants to stay longer in the program.training programs, dropouts, developing countries, continuous treatments, generalized propensity score, dose-response function

    Evolution of recollection and prediction in neural networks

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    Abstract — A large number of neural network models are based on a feedforward topology (perceptrons, backpropagation networks, radial basis functions, support vector machines, etc.), thus lacking dynamics. In such networks, the order of input presentation is meaningless (i.e., it does not affect the behavior) since the behavior is largely reactive. That is, such neural networks can only operate in the present, having no access to the past or the future. However, biological neural networks are mostly constructed with a recurrent topology, and recurrent (artificial) neural network models are able to exhibit rich temporal dynamics, thus time becomes an essential factor in their operation. In this paper, we will investigate the emergence of recollection and prediction in evolving neural networks. First, we will show how reactive, feedforward networks can evolve a memory-like function (recollection) through utilizing external markers dropped and detected in the environment. Second, we will investigate how recurrent networks with more predictable internal state trajectory can emerge as an eventual winner in evolutionary struggle when competing networks with less predictable trajectory show the same level of behavioral performance. We expect our results to help us better understand the evolutionary origin of recollection and prediction in neuronal networks, and better appreciate the role of time in brain function. I