698 research outputs found

    Storing and releasing light in a gas of moving atoms

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    We propose a scheme of storing and releasing pulses or cw beams of light in a moving atomic medium illuminated by two stationary and spatially separated control lasers. The method is based on electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) but in contrast to previous schemes, storage and retrieval of the probe pulse can be achieved at different locations and without switching off the control laser.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, revised versio

    Two-photon linewidth of light "stopping" via electromagnetically induced transparency

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    We analyze the two-photon linewidth of the recently proposed adiabatic transfer technique for ``stopping'' of light using electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT). We shown that a successful and reliable transfer of excitation from light to atoms and back can be achieved if the spectrum of the input probe pulse lies within the initial transparency window of EIT, and if the two-photon detuning δ\delta is less than the collective coupling strength (collective vacuum Rabi-frequency) gNg\sqrt{N} divided by γT\sqrt{\gamma T}, with γ\gamma being the radiative decay rate, NN the effective number of atoms in the sample, and TT the pulse duration. Hence in an optically thick medium light ``storage'' and retrieval is possible with high fidelity even for systems with rather large two-photon detuning or inhomogeneous broadening.Comment: 2 figure

    Irreversible photon transfer in an ensemble of Λ\Lambda-type atoms and photon diode

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    We show that a pair of quantized cavity modes interacting with a spectrally broadened ensemble of Lambda-type atoms is analogous to an ensemble of two level systems coupled to a bosonic reservoir. This provides the possibility for an irreversible photon transfer between photon modes. The density of states as well as the quantum state of the reservoir can be engineered allowing the observation of effects such as the quantum Zeno- and anti-Zeno effect, the destructive interference of decay channels and the decay in a squeezed vacuum. As a particular application we discuss a photon diode, i.e. a device which directs a single photon from anyone of two input ports to a common output port.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Limitations of light delay and storage times in EIT experiments with condensates

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    We investigate the limitations arising from atomic collisions on the storage and delay times of probe pulses in EIT experiments. We find that the atomic collisions can be described by an effective decay rate that limits storage and delay times. We calculate the momentum and temperature dependence of the decay rate and find that it is necessary to excite atoms at a particular momentum depending on temperature and spacing of the energy levels involved in order to minimize the decoherence effects of atomic collisions.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, 4 figures. Send correspondence to [email protected]

    Towards deterministic optical quantum computation with coherently driven atomic ensembles

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    Scalable and efficient quantum computation with photonic qubits requires (i) deterministic sources of single-photons, (ii) giant nonlinearities capable of entangling pairs of photons, and (iii) reliable single-photon detectors. In addition, an optical quantum computer would need a robust reversible photon storage devise. Here we discuss several related techniques, based on the coherent manipulation of atomic ensembles in the regime of electromagnetically induced transparency, that are capable of implementing all of the above prerequisites for deterministic optical quantum computation with single photons.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    A geometric phase gate without dynamical phases

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    A general scheme for an adiabatic geometric phase gate is proposed which is maximally robust against parameter fluctuations. While in systems with SU(2) symmetry geometric phases are usually accompanied by dynamical phases and are thus not robust, we show that in the more general case of a SU(2) x SU(2) symmetry it is possible to obtain a non-vanishing geometric phase without dynamical contributions. The scheme is illustrated for a phase gate using two systems with dipole-dipole interactions in external laser fields which form an effective four-level system.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Stationary light in cold atomic gases

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    We discuss stationary light created by a pair of counter-propagating control fields in Lambda-type atomic gases with electromagnetically induced transparency for the case of negligible Doppler broadening. In this case the secular approximation used in the discussion of stationary light in hot vapors is no longer valid. We discuss the quality of the effective light-trapping system and show that in contrast to previous claims it is finite even for vanishing ground-state dephasing. The dynamics of the photon loss is in general non exponential and can be faster or slower than in hot gases.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure
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