54 research outputs found

    A new generation photodetector for astroparticle physics: the VSiPMT

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    The VSiPMT (Vacuum Silicon PhotoMultiplier Tube) is an innovative design we proposed for a revolutionary photon detector. The main idea is to replace the classical dynode chain of a PMT with a SiPM (G-APD), the latter acting as an electron detector and amplifier. The aim is to match the large sensitive area of a photocathode with the performance of the SiPM technology. The VSiPMT has many attractive features. In particular, a low power consumption and an excellent photon counting capability. To prove the feasibility of the idea we first tested the performance of a special non-windowed SiPM by Hamamatsu (MPPC) as electron detector and current amplifier. Thanks to this result Hamamatsu realized two VSiPMT industrial prototypes. In this work, we present the results of a full characterization of the VSiPMT prototype

    The Naples University 3 MV tandem accelerator

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    The 3 MV tandem accelerator of the Naples University is used for research activities and applications in many fields. At the beginning of operation (1977) the main utilization was in the field of nuclear physics. Later, the realization of new beam lines allowed the development of applied activities as radiocarbon dating, ion beam analysis, biophysics, ion implantation etc. At present, the availability of different ion sources and many improvements on the accelerator allow to run experiments in a wide range of subjects. An overview of the characteristics and major activities of the laboratory is presented

    Applications of Accelerators and Radiation Sources in the Field of Space Research and Industry

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    Beyond their important economic role in commercial communications, satellites in general are critical infrastructure because of the services they provide. In addition to satellites providing information which facilitates a better understanding of the space environment and improved performance of physics experiments, satellite observations are also used to actively monitor weather, geological processes, agricultural development and the evolution of natural and man-made hazards. Defence agencies depend on satellite services for communication in remote locations, as well as for reconnaissance and intelligence. Both commercial and government users rely on communication satellites to provide communication in the event of a disaster that damages ground-based communication systems, provide news, education and entertainment to remote areas and connect global businesses. The space radiation environment is an hazard to most satellite missions and can lead to extremely difficult operating conditions for all of the equipment travelling in space. Here, we first provide an overview of the main components of space radiation environment, followed by a description of the basic mechanism of the interaction of radiation with matter. This is followed by an introduction to the space radiation hardness assurance problem and the main effects of natural radiation to the microelectronics (total ionizing dose, displacement damage and the single-event effect and a description of how different effects occurring in the space can be tested in on-ground experiments by using particle accelerators and radiation sources. We also discuss standards and the recommended procedures to obtain reliable results

    An Innovative Real-Time Dosimeter for Radiation Hardness Assurance Tests

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    The study of the effects of the radiation dose on devices and materials is a topic of high interest in several fields, including radiobiology, space missions, microelectronics, and high energy physics. In this paper, a new method, based on radiochromic film dosimetry, is proposed for real-time dose assessment in radiation hardness assurance tests. This method allows for correlating the radiation dose at which devices are exposed to the radiation effects (malfunctioning and/or breakdown). In previous studies, it has already been demonstrated that a system, based on optical fibers and a spectrometer, allows for the real-time dose assessment of radiochromic films. The current study not only validates our previous results, but shows that it is possible to apply the new method to an actual radiation environment for the real-time measurement of the dose delivered to a device in radiation hardness assurance tests. This new dosimeter can be used in different radiation environments for a wide dose range, from a few Gy to a few MGy. This high sensitivity can be reached by changing the radiochromic film type and/or the parameters used for the analysis

    Resonant elastic scattering of α particles on 9Be and cluster states in 13C

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    We discuss the preliminary results obtained by studying the +9Be elastic scattering at bombarding energies from 3.5 to 10 MeV. Experimental spectra show the presence of elastic and inelastic scattering phenomena. Elastic scattering excitation functions have been obtained at various angles; their shape is in good agreement with data at backward angles reported in the literature

    Measurement of differential cross sections in α+9Be elastic scattering

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    We report new experimen tal data concerning the elastic scattering of a-particles on 9Be nuclei in the bombarding energy region from 3.48 MeV up to 9.94 MeV, where a considerable lack of data exists in the literature. Data have been obtained at 110 , 135 , 150 , 160 backwar d polar angles suitable for IBA measurements. Excitation functions show various anomalies that can be linked to the presence of various excited states in the 13C compound nucleus. The present data have been compared with data reported in the literature, and an overall consistency is observed. The quality of the obtained excitation function at 160 has been benchmarked by performing EBS of a-particles on a thick and pure 9Be target at two bombarding energies

    Development of a low-energy particle irradiation facility for the study of the biological effectiveness of the ion track end

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    Uncertainties surround the radiobiological consequences of exposure to charged particles, despite the increasing use of accelerated ion beams for cancer treatment (hadrontherapy). In particular, little is known about the long-term effects on normal tissue at the beam entrance or in the distal part of the Spread-Out Bragg Peak (SOBP). Moreover, although the relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of particle radiation has been traditionally related to the radiation linear energy transfer (LET), it has become increasingly evident that radiation-induced cell death, as well as long term radiation effects, is not adequately described by this parameter. Hence, exploring the effectiveness of various ion beams at or around the Bragg peak of monoenergetic ion beams can prove useful to gain insights into the role played by parameters other than the particle LET in determining the outcome of particle radiation exposures. In this context, the upgrade of the Tandem irradiation facility at Naples University here described, has allowed us to perform a series of preliminary radiobiological measurements using proton and carbon ion beams. The facility is currently used to irradiate normal and cancer cell lines with ion beams such as oxygen and fluorine
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