2,944 research outputs found

    Fermi-Frenet coordinates for space-like curves

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    We generalize Fermi coordinates, which correspond to an adapted set of coordinates describing the vicinity of an observer's worldline, to the worldsheet of an arbitrary spatial curve in a static spacetime. The spatial coordinate axes are fixed using a covariant Frenet triad so that the metric can be expressed using the curvature and torsion of the spatial curve. As an application of Fermi-Frenet coordinates, we show that they allow covariant inertial forces to be expressed in a simple and physically intuitive way.Comment: 7 page

    Deconfinement transition in protoneutron stars: analysis within the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model

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    We study the effect of color superconductivity and neutrino trapping on the deconfinement transition of hadronic matter into quark matter in a protoneutron star. To describe the strongly interacting matter a two-phase picture is adopted. For the hadronic phase we use different parameterizations of a non-linear Walecka model which includes the whole baryon octet. For the quark matter phase we use an SU(3)fSU(3)_f Nambu-Jona-Lasinio effective model which includes color superconductivity. We impose color and flavor conservation during the transition in such a way that just deconfined quark matter is transitorily out of equilibrium with respect to weak interactions. We find that deconfinement is more difficult for small neutrino content and it is easier for lower temperatures although these effects are not too large. In addition they will tend to cancel each other as the protoneutron star cools and deleptonizes, resulting a transition density that is roughly constant along the evolution of the protoneutron star. According to these results the deconfinement transition is favored after substantial cooling and contraction of the protoneutron star

    Phase diagram of a model for a binary mixture of nematic molecules on a Bethe lattice

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    We investigate the phase diagram of a discrete version of the Maier-Saupe model with the inclusion of additional degrees of freedom to mimic a distribution of rodlike and disklike molecules. Solutions of this problem on a Bethe lattice come from the analysis of the fixed points of a set of nonlinear recursion relations. Besides the fixed points associated with isotropic and uniaxial nematic structures, there is also a fixed point associated with a biaxial nematic structure. Due to the existence of large overlaps of the stability regions, we resorted to a scheme to calculate the free energy of these structures deep in the interior of a large Cayley tree. Both thermodynamic and dynamic-stability analyses rule out the presence of a biaxial phase, in qualitative agreement with previous mean-field results

    Mandioquinha-salsa: manejo cultural.

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    Hazard assessment of storm events in the central region of the Portuguese coast

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    The environmental and socio-economic importance of the coastal areas is widely recognized, but these areas face today severe weaknesses and high-risk situations. The increased demand and human occupation of the coast has greatly contributed to increase such weaknesses. Today, throughout the world, in all countries with coastlines, episodes of waves overtopping and coastal flooding are frequent. These episodes are usually responsible for property losses and often put human lives at risk. The floods are caused by coastal storms due to the action of very strong winds. The propagation of these storms towards the coast induces high water levels. Consequently, carrying out series of storm scenarios and analyzing their impacts through numerical modelling is of prime interest to the coastal decision-makers. A contribution to the preservation and sustainability of the coastal zone constitutes the main aim of this work. Firstly, historical storm tracks and intensities are characterized for the Portuguese coast, in terms of probability of occurrence. Secondly, several storm events with high potential of occurrence are generated using the specific tool DelftDashboard. The hydrodynamic model Delft3D is then used to simulate their effects on currents and on the coastal water levels. Two spatial domains are considered: a large domain encompassing the Iberian coastal zone and a smaller domain for the central region of the Portuguese coast (between cities of Aveiro and Figueira da Foz); this one with a more refined grid. Based on statistical data and by numerical modelling, a review of the impact of coastal storms to different locations within the study area is performed

    Statistical models of mixtures with a biaxial nematic phase

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    We consider a simple Maier-Saupe statistical model with the inclusion of disorder degrees of freedom to mimic the phase diagram of a mixture of rod-like and disc-like molecules. A quenched distribution of shapes leads to the existence of a stable biaxial nematic phase, in qualitative agreement with experimental findings for some ternary lyotropic liquid mixtures. An annealed distribution, however, which is more adequate to liquid mixtures, precludes the stability of this biaxial phase. We then use a two-temperature formalism, and assume a separation of relaxation times, to show that a partial degree of annealing is already sufficient to stabilize a biaxial nematic structure.Comment: 11 pages, 2 figure

    Soliton surfaces associated with symmetries of ODEs written in Lax representation

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    The main aim of this paper is to discuss recent results on the adaptation of the Fokas-Gel'fand procedure for constructing soliton surfaces in Lie algebras, which was originally derived for PDEs [Grundland, Post 2011], to the case of integrable ODEs admitting Lax representations. We give explicit forms of the \g-valued immersion functions based on conformal symmetries involving the spectral parameter, a gauge transformation of the wave function and generalized symmetries of the linear spectral problem. The procedure is applied to a symmetry reduction of the static Ï•4\phi^4-field equations leading to the Jacobian elliptic equation. As examples, we obtain diverse types of surfaces for different choices of Jacobian elliptic functions for a range of values of parameters.Comment: 14 Pages, 2 figures Conference Proceedings for QST7 Pragu
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