19,132 research outputs found

    Perturbations of Schwarzschild black holes in Dynamical Chern-Simons modified gravity

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    Dynamical Chern-Simons (DCS) modified gravity is an attractive, yet relatively unexplored, candidate to an alternative theory of gravity. The DCS correction couples a dynamical scalar field to the gravitational field. In this framework, we analyze the perturbation formalism and stability properties of spherically symmetric black holes. Assuming that no background scalar field is present, gravitational perturbations with polar and axial parities decouple. We find no effect of the Chern-Simons coupling on the polar sector, while axial perturbations couple to the Chern-Simons scalar field. The axial sector can develop strong instabilities if the coupling parameter beta, associated to the dynamical coupling of the scalar field, is small enough; this yields a constraint on beta which is much stronger than the constraints previously known in the literature.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. Minor changes to match version accepted by Phys. Rev.

    Spin inversion devices with Fano anti-resonances

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    Analyzing spin transport of quasi-2D electrons gas moving through a semiconductor wave guide subject to a sectionally homogeneous tilted magnetic field, we found well-defined selection rules for resonant and antiresonant spin carrier transmission. Based on these selection rules and the band shift induced by the magnetic field strength and the tilting angles, we propose an efficient spin inversion device. For a polarized incoming electron beam, we can determine from our theoretical approach, physical conditions for spin-inversion efficiency up to 80%. We visualize this mechanism in terms of conductance and the spacial behavior of the wave function amplitude along the superlattice.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, regular pape

    On Quantum Special Kaehler Geometry

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    We compute the effective black hole potential V of the most general N=2, d=4 (local) special Kaehler geometry with quantum perturbative corrections, consistent with axion-shift Peccei-Quinn symmetry and with cubic leading order behavior. We determine the charge configurations supporting axion-free attractors, and explain the differences among various configurations in relations to the presence of ``flat'' directions of V at its critical points. Furthermore, we elucidate the role of the sectional curvature at the non-supersymmetric critical points of V, and compute the Riemann tensor (and related quantities), as well as the so-called E-tensor. The latter expresses the non-symmetricity of the considered quantum perturbative special Kaehler geometry.Comment: 1+43 pages; v2: typo corrected in the curvature of Jordan symmetric sequence at page 2

    New gravitational solutions via a Riemann-Hilbert approach

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    We consider the Riemann-Hilbert factorization approach to solving the field equations of dimensionally reduced gravity theories. First we prove that functions belonging to a certain class possess a canonical factorization due to properties of the underlying spectral curve. Then we use this result, together with appropriate matricial decompositions, to study the canonical factorization of non-meromorphic monodromy matrices that describe deformations of seed monodromy matrices associated with known solutions. This results in new solutions, with unusual features, to the field equations.Comment: 29 pages, 2 figures; v2: reference added, matches published versio

    Matched-filtering and parameter estimation of ringdown waveforms

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    Using recent results from numerical relativity simulations of non-spinning binary black hole mergers we revisit the problem of detecting ringdown waveforms and of estimating the source parameters, considering both LISA and Earth-based interferometers. We find that Advanced LIGO and EGO could detect intermediate-mass black holes of mass up to about 1000 solar masses out to a luminosity distance of a few Gpc. For typical multipolar energy distributions, we show that the single-mode ringdown templates presently used for ringdown searches in the LIGO data stream can produce a significant event loss (> 10% for all detectors in a large interval of black hole masses) and very large parameter estimation errors on the black hole's mass and spin. We estimate that more than 10^6 templates would be needed for a single-stage multi-mode search. Therefore, we recommend a "two stage" search to save on computational costs: single-mode templates can be used for detection, but multi-mode templates or Prony methods should be used to estimate parameters once a detection has been made. We update estimates of the critical signal-to-noise ratio required to test the hypothesis that two or more modes are present in the signal and to resolve their frequencies, showing that second-generation Earth-based detectors and LISA have the potential to perform no-hair tests.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, matches version in press in PR
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