33 research outputs found

    High standard temporary buildings for housing emergency

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    The project proposal consists of modular living systems made with dry technology, temporary, re-usable and energy efficient. The concepts of standardization and modular coordination are applied in order to minimize the production and execution times of the modules. The latter, taken together with the criteria of temporariness, reversibility, flexibility and energy efficiency become basic requirements for the project and allow the achievement of standards, levels of comfort and above all performances comparable to those of sustainable buildings of the latest generation

    The project of nZEB school buildings: comparison among building technologies

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    An important part of the school building heritage in Italy is old. In fact, 55% of buildings were built before 1976 and are seriously inadequate both in relation to energy efficiency and other aspects such as seismic vulnerability and/or plant adaptation. 70% of the building stock consisting of school buildings was built for school intended use while the remaining 30% initially did not have this goal. The aforementioned data were made known by MIUR and give the idea of a complex and difficult management situation. The Law of 13 July 2015 n. 107 on the reform of the national education system establishes, inter alia, the construction of 60 innovative schools from an architectural, plant, technological, energy efficiency and structural and seismic safety point of view. Furthermore, with this Law, the Fund for the functioning of state schools is increased by \u20ac 123,9 million in 2016 and by \u20ac 126 million annually from 2017 to 2021. In this complex framework concerning the scholastic context, but attributable also to buildings with other intended use, the contribution of this work is inseted. This contribution does not want to deal with the relationship between educational innovation, design flexibility and technological innovation, even if in the proposal of the case study it inevitably refers to the guidelines for school buildings recently prepared by the ministry, but wants to contribute to deepen the exclusively technological aspect referring to the problem of the comparison and the most appropriate choice among construction technologies. In fact, this work, through the case study of the design of a school complex consisting of a nursery school, a kindergarten and an elementary school, located in the Municipality of Nove (VI), aims to compare three different technological systems with the same functional-spatial solution. The analysis takes into account and compares a plurality of aspects such as energy performance, in accordance with the requirements for nZeb buildings, costs and construction time. The study involves the comparison of dry and non-dry technologies. The orientation towards the use of one or other of the technological choices by the operators of the sector, represents a fundamental break for the different implications that the choice involves in relation to the construction process. In the first case the building system consists of a reinforced concrete frame and brick masonry, in the second case of a dry system with a steel structure and in the third of a dry system with a wooden structure in Cross Laminated Timber panels (CLT) and lamellar beams. The study highlights the different potentials and perspectives of these technologies with respect to the following three aspects: energy performances and emissions of CO2 in the atmosphere, costs and time of construction. Also due to the crisis that has hit the building sector in recent years, particular interest and attention are placed on the part of operators to develop and optimize the construction process; for this purpose costs and time of construction play a central role and both are decisive factors for the sustainable relaunch of the sector. The study aims to make a contribution to operators in that sector so that they can make more informed and profitable choices in relation to the use and application of the technologies taken into consideration, in accordance with the European and national guidelines for the sustainable renewal of the building heritage and in particular of school buildings one

    Comparison among environmental certification systems. Relationships between systems and project. Case study: the recovery of a RSA

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    Environmental certification systems are tools for the evaluation of the sustainability of the buildings that are independent one from each other, different for contents, and for the applied methodology. International investors have asked for standardized certification systems to operate in the market with regard to both the phases of investment and management of the real estate. This created the need to compare the different environmental certification systems. The existence of different tools confuses the planner, whom wonders which environmental certification system is the most suitable for constructing new buildings or for the recovery of an existing building. The tendency is that of preferring a system to another based on its level of national adoption or based on individual competences and preferences. If a professional has already applied a system once, he is more driven to apply the same system for his future projects, as he is familiar with the themes and the evaluating methodology. Different researchers have compared these systems and in front of the different applied methodologies, it has emerged the need to use a certification system costumed for every plan proposal. The strong relationship between the environmental certification system and the development of a sustainable recovery project, led to the necessity to perform a preliminary analysis of the planning activity in order to pin-point the best fitting tool. This paper applies and compares three different environmental certification systems such as LEED, BREEAM and Protocol ITACA, to the project of recovery of the Sanitary Residence for Elderly (RSA) - Institute Configliachi (Padua). The historic building of the Configliachi Institute for blind people, find itself in a state of extreme decay and abandonment. It is located in the Arcella district, in the north of Padua, a strategic position with respect to the services in the area, to the main public transport networks (tram, railway, bus and motorway) and to the principal road knots of access to the city. This fact, with regard to the current strategy for the recovery and valorisation of the existing building capital, increases the interest for its reuse. The analysis carried out in this paper, focuses on the influences in choosing the project\u2019s certification system, it highlights the relationship between the existing building, the certification system and the project and it outlines new specific professional skills.

    Sistemi modulari abitativi temporanei e reimpiegabili ad alta efficienza energetica

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    Il lavoro affronta il tema della risposta alle esigenze abitative nella emergenza, attraverso la progettazione di sistemi modulari abitativi, realizzati con la tecnologia a secco, temporanei, reimpiegabili e ad alta efficienza energetica. La scelta del sistema costruttivo a secco \ue8 giustificata dall\u2019esigenza di realizzare le unit\ue0 abitative in tempi molto brevi. Le esperienze pregresse in caso di emergenza hanno dimostrato come la stima di un uso previsto definito temporaneo rapportato ai due anni sia assolutamente disattesa, da qui la necessit\ue0 di progettare un sistema che assicuri il comfort abitativo appropriato, senza disattendere gli indirizzi delle politiche energetiche europee stabilite dalla Tabella di Marcia per l\u2019Energia 2050. Il reimpiego, nella logica della sostenibilit\ue0, assume significato a fronte della necessit\ue0 di dismettere tali moduli al termine del periodo di emergenza. La proposta progettuale, tenendo conto delle esigenze indicate, individua ed utilizza un numero limitato di pannelli in legno lamellare a strati incrociati, di dimensioni determinate dallo studio, il cui impiego consente di realizzare 5 unit\ue0 ambientali aggregabili in molteplici modi, assicurando cos\uec una elevata flessibilit\ue0 al sistema modulare ed alle soluzioni architettoniche ottenibili. I concetti di standardizzazione e coordinazione modulare, essenziali a minimizzare i tempi di produzione ed esecuzione, assunti contemporaneamente al criterio della flessibilit\ue0, consentono di realizzare un sistema modulare abitativo temporaneo capace di rispondere alle esigenze funzionali-spaziali e permette il raggiungimento di standards, comforts e soprattutto prestazioni comparabili a quelli degli edifici sostenibili di ultima generazione. Lo studio pone particolare attenzione alla riduzione dei consumi e all\u2019incremento dell\u2019efficienza energetica, ritenendo questo input progettuale di attuale interesse in generale nel settore edilizio ed in particolare nell\u2019ambito delle costruzioni temporanee

    Innovative Approach to the Configuration of Smart Buildings

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    In the construction sector, a strong push for innovation is due to the demand for high quality standards of living that can be related to safety, accessibility, usability, energy efficiency, as well as sustainability in terms of construction and management costs. The demand is becoming increasingly "sustainable" also because it is increasingly aware of the limited availability of resources (fossil fuels, water, etc.) and the simultaneous need for environmental protection. In order to respond to the demands of an increasingly demanding market, we identify the need for an innovative approach with the characteristic of being increasingly "friendly" for the future user. The work aims in fact, with the help of BIM computerized tools, to develop a prototype project intended to create low-cost and energy-efficient residential typologies, involving the user in a sort of guided path designed to explain, within a pre-constituted grid, its needs, realizing a real configuration of the building, directly related to obtainable estimations, based on: \u2022 use of innovative building materials and components for construction; \u2022 application of strategies for the optimization and rationalization of the activities envisaged during the execution phase; \u2022 extensive use of remote control and management systems and monitoring of performance obtained in the management phase. The involvement of the client/user in all phases of the building process presumes an innovative approach oriented to the development of all those strategies aimed at empowering and making the user aware, especially in the management phase, depending the achievement of energy efficiency objectives precisely on the user's behavior

    New settlements for a nZEB residential and handicrafts intended use: a case study.

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    The design from the urban scale to the architectural one of a new mixed residential and handicrafts district located in an area of a Venetian countryside municipality, shows how to reach the goal for achieving nZeb buildings by combining a specific design methodology with the use of sustainable envelope technologies and integrated and innovative plant systems. The adopted design methodology works out the principles of environmental or bioclimatic design, with verification and control of indoor microclimatic conditions through the use of computerized modeling. The design follows a specific methodological procedure developed for subsequent steps. It envisages indeed the monitoring, collection and analysis of the climatic data detected in situ over the last five years, necessary to work, with the iterative method, the design choices. This design method is thus able to implement the strategies that are able to optimally utilize the contributions of the climatic elements present in nature, to significantly reduce, by using passive systems, the energy requirements of the constructed and to satisfy the residual part of these needs with the help of systems integrated to the building envelope that draw energy from renewable sources. The use of renewable energy sources allows to reach the near zero energy consumption target, as shown by the balance between consumptions and the annual energy output of residences. Obviously with CO2 emissions equal to 0. From the results obtained, it is possible to identify, as future research development, the implementation of the design methodology applied with the systematization of its phases in order to improve the performance levels

    Criteria for the sustainable re-use of disused industrial buildings in the north-east of Italy.

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    Recently, a sensibility directed to the re-use of the vast and diffused building patrimony for the industrial production developed in Europe. Originally built in the second half of the 19th and last century, such patrimony is now disused due to processes of economic transformation and urbanism. Even though considered minor buildings nevertheless, such buildings carry historic-cultural values which are recognized and appreciated. The idea of re-using these buildings is linked to the historical memories, which tend to enhance the cultural identity of a determined territory. However, a further challenge is added; the realization of redevelopments based on sustainable criteria. Through the analysis of case studies in the North-East of Italy, this work proposes to identify sustainable criteria of intervention for this building patrimony. Industrial buildings such as spinning and cotton mills have been analyzed; this paper focuses exclusively on spinning mills. In these cases, sustainability is intended in its wide meaning, it therefore regards: the application of the criterion of \u201cleast land consumption\u201d; the identification of the building\u2019s characteristics; the application of the criterion of the reuse compatible with the materials and the construction techniques of the building; the introduction of compatible and innovative technologies that can be integrated without altering of the historical characteristics of the building itself. From this detailed analysis, it is possible to extrapolate guidelines for a sustainable planning in this particular and specific context

    Sustainability: Principle at the base of the engineer's formation

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    What today is considered as innovation, will become of routine in 2020. Therefore, there is the need to teach the future engineers to conceive and plan sustainable buildings. Sustainability must consider the following multiple aspects: energetic efficiency, the possibility of planning buildings to zero consumption, the sustainable use of renewable and not renewable resources, their recycle and the use of products deriving from other productive cycles and reusable for the creation of the building itself. For such aim it is necessary to introduce in the basic formation of the engineering planning student a multidisciplinary planning approach. This work is based on the results of a bioclimatic planning research carried out by the authors in communion with their own didactic experience in the course of Technical Architecture for Building Engineering-Architecture engineers. This work pinpoints the criteria and the contents that must be followed and introduced in the students\u2019 formative curricula, with the purpose of obtaining a designer able to plan and realize sustainable buildings. In the light of didactic experiences acquired in developing countries, this work also pays attention to the specific criteria that must be kept under consideration for the formation of engineers that will operate in such contexts


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    This work relates to proposed project and criteria used in the re-use guide case, with receptive destination, of the former Galvani-Rizzardi paper mill in Vittorio Veneto in northeastern Italy. Guidelines defined in that study are to be used in the recovery of a historic minor housing but widespread in the territory. All choices are made on the basis of the criteria of sustainability and in particular of energy efficiency performance of buildings with adequate net Zeb, and in accordance with the criteria of "repair relations with surroundings" and conservation of "historical memory", in the more field of the specific intervention of conservative renewal

    Approccio Metodologico per il Recupero Sostenibile del Patrimonio Edilizio Esistente: Applicazione in Casi Studio Significativi

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    Al fine di realizzare interventi di recupero sostenibile del patrimonio edilizio esistente, l\u2019approccio metodologico alla progettazione dovr\ue0 essere multidisciplinare e tale da orientare verso l\u2019applicazione di metodologie innovative, sia dal punto di vista progettuale, che nell\u2019utilizzo di prodotti e processi. Per il raggiungimento degli obiettivi \ue8 strategica l\u2019acquisizione del metodo esigenziale alla lettura e alla progettazione del Sistema Edilizio implementato con riferimento alla adozione di nuovi criteri di sostenibilit\ue0 ed all\u2019uso di idonei strumenti