34 research outputs found
Il presente lavoro prende in esame il tema delle sopravvenienze contrattuali e, significativamente,
l\u2019incidenza sul contratto della norma imperativa introdotta successivamente alla sua stipulazione.
Una tale indagine non ha potuto non prendere avvio dall\u2019analisi dei principi e delle norme che
regolano l\u2019efficacia nel tempo della legge civile, soprattutto al fine di verificare se l\u2019applicazione
immediata della norma sopravvenuta ai contratti ancora produttivi di effetti, costituisca una
violazione del principio di irretroattivit\ue0 della legge di cui all\u2019art. 11 delle disposizioni sulla legge in
Una volta escluso tale contrasto \ue8 stato necessario individuare il rimedio applicabile.
Nonostante le principali tesi proposte in dottrina e giurisprudenza si siano concentrate sui rimedi
invalidatori del negozio giuridico, in particolare sull\u2019alternativa tra inefficacia e nullit\ue0 sopravvenuta
del contratto, si \ue8 voluta sottolineare l\u2019importanza dei rimedi risolutori che appaiono i pi\uf9 adatti per
risolvere il problema oggetto del presente studio.
Invero l\u2019adozione di una nuova norma non derogabile destinata ad incidere sul contratto gi\ue0 perfetto
con questa confliggente, si presta ad integrare un\u2019ipotesi di impossibilit\ue0 sopravvenuta dell\u2019oggetto,
con conseguente applicabilit\ue0 della risoluzione di cui agli articoli 1463 e seguenti del codice civile,
ancorch\ue9 con alcuni correttivi suggeriti dalla necessit\ue0 di tutelare efficacemente l\u2019interesse pubblico
sotteso alla disposizione introdotta.
Infine si \ue8 voluto affrontare il problema speculare, consistente nel determinare l\u2019incidenza sul negozio
giuridico dell\u2019abrogazione di una norma imperativa, valutando l\u2019ammissibilit\ue0 di una validit\ue0
sopravvenuta.The present work examines the subject of contractual surpluses and, significantly, the impact on the
contract of the mandatory rule introduced after its conclusion.
Such investigation should start from the analysis of the principles and norms that regulate the
effectiveness of the civil law over time, especially in order to verify if the immediate application of
the rule that emerged from the contracts which are still producing effects, constituted a violation of
the principle of non-retroactivity of the law pursuant to art. 11 of the provisions on the law in general.
Once this contrast was excluded, it was necessary to identify the applicable remedy.
Despite the main theses proposed in doctrine and jurisprudence have focused on the invalidating
remedies of the legal transaction, in particular on the alternative between ineffective and invalidity of
the contract, we wanted to underline the importance of resolving remedies that appear to be the most
suitable to solve the problem of the present study.
Indeed, the adoption of a new, non-derogable norm intended to affect the already perfect contract
with this conflict, is liable to integrate a hypothesis of the impossibility of the object, with the
consequent applicability of the resolution referred to articles 1463 and following of the Civil Code ,
although with some corrections suggested by the need to effectively protect the public interest
underlying the provision introduced.
Finally, we wanted to tackle the specular problem, consisting in determining the impact on the legal
transaction of the repeal of an imperative norm, evaluating the admissibility of a validity
when history teaching turns into parrhesia the case of italian colonial crimes
The aim of this chapter was to highlight the importance and the consequentiality of a specific kind of history education that happens when teachers decide to openly narrate to their students the crimes committed by previous generations of their own group—crimes so far kept silenced and literally denied in the general social discourse. According to Foucault's categorization of different kinds of truth's speaking, we propose to call parrhesia this history teaching. After reviewing theoretical stances on consequences expected for young people receiving this kind of history education, empirical evidence is discussed referring to recent researches conducted on chosen case studies. Data suggest that knowledge conveyed by parrhesiastic historical teaching on previously silenced ingroup crimes allow young students to morally distance themselves from wrongdoings of older generations