11 research outputs found

    Dietary protected fat and conjugated linoleic acid improves ewe milk fatty acid composition

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    Publication history: Accepted - 4 february 2023; Published - 15 May 2023.The effects of protected fats (Optima 100) and conjugated linoleic acid (Endulac®-CLA) supplementation on sheep milk saturated and unsaturated fatty acid composition were investigated. Sheep were divided into four experimental groups (15 ewes/group) including: i) a control group - basal diet without any nutritional supplements; ii) experimental group 1 - basal diet + 12g/sheep/day of the protected source of fats in the feed; iii) group 2 - 12 g of CLA in the feed; iv) group 3 - 12 g of protected fats and CLA in feed. Sixty milk fatty acids were different in milk from treated fat and CLA-treated sheep compared to the control group. The most biologically important fatty acid constituents of milk were identified as butyric, caproic, caprylic, lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, arachidonic, behenic, oleic, and linoleic acid (C4 to C18). Ewes that received protected fat or CLA, or both, displayed an increased concentration of oleic acid compared to the control. Both treatments modified milk lipid quality parameters and increased the polyunsaturated/saturated fatty acids ratio (PUFA/SFA), the polyunsaturation index (PI), and the thrombogenic index (TI). Group 3 had similar milk lipid quality parameters as untreated animals. Compared to the CLA and control groups, milk production in the protected fat treatment was higher in Turcana dairy ewes. The inclusion of protected fats and CLA as dietary supplements in lactating ewes modified the milk fatty acid profile, with a concomitant impact on suckling lamb performance and consumer health.This work was funded by a research grant awarded to L.S. by Banats University of Agricultural and Veterinary Medicine, King Michel First from Timisoara, Romani

    Correlations between non-starch polysaccharides levels from combined forages with different percentage of wheat and viscosity at intestinal level

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    SUMMARY The purpose of this paper work is to establish the correlations between soluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSPs), insoluble non-starch polysaccharides (NSPi) and total non-starch polysaccharides (NSPt) levels from combined forages with different wheat inclusion percentage and viscosity at intestinal level. The experiment was made on a period of six weeks on 120 broiler chickens, hybrid ROSS 308, divided in four experimental lots: CL without wheat in the structure of combined forage, EL1 with 10% respectively 20% of wheat, EL2 with 20-30% wheat and EL3 whit 30% and 40% wheat in the first and respectively the second period of growth. The determination of intestinal viscosity was made at 3 weeks by slaughtering the chickens and sampling the duodenal content and respectively at 6 weeks by sampling the content from duodenum and jejunum. To establish the correlation between viscosity at intestinal level and the levels of non-starch polysaccharides from combined forages with different inclusion percentage of wheat were used the simple correlation and curvilinear regression. It can be seen that at duodenum level the viscosity rises with the rising of the wheat inclusion percentage and was with 28.71% greater at experimental lot with 20% wheat in structure of compound feeds and with 53.07% at experimental lot whit 40% wheat in the structure of combined forage. It was found that the correlation coefficients between NSP content and the viscosity at duodenum level at 3 weeks are positive, the greatest correlation coefficient was registered in the case of NSPs (0.995) which indicate that the digestion viscosity at intestinal level is influenced by the forage content in NSPs. At duodenum level the intestinal viscosity rises with the rising of wheat inclusion percentage in the structure of compound feeds and was with 49.04% at experimental lot with 40% wheat percentage. At jejunum level the intestinal viscosity rises with the rising of wheat inclusion percentage in the structure of compound feeds and was with † Corresponding author e-mail address: [email protected] C. Pandur et al. 38 33.15% at experimental lot with 40% wheat percentage comparative with control lot. At 6 weeks the correlation coefficients between the NSP content of combined forages fed to broiler chickens and the viscosity at duodenum level respectively at jejunum level are positive, the greatest correlation coefficient was registered in the case of NSPs (0.942) which indicate that the digestion viscosity at intestinal level is influenced by the forage content in NSPs


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    In this experiment we studied the effect of chelated manganese from phosphatic glass soluble in acids, phosphatic glass semi soluble in water and phosphatic glass soluble in water and inorganic salts (Mn SO4) on nutritive and bioproductive indices at broiler chickens. Mineral premix, made on calcium carbonate differentiate by manganese supplementation source, and was assured a level of 30.00 mg active Mn. The experiment was carried out on 120 broiler chickens divided in four experimental groups (CL-V1, EL-V2, EL-V3 and EL-V4), respectively 30 chickens per group. The hybrid used was Ross 308. The manganase assurance from phosphatic glass soluble in acids, phosphatic glass semi soluble in water and phosphatic glass soluble in water determine a decrease of manganese content in the poultry litter comparative with the manganese assurance from manganese sulfate. The manganese assurance from phosphatic glass soluble in water determines the increasing of the bioproductive indices with 5% comparative with the manganese assurance from manganese sulfate


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    Deoxynivalenol is a mycotoxin produced by fungi of the Fusarium genera, which are abundant in various cereal crops and processed grains. In order to protect cell structure within the tissues studied, we tried various experimental variants by incorporating some selenium and boron sources into the combined fodder, and also in mixture with DON with different concentrations. To determine the morphophysiological changes induced by the mycotoxin DON upon liver histological structure, and also the antioxidants’ effects, we took samples from 9 piglets belonging to three groups: group 1 (fed with fodder added with DON), group 2 (fed with fodder added with selenium) and group 3 (fed with fodder added with selenium and DON). In the case of the individuals in groups 2 and 3 fed with fodder added with addition of selenium, respectively of DON and selenium, the microscopic images reveal the presence of uniform hepatic lobules, delimited between them through fine conjunctive septa. The intralobular capillary network is hypertrophic. The selenium added in the fodder for the individuals from group 3 has a hepatoprotective role, aspect suggested by dystrophic processes occurred on small areas, caused by the presence of DON and by the vascular network’s hypertrophy. In the case of this group, we observed a strong stimulation on the defense system, suggested by the presence of the leukocyte infiltrates within the interlobular conjunctive and by the vascular network’s hypertrophy


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    The NSP in cereal grains are composed predominantly of arabinoxylans (pentosans), beta glucans and cellulose. The main soluble NSP in these grains are arabinoxylans, while in barley and oats the are betaglucans. In this experiment we want to establish the influence of NSPs and NSPi from barley on nutritive and bioproductive indices at broiler chickens. The experiment was carried out on 120 broiler chickens divided in four experimental groups (CL, EL1, EL2 and EL3). The difference between the experimental groups was the different percentage of barley in the structure of combined forage and it was between 0 and 30% in the growth period from eclosion to 21 days and between 0 and 40% from 22 till 42 days of age. On the entire growth period the smallest forage consumption was registered by the control group, which had no barley in the structure of combined forage and registered the smallest values of NSPs and NSPi. The body weight at experimental groups was smaller with 3.25% but the differences were not statistical significant. In the growth period from 0-6 weeks in the experimental group EL1 the specific consumption is greater with 5.63% comparatively with the control group CL


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    Non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) are composed from chemical compounds with different physical and chemical proprieties (cellulose, arabinoxylans, beta glucans and pectic polysaccharides with manans and gallactans). The antinutritional effects on monogastrics are different and in many cases extreme. Some cereals like barley, oat, wheat, contain significant quantities of NSP. The main negative effects of NSP are related to their viscous nature, to their physiological and morphological influence on the digestive tract and their interaction with the intestinal microflora. The purpose of this experiment is to establish the correlation coefficients between the values of intestinal viscosity and the levels of NSPt, NSPi and NSPs obtained by the inclusion of different percentage of barley in the structure of combined forages. The experiment was carried out on a period of 6 weeks on 120 broiler chickens divided in four experimental groups (CL, EL1, EL2 and EL3). The broiler chickens were fed with combined forages with the same nutritive characteristics but with different percentage of barley (0-40%). It has been showed that at the age of 3 and 6 weeks the intestinal viscosity rise with up to 64.67% along with the proportion of barley from the combined forages. Between the content of forages in NSP and intestinal viscosity exist a positive correlation, the highest correlation coefficient was registered in the case of NSPs, 0.92 at 3 weeks and respectively 0.99 at 6 weeks


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    Deoxynivalenol is a mycotoxin produced by fungi of the Fusarium genera, which are abundant in various cereal crops and processed grains. In order to protect cell structure within the tissues studied, we tried various experimental variants by incorporating some selenium and boron sources into the combined fodder, and also in mixture with DON with different concentrations. To determine the morphophysiological changes induced by the mycotoxin DON upon kidney histological structure, and also the antioxidants’ effects, we took samples from 9 piglets belonging to three groups: group 1 (fed with fodder added with DON), group 2 (fed with fodder added with selenium) and group 3 (fed with fodder added with selenium and DON). At renal parenchyma level, DON determines a series of changes in the renal corpuscles and also in the uriniferous tubes. These changes are represented by glomerular atrophies and nephrocyte epithelial dystrophies. The epithelial dystrophic processes occur in the renal medullar, too, where numerous ectasied capillaries and hemorrhagic areas are present. In the case of groups 2 and 3 consisted of piglets fed with fodder added with selenium, respectively fodder added with DON and selenium, the renal vascular network becomes hypertrophic associated with leukocyte infiltrative processes


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    From a complex experiment of establishing the effects of lecithin supplemented in the diet of small ruminants, in this paper we present the influence of lecithin on some sanguine biochemical parameters at lactating sheep and goat. The researches were made on a experimental group formed by 5 sheep from łurcana breed and 5 goats from Crapatina breed, which were fed in the first experimental period with a base ratio (Br) formed by 1.5 kg of hill hay and 0.2 kg concentrate forage mixture, in the second experimental period the Br was supplemented with 100 g lecithin/day/animal. At the end of each experimental period were taken blood samples to establish some biochemical parameters from sanguine serum. The supplementation of base ration with 100 g lecithin/day/animal at lactating sheep and goats did not produced significant changes to values of total proteins (TS), albumin, creatinine, urea and total bilirubins (TB) from sanguine serum. Contrary to expectation the cholesterol and triglycerides were higher than normal both in sheep (from 82 mg/dl to 83 mg/dl for cholesterol and from 23 mg/dl to 45 mg/dl for triglycerides) but specially in goats (from 59 mg/dl to 68 mg/dl for cholesterol and from 24 mg/dl to 55 mg/dl for triglycerides). Were registered significant increment of activity of alkaline phosphatase and in γ – GT and a decrease of plasmatic activity of pancreatic α-amylase both in sheep and goats